The strongest soldier

Chapter 335 Desert Storm

The hummingbird was hovering in the sky. Although it was not fast and had no attack power, it was flying freely like a real bird, but it made everyone's scalp numb. At this moment, everyone knew that their whereabouts had been exposed, and their faces became solemn, and they looked at Luo Luo. Zheng, Luo Zheng’s face didn’t look good either. He pondered for a moment and said: “Now we are not sure who this hummingbird belongs to. If it belongs to Sam’s national team, we still have a chance to attack the Wolf King. If it belongs to the Wolf King, we have no chance.” Any chance, brothers, what do you think?"

"Things are uncertain. We just have to give it a try. We've come all the way here, and it's impossible to go back with bare hands." Gui Shou immediately expressed his stance with a firm expression on his face.

The mountain eagles and snow leopards also expressed their opinions, and Lan Xue said calmly: "Hesitation is the most taboo on the battlefield. Everyone is right. Since we are all here, it is impossible to retreat. You can only fight to the end and tell us your plan. "

"Advance at the fastest speed. Even if they are the Wolf King's hummingbirds, we have to catch them off guard. Of course, we must always be vigilant when moving forward, especially to observe whether there are hummingbirds following our heads. Let's act according to the situation. It's a pity, it would be great if only a few camels could survive, and they could disguise themselves as members of the camel team." Luo Zheng said with a helpless smile.

"That's the only way it can be." Lan Xue saw that Luo Zheng had no specific plan, and felt relieved after thinking about it. There are too many variables in special operations, and there is no absolutely perfect plan. Most of the time, plans cannot keep up with the changes. The best The way is to act according to the situation. Thinking of this, Lan Xue's face turned cold and he said coldly: "As soon as the national sword is released, there will be no retreat. You will be invincible and you will have no regrets even if you die."

"Kill!" Everyone shouted in a low voice, their blood boiling immediately. For the sake of honor and dignity, everyone's fighting spirit was mobilized again, and they looked at Luo Zheng with firm faces.

Luo Zheng was also infected. Although he had not joined the National Blade for a long time, he could feel the sense of honor and mission of this group, as well as the dignity and pride that he would defend to the death. He looked solemn and said: "trot forward, target, Wild Wolf Mercenary Group Base, let’s go.”

"Yes." Everyone automatically lined up in a column, and the mountain eagle took the lead to explore the way. The team trotted forward with firm eyes. Under the sun's exposure, big beads of sweat soon came out, and the hot breath seemed to They are all burning, and the heart and lungs seem to be shrunk by the heat.

Everyone endured the heat and drank small sips of water from time to time. When people are extremely thirsty, what they most want to do is drink big gulps of water. They want to jump into the pool, but when marching in a hurry in the desert, drinking big gulps of water is not only a waste, but also wasteful. It has an impact on the body. The best way is to take small sips many times. Everyone knows this common sense.

After two hours, the team became tired and struggled to move. Luo Zheng also felt that his feet were as heavy as lead. The temperature was too high. People who are hot are dizzy and their thinking seems to have stopped. Luo Zheng Knowing that even our bodies can't bear it, we just get into trouble and can't run anymore, otherwise our bodies will be in trouble.

The team stopped and walked slowly to regain their strength. It was definitely not possible to stop suddenly while marching in a hurry. The body couldn't bear it. Luo Zheng Road opened a road and led everyone to walk slowly for a while. They saw the heat wave rolling on the long yellow sand. It seemed like there was no end in front of them, and their scalp felt like it. It was numb, and the layers of sand dunes were very beautiful under the hot sun. Unfortunately, Luo Zheng was not in the mood to appreciate it, so he cheered up and looked around vigilantly.

Luo Zheng came to a hill, looked up, and was shocked. It was a sandstorm. The huge sandstorm was more than ten meters high, like a huge wave, rolling in, with the momentum of swallowing everything, Huang The sand was flying with a horrified aura. Luo Zheng's expression changed drastically. He quickly retreated and shouted: "There is a sandstorm."

Strong winds blew up a large amount of sand and dust on the ground and rolled it into the air, forming a sandstorm. The air was extremely turbid. It was not fatal, but it gave a headache and made it easy to get lost. Everyone had trained in the desert for a while and knew how serious the sandstorm was, so they gathered together. He took out the rope from his backpack.

Everyone ties the ropes around themselves and connects them to each other so that they will not be blown away by the sandstorm. They usually take off their ghillie suits and hoods to cover their whole body and their eyes are protected by sunglasses, but the turbid air affects people's normal health. When breathing, you must cover your mouth and nose.

Ordinary sandstorms do not affect people's walking, but the sandstorm that swept over suddenly reached a height of more than 20 meters. The wind was very strong. No one dared to risk walking in such a huge sandstorm. Everyone held hands, Squat down and lower your head to form a circle, like a round rock.

"Hoo ho!" The shrill wind blew up, rolling up the yellow sand all over the sky, swallowing everyone up in an instant. Everyone felt like their whole bodies were stretched out in the world of yellow sand. Nothing could be seen around them, and the sun seemed to no longer exist. , the sky turned gray and yellow, they closed their eyes one after another and held their breath to prevent the yellow sand from entering the body.

In the sandstorm, Luo Zheng felt that it was extremely difficult to breathe. Soon, his face turned red due to lack of oxygen. His ears were ringing, he was dizzy, and he felt extremely uncomfortable. The shrill wind that sounded in his ears was like a ghost crying and a wolf howling. It was so devastating that he had to grit his teeth and fight. Hold on.

After coming back for a while, Luo Zheng found that Guishou, Snow Leopard and Mountain Eagle had fainted due to lack of oxygen. Lan Xue was also shaking. Luo Zheng knew that everyone had reached their limit and was horrified. He quickly grabbed Lan Xue, feeling very anxious. , Under such harsh conditions, Luo Zheng was helpless.

Gradually, Luo Zheng also felt dizzy, his eyelids were as heavy as mountains, and his consciousness began to fade away. He was shocked and tried to cheer up, but his body was out of control at all, and he slowly became sluggish. Gradually, Luo Zheng felt that his vision went dark. His eyelids closed and he passed out.

The sandstorm is like a demon, roaring, plundering, unscrupulous and unscrupulous, sweeping forward, flattening the sand dunes and creating more sand dunes, gradually moving away, leaving behind a vast stretch of winding sand dunes. Ups and downs, well-proportioned, very beautiful.

Not long after, in the silent desert, a sand dune suddenly moved, and a person appeared. It was Luo Zheng who had woken up. Luo Zheng staggered to his feet, and woke up instantly when he was scorched by the scorching sun, with an anxious expression on his face. He shouted: "Lan Xue? Ghost hand, mountain eagle, snow leopard?" He drew his sword and separated the rope.

Luo Zheng pulled the other end of the rope hard. It was a ghost hand. Luo Zheng had no time to check whether he was alive or dead. He continued to pull the rope and pulled everyone up one by one. He was filled with anxiety. The brothers did not die under the enemy's gunfire. If they fell in the sandstorm He was wronged. Seeing the unconscious Lan Xue, Luo Zheng quickly pinched the person. He found that it was of no use and ignored the shame. He pressed the heart to help restore the heartbeat and started artificial respiration at the same time.

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