The strongest soldier

Chapter 3309 Start counterattack

Surrendering to the enemy's favor and catching them unprepared is a common tactic on the battlefield. As Lan Xue said, what the Dark Church wants is a flaw. Selling a flaw to attract the enemy, and then catching the enemy off guard is perfectly fine in theory, but does the Dark Church really need a flaw? ? Is the killer's goal really to find a flaw?

Everyone looked at Luo Zheng in surprise, waiting for the answer. Luo Zheng glanced at everyone in the audience with his deep eyes, and said in a deep voice: "No, what the enemy wants is not flaws. The killer is just a smoke bomb to confuse us. The real The killing move will definitely not be a killer. The enemy and we have been fighting for many years. It is impossible for the Dark Church not to know that killers alone cannot do anything to us. It is not easy for their people to infiltrate into the country, so they only rely on killers to stand in the front line. If their people can successfully infiltrate When entering our country, killers will not be used at all.”

"You mean the opponent has a more terrifying back-up move?" the think tank asked in a surprised and deep voice.

"Of course." Luo Zheng said firmly.

"If this is the case, then there is no point in keeping these killers. Giving them a loophole may cause trouble. The killers who come here are definitely not simple. There is no need to add extra trouble. Just kill them all on the periphery. Kill to stop killing. Force The opponent showed his trump card." The wise man was so shrewd that he immediately thought of something and suggested in a deep voice.

"That's right, once the killer is given a chance to approach the hotel, we will be fine, but we can't guarantee that the brothers in Guoan will be fine. Send the order, go ahead and kill all the enemies." Luo Zheng said with murderous intent. Since the war has already started, there is no need. Stay behind any longer.

"Understood." The think tank picked up the walkie-talkie and shouted in a deep voice: "Brothers, go ahead and kill all the invading enemies. No matter life or death, no one is allowed to approach the hotel."

"Yes." Xu Gang, Shi Qian and Tie Diao said in a deep voice.

Luo Zheng looked at the time and said in a deep voice: "Mastermind, you are in charge here. To ensure nothing goes wrong, everyone will go down to the basement." He picked up a bag of equipment and walked towards the back room.

When Lan Xue saw it, she immediately understood what Luo Zheng wanted to do. She also carried a bag of equipment and entered the back room. After closing the door, the two quickly changed their clothes, took off all their clothes and shoes, took out the equipment from the bag and put it on. , tight-fitting clothes, bulletproof armor, combat uniforms, and combat boots, they were put on one by one. Although the weather was very hot, for the sake of safety, the two of them put all the equipment on their bodies and did not dare to be careless at all.

Soon, the two were fully dressed, then assembled a bunch of parts into a sniper rifle, and picked up the bulletproof helmets. The two did not persuade each other to stay, because they knew it would be useless. They exchanged a tacit look, put on the headsets, and quickly opened the door and came out. , seeing that the brothers who were originally in the hall had packed up and went to the basement, the two quickly walked outside.

Not long after, the two of them rushed out of the hotel and headed straight for a mountain. They met Tie Diao at the corner of a narrow path. Luo Zheng stopped and told Tie Diao: "Brother Tie Diao, you are the last one here." line of defense, be careful and report any situation quickly.”

"I understand, don't worry, be careful." Tie Diao agreed.

The two of them continued to run forward, almost reaching the top of a mountain in one breath. Luo Zheng already knew the surrounding terrain in his mind. This top of the mountain had the highest terrain and a wide field of vision. He could overlook the entire hotel, almost. There was no blind spot, and the two came to a pair of rocks.

Luo Zheng observed the terrain, then quickly laid down on a boulder and set up a sniper rifle. He said to Lan Xue, "I am responsible for sniping, and you are responsible for observing and coordinating my safety."

Once the sniper enters the state, he only has eyes on the target ahead. He is most afraid of enemies coming from behind, so he needs someone to observe and provide support. Lan Xue nodded knowingly and agreed, found a place to ambush, and locked the direction behind Luo Zheng. People move in tandem, echoing each other, with no dead ends.

"Tentacle monster, report the situation and connect everyone's signals." Luo Zheng asked in a low voice through the headset.

"The ten targets that have been discovered have been notified to Xu Gang and are being hunted. The brothers in the hotel are hiding in the basement. The basement looks very strong. The air defense is no problem. The situation is under control." The tentacle monster said in a deep voice.

The hotel is a retreat for senior cadres, and safety is the top priority. Air defense factors were taken into consideration when the basement was built. Of course, not many people know about it. Even the hotel staff treat it as an ordinary basement, and the outside world doesn't even know about it. It was also one of the main reasons why Lan Xue chose this hotel.

Everything is ready, and then it depends on their own methods. Soon, Xu Gang's voice came from the headset: "Boss, kill eleven killers, most of them have Eastern faces, three Western faces, and one black face." , Unidentified, do you want to check?”

"Don't be in a hurry, be careful." Luo Zheng said in a deep voice. With the fighting power of Xu Gang and others, they are more than enough to deal with the killer. There is no need to worry, but in extraordinary times, there is no need to be distracted.

"Understood." Xu Gang agreed.

"Three killers were found. They infiltrated from three directions and are planning to kill them." Shi Qian's voice sounded in the headset.

"What, there is something that slipped through the net, brothers, watch carefully." Xu Gang's angry voice sounded in the headset, someone infiltrated from his defense area, it was very embarrassing.

Xu Gang led the second team to be responsible for the outermost security, and Shi Qian led the first team to be responsible for the middle defense. However, it is definitely not easy for these people to infiltrate from Xu Gang's defense area. Luo Zheng felt tight in his heart and warned in a deep voice: " Shi Qian, be careful, kill them, Tie Diao, your people should also keep their eyes wide open, it is not easy for the enemy to infiltrate, so don’t be careless, shoot them directly when you find the target."

"Yes." Everyone warned in a deep voice.

Luo Zheng looked at his watch. It was already late at night. Then he looked at the gray sky. The moon had hidden away at some point, leaving only a few sparse stars shining with cold light. A sea breeze blew in, carrying The thick salty smell was very unpleasant. Luo Zheng held his breath and put his eyes into the sniper scope to observe his surroundings.

There was a vast expanse of white in the sniper scope, and something could be discerned within a few hundred meters. Luo Zheng slowly moved the sniper scope and observed carefully. Suddenly, a black shadow flashed out from the bushes, scurried forward like a monkey, and disappeared in the blink of an eye. Without a trace, the speed was astonishing. If Luo Zheng hadn't happened to see this area, he would never have been able to find it.

"Hiss?" Luo Zheng was shocked and quickly moved his sniper bullet to look, but where was the target's shadow? Luo Zheng's heart tightened, knowing that he had met a master. The area where the target appeared had exceeded Shi Qian's defense zone. In other words, the opponent had broken through two lines of defense and was being guarded by more than 20 elites. This person was not simple.

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