The strongest soldier

Chapter 33 Lan Xue Arrives

After the lunch bugle sounded, a large number of soldiers rushed in and started to eat. Luo Zheng glanced at everyone and walked towards the bedroom. Suddenly he saw several people walking in the door. The leader was the instructor, followed by a The female officer in camouflage uniform had a very good figure and an average appearance, but Luo Zheng clearly felt a familiar aura. He couldn't help but stopped in surprise and carefully searched for impressions in his mind.

The female officer glanced at the audience, glanced at Luo Zheng, and walked into the private room with the instructor and others. Luo Zheng clearly saw the female soldier smiling at him with a strange expression. He couldn't help but be confused, and returned to the bedroom to lie down on the bed. When I think about it, I always feel that this person is very familiar, but his appearance is very strange.

After thinking for a while, he couldn't figure it out. Luo Zheng simply put the matter aside. According to the plan, he would train skills in the afternoon. Luo Zheng prepared the cloth strips for binding his hands. After waiting for a while, the people in the dining room outside left after eating and drinking. Zheng cleaned up the canteen and was about to go to the back mountain. A soldier ran over and shouted: "Hey, the instructor asked you to come over to the training ground. Move quickly."

"Huh?" Luo Zheng looked at the soldiers who left in a hurry, his face full of surprise. It has been almost half a month since he came here, and the instructor never asked him to do anything. What's wrong? After thinking about it, Luo Zheng put down the cloth, straightened his clothes, and strode towards the training ground.

Arriving at the training ground, Luo Zheng found that the female officer was also there. He trotted up and saluted and said, "Instructor, are you looking for me?" On the surface, Luo Zheng didn't want to be caught by the instructor. Saluting in front of his superiors was not allowed. leave.

"This is our sniper instructor." The instructor said and walked aside. He was very curious and couldn't figure out why the superiors suddenly sent a sniper instructor over.

"As far as I know, there are thirty-three people in the entire training team, actually thirty-two, and you are the only one who is absent. Give me a reason?" The female officer looked at Luo Zheng and said coldly.

Luo Zheng looked at the other party in surprise. His voice was hoarse, but his tone and expression were very familiar. He couldn't help but be confused. He heard the female officer snort dissatisfied. Just as he was about to speak, he heard the female officer coldly shout: "I No matter what the reason is for you being late, run three laps around the training ground for me immediately.”

The training ground is very large, three laps is equivalent to five kilometers. Of course, Luo Zheng didn't care about this distance. He glanced at the female officer in surprise. He always felt familiar, but his appearance was very unfamiliar. After thinking about it, he decided not to contradict him. Let's take a look. After talking about the situation, he ran forward.

After three laps were completed, Luo Zheng found that everyone was practicing sniping. The targets were all six hundred meters away. The instructor was sitting on a training vehicle not far away, resting, holding a telescope to observe the shooting results of the soldiers, and the female officer was patrolling. The soldiers training on the ground walked over, saluted and said: "Report, after three laps, please give instructions."

"Enter the training position." The female officer said coldly, pointing to the front.

Luo Zheng looked over and found a Type 88 sniper rifle and a box of ammunition placed there. He ran over, lay down on the ground, raised the gun and took aim. Luo Zheng was no stranger to the Type 88 sniper rifle. Well, last time I came back from chasing the enemy in the jungle, I used this gun to practice my marksmanship by shooting wild beasts along the way.

After finding the target skillfully, Luo Zheng followed the method taught by Lan Xue, judged the wind speed and distance, adjusted the offset, and took a deep breath. When sniping, slight shaking will affect the shooting accuracy. After his breathing was completely stable, Luo Zheng Zheng still didn't fire, but closed his eyes and carefully judged the target position and wind speed. He gradually blocked out the gunshots that kept ringing around him and entered an ethereal state.

After a while, Luo Zheng found that he could no longer feel the target position. He couldn't help but open his eyes and saw that the target position was still there. It was just because his perception was not strong enough that he lost it over time. Just as he was about to practice again, there was a sharp sound. The whistle sounded, everyone started fighting, the sniper training came to an end, Luo Zheng also put down his gun and stood up.

"Gather." The female officer shouted loudly.

Everyone gathered, and the person in charge of observation ran over to check the target position, tallied up the results, and handed it to the female instructor. The female instructor glanced at it and said coldly: "Very good, you bunch of rubbish can't get the best results." Eighty rings, the difference is actually zero rings, do you know? One of the worst special forces soldiers has a sniper score of 85 rings at this distance. Congratulations, you will be eliminated soon."

The instructor came over, took a look at the results, and shouted dissatisfied: "Who hit target number 11?"

"Report, me." Luo Zheng replied.

The instructor didn't expect that the person with a zero-level score was Luo Zheng, and couldn't help but feel relieved. It's a soldier, and it's only normal to have a bad score. He immediately shouted with a dark face: "How dare you admit this score? Don't say you are my soldier when you go out."

"Yes, I am not your soldier, I know this very well." Luo Zheng responded in a neither humble nor overbearing tone.

"Shut up." Seeing what Luo Zheng wanted to say, the female officer immediately shouted coldly: "Why didn't you fire a single shot?"

When everyone heard this, they suddenly realized that there was no shooting in love. Could it be that they had a phobia of guns? Everyone looked at Luo Zheng with even more disdain. Affected by the instructor's influence, everyone had preconceptions and had no chance to interact with Luo Zheng, so their impression of Luo Zheng was not good.

"Report to the instructor." Song Yang shouted proudly.

"Say." The female officer looked at Song Yang and shouted coldly.

"Yes." Song Yang puffed up his chest and said loudly: "Report to the instructor, he is a related soldier who came here to do the gold plating. He is usually only responsible for helping us cook. He has never touched a gun. He probably won't use this kind of sniper rifle. Please forgive me, instructor." On the surface, these words were speaking for Luo Zheng, but in fact they were trying to frame him. If the female instructor didn't understand Luo Zheng, she might have despised him. In the military camp, the strong are respected. No one looks down on guanxi soldiers.

"What did you say?" The female soldier ignored Song Yang and looked at Luo Zheng and asked.

"Report, what the comrade said just now is right. I am a related soldier. I only need to prepare meals and ensure logistics for everyone. As for this gun, I don't know how to use it and there is no need to use it." Luo Zheng looked serious. He said, but his eyes were fixed on the female officer, wanting to see what the other party was thinking. Unfortunately, the female officer's eyes were cold and cold, as if there was no emotion.

"Very good. Since you don't want to practice shooting, then don't practice anymore." The female officer said coldly.

Luo Zheng saw that the cold eyes of the female officer were becoming more and more familiar, and the tone of her voice was also very familiar. He couldn't help but be confused. He had an idea and tentatively said: "Report, if you can, give me a sniper rifle and bullets, I'll go If we wander around the back mountains, we might catch some game by chance, and we can improve the food for everyone."

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