The strongest soldier

Chapter 3353 Building a Raft

The two moved the surrounding stones, lowered the top ones, and moved the higher stones away to form a relatively open and flat space. They then placed the wood on the stone platform. The first step was finally completed. Luo Zheng Seeing that it was almost dusk, he couldn't help but sigh and said: "I'm afraid we can only chop down one big tree like this one day. Fortunately, only one tree is enough. By the way, I'll go to the stream to have a look."

"Well, be careful. By the way, pick some wild vegetables and come back. By the way, wait a minute." Lan Xue agreed knowingly, and hurried into the cave, pouring the remaining sea salt in the helmet into the one that Luo Zheng had carved last night. In the wooden bowl, he took the two helmets out of the cave, handed them to Luo Zheng who came over and said: "Get some water, and then take the meat to wash. It has been pickled and is a bit salty. You need to wash it for a while, otherwise it will be too salty. , I’ll light the fire and wait for you.”

Luo Zheng looked at Lan Xue with a smile. He felt that Lan Xue at this moment was like a housewife telling her husband. This feeling was very real and warm. He couldn't help but think of the legendary Cowherd and Weaver Girl who tilled the land while the women weaved. Luo Zheng couldn't help but laugh. Yes, he agreed, took the things and hurried away.

Not long after, Luo Zheng returned in a hurry and said happily after entering the cave: "Xue'er, another hare-like thing fell into the trap. This one is fatter than the last one. I have washed it, peeled it, and chopped it. Let’s eat some fresh tonight and keep the prepared ones for later use.”

Lan Xue saw that Luo Zheng actually used wood as a pole. On one end hung a prepared hare, as well as more than half of a fresh hare and a handful of washed wild vegetables. On the other end hung two helmets, stacked together, the one on top There was water inside the helmet, and the one underneath probably contained hare meat and water. I couldn't help but smile, and hurried up to help.

The two got busy, squatting the hare over the fire, grinding the fresh ones with salt, hanging them on the bonfire, drying them with smoke, and fixing them with tree trunks. After doing all this, Lan Xue said: "All the sea salt is used up, look. Come on, you have to brew some more, otherwise it won’t be enough.”

Luo Zheng came to the entrance of the cave to look at the sky outside. The sky was filled with red sunset, cloudless, gentle wind and calm waves. He said to Lan Xue: "Stay up longer tonight, it doesn't look like it will rain."

"Okay, let's talk about it after dinner." Lan Xue smiled and added a handful of firewood to the bonfire. She looked like a peasant housewife in clothes. How could she still see the aura that once dominated the battlefield?

Luo Zheng felt a sense of apology in his heart. He was once the pride of heaven and the phoenix among men, but now he has fallen to such a level that he is almost like a primitive man. As a man, Luo Zheng feels very guilty, thinking that he can change the status quo immediately and return to the world. After leaving human civilization, Luo Zheng felt better and whispered: "I'm going to take the bark you collected into the cave. If it rains, it will be troublesome. Once soaked by the rain, the toughness of the bark will be weakened. ."

"Well, how do you plan to make this kind of bark?" Lan Xue asked curiously.

"Let it dry first, then remove the outer skin. Only the inner layer is enough. Then braid the five strands into one and twist them together to become a rope. If you twist the five strands into one, it should be strong enough. Let's look back. Anyway Don't be in a hurry, try more, if it doesn't work, just use six or seven strands. As long as you do it properly, there will be no problem. It won't be a big problem if there are fewer auxiliary ropes, but the main rope that binds the beams may have more strands, otherwise it will not be strong enough." Luo Zheng explained, walking quickly outside.

Lan Xue couldn't help but smile when she saw Luo Zheng's face was determined and not worried about anything. She looked at Luo Zheng's leaving figure, her eyes full of infatuation. How could she remain optimistic and find a way to save herself on such a desperate desert island? Manman, such a man is reliable. What else do you have to worry about when you are with such a man?

Not long after Luo Zheng came back, he spread the bark inside the cave to dry. The two chatted and laughed for a while. The meat inside the helmet was almost cooked. Lan Xue picked up a wooden bowl next to him and filled a bowl to try. He handed it to Luo Zheng and said, "It feels very good, let's eat." He held up a pair of wooden chopsticks.

On this desert island, you can only rely on yourself for everything. Fortunately, the two of them have strong survivability. They prepared a lot of wooden bowls and chopsticks in one night. Luo Zheng was not polite and took them to eat. Lan Xue also served them for himself. After eating a bowl, I couldn't help laughing while talking about the past events and the sweet spots. My life was warm and fulfilling, and I couldn't see the slightest trace of the depression and despair of being trapped on a desert island.

After eating and drinking, the two of them took the tableware to the beach to wash up, and then made a fire to boil salt. They had experienced it once, and they were familiar with doing the same thing again. Luo Zheng had nothing to do, and he took a spear to pile on the rocks. When the fish is gone, you can first practice your eyesight, and secondly, practice your mentality. Fishing is a technical job, so you can’t be impatient and you must have good eyesight.

Two or three hours later, Lan Xue boiled half a helmet of sea salt, and Luo Zheng also caught three big fish. The two of them returned with a full load and a happy mood. They cuddled back to the cave, added some dry firewood to the bonfire, and opened the mouth of the cave. After being blocked, the two hugged each other and went to sleep.

The next day, the two of them had some breakfast and came to the canyon. Perhaps because the diamond snake had been driven away, there were obviously many more birds around, but no wild beasts that threatened the two of them appeared. After observing for a while, the two The man chose a huanghuali tree that was almost as big as yesterday and cut it down.

From felling to cutting off, the two spent most of the day. Then they lifted up the cut wood and dragged it back like yesterday. The collected bark was also carried by the two of them. After returning to the cliff, the two of them He threw the wood on the stone platform and returned to the cave to cook something to eat.

After a busy day, the two of them were not in a hurry. There was food and drink here, and survival was not a problem. Haste makes waste. After dinner, the two of them continued to make sea salt on the beach. Luo Zheng continued to fish, even with his eyesight and hand strength. The days passed by were calm and peaceful, like a reclusive god.

In the next few days, the two began to cut down straight trees of about fifteen centimeters. The two had carefully calculated this size to ensure that they could be pulled by parachutes and not be interrupted by waves. Safety is always the first priority. The weight of the wood, which is five meters long and fifteen centimeters in diameter, is stressful for most people. After all, Huanghuali wood is hard and much heavier than other tree species, but it is not a big problem for two people. The two are tied together. You can also carry it around.

After a few days, the bark dried. Luo Zheng and Lan Xue used their free time at night to weave ropes. The main ropes were as big as cables, and the secondary ropes were large and small. They were very tough and could be used to tie up the raft. They had received special training. , knows many kinds of rope binding methods and will never let up.

Everything was going on in an orderly manner. Before I knew it, more than a month had passed. The raft platform gradually took shape. All that was left was to build a shelter. Considering that it often rains at sea, it would definitely not work without shelter. Luo Zheng planned to build a shelter on the raft. The rain shed does not need to be too big, as long as it can keep out the rain.

Thinking that they would be able to cross the sea and go back soon, the two of them were extremely excited. However, an unexpected incident completely interrupted their plans.

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