The strongest soldier

Chapter 330 No One at Headquarters

The charging Snow Leopard and Ghost Shou were startled. Knowing that something had happened, they turned around and ran away. A tiger threw itself on the ground. When they heard an explosion from behind, they quickly huddled up, holding their heads, and broke into a cold sweat. After waiting for a while, they felt that they His body was fine and he was still alive. He couldn't help but let out a long breath and felt a sense of joy that he would survive the disaster.

Everyone rushed up and saw Luo Zheng refilling the corpse with bullets. They understood and came to help, but no one survived. Lan Xue stared at Guishou and Snow Leopard and shouted: "Why are you two so reckless? You almost died."

"You can't blame them for this." Luo Zheng hurriedly came up to smooth things over and said: "Who knows what happened on the battlefield? Any possibility exists, and it's my fault. Everyone has been holding back a ball of fire along the way, and finally killed a happy man to vent his heart. I'm so depressed that I just can't hold my hand back for a while, it's okay."

"Thank you, Captain, for your concern. I won't do it again." Guishou quickly came up to apologize, his eyes full of gratitude, and everyone seemed to know the good and the bad. Snow Leopard also quickly expressed his stance and thanked Luo Zheng. If it hadn't been for Luo Zheng's shot just now, the two of them would have been killed. It’s really explained here.

"Be careful, I don't want anything to happen to anyone." Lan Xue warned.

Luo Zheng looked at the calm appearance of the headquarters of the Wild Wolf Mercenary Group, and his face became confused. After pondering for a moment, he suddenly said: "Do you think it's strange? We have been fighting like this here, why don't the people inside react? Could it be that there is no one inside? Anyone else?"

"It's not impossible. There were more than 30 people who left before, and we killed about ten people. It is estimated that these ten people are left behind. They are covered by minefields. The ten people are enough to block the attack for a period of time. By then, the Wolf King will be completely We can calmly mobilize our troops to return reinforcements. After all, the combat effectiveness of teams from various countries is not bad. If we don’t show our trump cards, the possibility of the Wolf King winning is very low." Shan Diao said cautiously from the side.

"I'll go take a look, and you guys will take cover later." Luo Zheng made a decisive decision.

No one stopped, things were strange, and they were unwilling to go and take a look. The team quickly ran forward. The road had already been trodden by a group of zebras. All they had to do was follow the route that the zebras had taken. Luo Zheng took the lead, followed by Lan Xue, followed by the mountain eagle and snow leopard. Guishou paid close attention to both sides. Everyone and Luo Zheng kept a hundred meters away.

Soon, Luo Zheng rushed to the vicinity of the building complex. The low wooden thatched house was empty with nothing inside. It was obviously a cover-up. Luo Zheng carefully observed it, signaled everyone not to move, and quickly rushed to a house. In the corner, I listened for a while with my ears perked up. It was quiet all around, with nothing but the sound of wind.

"Have you found anything?" Lan Xue asked in a low voice through the headset.

"There is nothing. The room is empty. Let me go in and take a look. Cover me." Luo Zheng whispered, gently opened a wooden window, and looked inside. It was empty. Luo Zheng ducked in and climbed in. room and headed towards the door.

Outside the door is the corridor, and there are several houses in the corridor. All the buildings are arranged in a concave shape. Luo Zheng rushed out of the room and listened for a while at the door of another room. It was quiet inside. The door opened with a slight push. The room It was empty, the floor was dusty, there was no furniture or anything like that.

Looking at the other rooms, they were all empty. Luo Zheng checked one by one and saw an underground entrance in the last room. The entrance was not big and there was a wooden ladder going down. Luo Zheng walked over cautiously and took a look. There was a light below but no one was there. Luo Zheng was startled, took out a grenade, opened the safety and threw it down.

"Boom." There was an explosion, and thick smoke billowed out. It was quiet below, and there was no reaction. Luo Zheng was startled. After the smoke dissipated, he was about to go down when he heard Lan Xue's questioning voice and said : "I found an underground entrance. There seems to be no one inside. I'm going to go down and take a look."

"Wait a minute, I'll be right over." Lan Xue said without hesitation, with a firm tone.

Luo Zheng had to wait for a while. As soon as Lan Xue arrived, Luo Zheng signaled Lan Xue to be alert and walked down carefully. It was not deep and empty, but it was very large and spacious. The ground was very clean and there were many things on it. Furniture, as well as various fitness facilities and entertainment facilities such as billiards, are empty.

"Huh?" Luo Zheng said in surprise and glanced at Lan Xue behind him. Lan Xue also turned on the camera on the helmet with a puzzled face, taking pictures and storing everything before talking about it.

Luo Zheng saw several dark rooms next to him, so he rushed over and kicked open the door. There were beds, TVs, and many daily necessities inside. It looked like someone was living in it, but there was no one. Luo Zheng then He kicked open the other darkrooms and saw that they were all the same. He couldn't help but look at Lan Xue in surprise and said, "It seems that the Wolf King has run away."

"This is very likely, please wait a moment." Lan Xue checked each room and recorded it with the camera on his helmet. From time to time he opened boxes, cabinets and other inspections, but found nothing of value. Luo Zheng also went to help. , turned on the camera on the helmet, and after checking several rooms, he saw that one room had not been opened, so he kicked it in and found that it was a diesel generator set.

"There's nothing valuable, just blow this place up." Luo Zheng suggested.

"Okay, it looks like fifty or sixty people can live here. I don't feel like their headquarters. Is our information wrong?" Lan Xue agreed.

Luo Zheng looked around again. Apart from the necessary daily necessities, there was not even a book, and he said: "It's more like a training base, three cunning rabbit holes, forget it, let's retreat first, I guess the Wolf King's people are coming, eh? "As he said that, Luo Zheng's eyes fell on a wall. There was a gap there, and it looked like it was moving a lot. He couldn't help but walked over and patted the wall.

"There should be a dark room inside, let's have a look." Lan Xue whispered, and with a hard push, the wall actually moved. Luo Zheng was startled, and immediately pulled out his pistol to be on guard. After seeing that there was no danger, he signaled Lan Xue to use more force, and Lan Xue With a cry of strength on his hand, the wall rotated, turning into a revolving door.

After the door opened, Luo Zheng took a closer look. Inside was a larger warehouse with weapons on the walls and on the ground. Lan Xue shouted in surprise: "So many, enough to equip a regiment. Hurry, blow up this place right away." "He said and rushed in, shouting: "Go outside and guard, give me two minutes."

Luo Zheng knew that Lan Xue wanted to make a simple time bomb. There were all kinds of materials in the room, so it was easy to make a time bomb. He rushed out and hid in the outside room to be on guard while shouting through the headset: "Brothers, are you guys there? Did you discover the enemy?"

"No." Everyone sent messages one after another.

As soon as he finished speaking, Guishou suddenly exclaimed: "No, a lot of people rushed over."

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