The strongest soldier

Chapter 3347 Desert Island Survival

The sky is blue, the sun is scorching, and the waves of the vast sea are undulating and rolling forward. On an unknown island, seabirds chase the waves, play and scream, and soon fly into the towering mountains and the beach. On the beach, there are piles of rocks, standing still blocking the waves, with splashes of water, which is really beautiful. The sea breeze is blowing slowly, and the air after the heavy rain is extremely fresh, without the salty smell of the sea.

On the edge of a huge reef near the sea, Luo Zheng stood quietly, holding tightly in his hand a spear cut from a tree trunk as thick as an egg. The spear was straight, the sharp part was triangular, and its long shadow was reflected on the dark brown On the reef, the hot weather made Luo Zheng's forehead covered with beads of sweat. The sweat fell down and fell on the reef, where it was quickly evaporated by the hot sunshine and carried away by the waves.

Suddenly, Luo Zheng's slightly arched body suddenly tilted forward, his slightly condensed eyes widened, and the spear in his hand stabbed into the sea water like lightning. With a pop, the spear submerged into the water, and accurately pierced a fat... The fish was stabbed through. The fish kept shaking its body violently, trying to struggle to escape, but it was in vain.

"Hahaha——" Luo Zheng lifted the spear up, laughed happily at the struggling big fish, and shouted: "Xue'er, we have fish to eat tonight, add some salt, it will be absolutely delicious. Such a big one is enough for us to have a good meal. I'll catch a few more and you can make them into pickled fish later."

"Okay, by the way, there are some wild vegetables you can eat by the stream in the forest. Go back and pick some. Meat alone is not good, it is not good for your health." Lan Xue, who was making sea salt, smiled and continued with a happy face. Adding dry wood, the fire was burning brightly, and soon, some sea water was added to the helmet.

Boiling sea salt is not only a technical job, but also a slow job. You can’t rush it. It takes time to take your time. Especially the container like a helmet is originally small. It would be much easier to handle if you have a large container. Of course, you can also open it on the beach. Sea fields, when the tide rises, the seawater flows over the sea fields. When the tide recedes, the sediment left in the sea fields is sea salt. This primitive salt mining method has been passed down in ancient times. Of course Lan Xue understands, but this kind of sea salt is very It is rough and cannot be eaten directly, and the sea salt and sea sand are mixed together, making it very dirty and difficult to handle.

Time passed by inadvertently, and at dusk before he knew it, Luo Zheng came to Lan Xue carrying three fat sea fish. He saw that the helmet was full of crystal sediment, which was almost the same as coarse salt. He was not overjoyed and smiled. Said: "Great, with salt we have nothing to fear."

Salt is a necessity for the body. Once a person does not have salt, he will feel weak, weak in resistance, and low in immunity. On this desert island, low immunity means death. There is fire, salt, meat, and a lover. For a moment Luo Zheng felt that life was extremely beautiful, and being trapped on this desert island was nothing.

"I guess there is kelp on the reef. Kelp is the raw material for making MSG. If you can get some kelp, the food you make will taste even more delicious." Lan Xue suggested with a smile.

"Oh, is this still possible?" Luo Zheng didn't expect that MSG is made from kelp, and he was immediately overjoyed. He looked at Lan Xue with a smile and said, "My wife is wise and knows too many things. I'll get some later. The sea is very deep, so there should be dangers such as sharks, but it doesn’t matter, we go into the water at noon, morning and evening may be the time when sharks are more active, and the sun is hot at noon, so the sharks should be taking a rest, right?”

"Not sure, let's go into the water together and give it a try later." Lan Xue smiled, feeling very reassured about Luo Zheng's strength, and since he joined forces, he didn't worry about sharks at all.

"Okay, try it!" Luo Zheng replied affirmatively.

"The sea salt is almost done. When the small fire collects the last bit of water, the remaining water will be sea salt. It will take about ten minutes. No one will be watching here for the time being. It doesn't look like it's going to rain today. Let's go together. Let's go for a walk in the mountains and forests." Lan Xue suggested.

Luo Zheng looked up at the sky. The sun was setting, and the afterglow was all over the sky. The sunset filled the western sky. The sky was blue. It really didn't look like it was going to rain. He said, "Okay, let's go. Let's go to the stream to pick up this place." A few fish cleaned.”

Lan Xue agreed, holding the helmet in one hand and holding Luo Zheng's hand in the other. She walked forward with a happy face. She felt that the days were so real and warm. Luo Zheng stuck the spear on the beach and carried it with the other hand. Holding the fish in hand, the other hand held Lan Xue's hand, and the young couple walked forward talking and laughing.

Not long after, the two of them climbed over the cliff and came to the woods. They slowly followed the path and came to the edge of a stream and pool. Luo Zheng habitually checked the surroundings and pulled out the tiger teeth after confirming that there was no danger. With a saber, remove the scales from the fish, disembowel it, dig a pit and bury the internal organs. After washing and peeling them, use a thin vine to pierce a hole in the lower lip of the fish. The two fish are connected in series and hung on a On the tree branch.

Lan Xue took another fish and cut it into sections, put it in the helmet, filled it with water, and then went to pick wild vegetables. As the strongest soldier, survival in the wild is a basic skill. Lan Xue knew very well what wild vegetables were edible and what kind of wild vegetables. Unable to eat, Luo Zheng glanced at Lan Xue, and then at the towering mountains in the distance. There were clouds and mist covering the place, dense woods, and the roars of wild beasts could be heard from time to time, revealing something.

"I don't know if there are any dangerous or novel things inside?" Luo Zheng thought secretly, and withdrew his gaze. Luo Zheng was too lazy to venture into the depths when it was not necessary. This kind of uninhabited desert island is definitely not simple. There is no need to give yourself Even if he causes trouble, living on the outer beach is quite good. He said to Lan Xue: "Xue'er, I'm going to check the traps."

"Go on, be careful." Lan Xue reminded, although there was no danger around, but one should not be careless.

Luo Zheng agreed, grabbed the tiger-tooth saber and walked forward. Not long after, he came to the vicinity of the first trap. He saw that the trap had collapsed and something was screaming inside. Apparently something had fallen. He was overjoyed and was about to go up. Suddenly I heard a rustling sound, and I couldn't help but be startled, and followed the sound cautiously forward.

Soon, Luo Zheng saw a giant golden snake with a thick arm and more than two meters long in a dense bush. It was raising its head and spitting a message at him. Its eyes were full of cold and fierce light. Luo Zheng I have never seen such a weird big snake. I didn't dare to be careless. I quickly took out my pistol and raised my hand to shoot.

"Bang——" The weird big snake that was only five meters away fell to the ground. The snake's head was blown off, and its body rolled crazily on the ground. It was not dead yet. Luo Zheng didn't dare to be careless and looked around cautiously. Who knows what's nearby? Are there any companions of the strange snake?

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