The strongest soldier

Chapter 3295 Bad news comes

The early morning sun shines brightly on the capital city of China. The wind is warm and everything wakes up. Various flowers on the road are in full bloom facing the rising sun, and new buds are sprouting on the branches. Pedestrians on the road are in a hurry, and they are all rushing to work. People, there was constant traffic on the road, and the whole city was suddenly full of firepower and busy.

In the presidential suite on the top floor of a hotel in the business center, Luo Zheng woke up, took a shower and went to the living room. He had been worried about the terrorist methods of the dark church all night and did not have a good rest. His eyes were red and his face was tired, but he had to cheer up. Come on, drink a glass of warm water and feel better in your stomach.

At this time, the three representatives also got up. They greeted everyone one by one and sat on the sofa to prepare for work. At this time, a waiter brought breakfast. Lan Xue came out of the back room and asked the waiter to put the breakfast on the dining table. Everyone knew that it was Lan Xue. Xue's breakfast was not polite and she ate it.

While they were eating, the representatives of the Public Security Bureau and the National Security Bureau were stunned almost at the same time and covered their headsets. Soon, the two of them looked at Luo Zheng with shock on their faces. Luo Zheng knew that something had happened, put down the soy milk and asked, "What's wrong?" ?”

The public security representative said first: "Information came from the headquarters that ten tourist buses were kidnapped at almost the same time. Guns were fired and several were killed. The kidnappers did not make any demands."

"What?" Luo Zheng's face changed drastically, and he immediately realized that this was the Dark Church in action, and quickly urged: "Quick, tell me, where are they? What is the specific situation?"

"They are all abroad, and I have received the same information." The national security representative said quickly.

"At the same time? Are they all abroad? Tourists?" Luo Zheng asked with a livid face. Seeing the two men nodding, he immediately stood up and said, "I should have thought of these bastards, damn them." He looked annoyed. , hurriedly came to sit on the sofa and put on his headset.

"What do you think of?" Lan Xue caught up and asked in surprise.

"I should have thought that they would take action abroad and use kidnapping." Luo Zheng said angrily.

"What can we do if we think of it? We can't stop everyone from traveling, right? We can't stop anyone from traveling before we have evidence. Advice is meaningless, but it makes us incompetent." Lan Xue reluctantly persuaded.

"Yes, if we remind tourists not to go out in the near future, the people will just scold us for being incompetent. Besides, the people who were kidnapped this time are not the same country, but all the countries adjacent to the west. We can't tell everyone not to go to the west in the near future. Neighboring countries, right? There is no evidence that will cause diplomatic disputes." The national security representative also advised.

Luo Zheng thought it made sense and said with a calm face: "It seems that this is a conspiracy. Even if we think about it, we can't change it. Headquarters, send the situation over immediately. I want to know the specific situation." The latter sentence was directed at Blue Star. said.

Lan Xue stepped forward and turned on the TV. Not long after, a satellite aerial map of the area appeared on the TV. Several countries in the west were marked on it. Each country had a red dot flashing, representing the location of the accident. Luo Zheng was dead. He stared at the screen and asked, "Have you figured out everything?"

"We are asking the relevant departments to transmit data. Give me a minute." Blue Star's voice sounded in the headset.

The sudden change made Luo Zheng alert. This time it was a kidnapping, what will it be next time? What is the purpose of the kidnapping? Does the Dark Church want to repeat its old tricks and threaten the country with hostages? I have to say that this trick was very effective. Luo Zheng became embarrassed and frowned into a deep frown. Faced with the kidnapping trick, Luo Zheng suddenly felt powerless and didn't know how to deal with it.

A minute passed quickly, and Lan Xing's voice rang in the headset: "We have obtained relevant domestic information. Two tourist buses were hijacked in each of the five countries in the west. At the same time, five bodies were found. They were in different cars, using automatic rifles, and their current whereabouts are unknown.”

"Can't you find any clues?" Luo Zheng asked in a deep voice, his heart clenched.

"Our satellite was not in the sky when we started. It was obvious that the enemy had calculated this and was well prepared. Since they were all overseas, we had no law enforcement rights. Overseas law enforcement capabilities were limited. It was raining heavily at the time, and all the clues were washed away by the rain. It’s clean, all tourist buses have been blown up, and the hostages are still being counted,” Lanxing explained.

"Not in the sky?" Luo Zheng's face was so gloomy that it was almost dripping with water. Satellites move according to orbits and cannot always stay in one place. The enemy calculated the right time to attack and then blew up the scene. Coupled with the heavy rain, it was indeed No clues will be left.

"Ten buses, each of which is calculated as thirty people, has 300 people. In fact, it is far more than this number. These bastards have so many hostages in their hands. We will be passive. If the opponent uses hostages to threaten the country to hand them over. What should we do with what we want?" Lan Xue said in a deep voice, looking at Luo Zheng with worried eyes.

"Don't worry." Luo Zheng said in a deep voice, waved his hands, and sat on the sofa to meditate.

"Team leader!" the public security representative suddenly said in a deep voice: "The other party's act of kidnapping hostages may not be to threaten the country. It may be a cover-up to confuse us and deliberately divert our attention. Of course, it may also be that they want to use hostages to threaten, but behind the scenes There will definitely be other moves, it won’t be that simple.”

"Tell me what you think?" Luo Zheng asked in a deep voice.

"Yes." The police representative analyzed seriously: "Kidnapping hostages is the simplest and crudest behavior. Generally, only thugs will do this. Terrorists rarely use this method. They will only directly kill people and create terror, unless they are forced to do so. Because kidnapping means making demands, otherwise kidnapping is meaningless. Making demands means exposing yourself and causing public outrage. We can compromise, but in order to give us an explanation, the local country will definitely pursue the robbers with all their strength. In other words, even if they get the It’s impossible to get away with everything you want. We worry about the safety of the hostages, but the local countries don’t, which is not good for the kidnappers.”

"It makes sense. When our people are in trouble in the local country, the local country has the responsibility and obligation to protect the hostages and give us an explanation. Once they are pursued with all their strength, the kidnappers will definitely not be able to escape. Even if they get what they want, they may not be able to evacuate safely. In other words, even if we redeem the hostages, they won’t be able to escape. It’s understandable that they want money. After all, the money is theirs after all, and it’s not easy for things to leave the country.” The national security representative agreed.

"No matter what they do, these bastards can't be spared. Do you want us to take action?" the military representative asked with an angry look on his face. He looked at Luo Zheng closely with his eyes as bright as a torch. His whole body was full of fighting spirit. The hostages were tied up. , this is a shame for military personnel and cannot be calmed down.

Luo Zheng suddenly had other ideas. He waved his hand to wait and began to think carefully.

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