The strongest soldier

Chapter 3292 The war begins

After lunch, everyone left the club. Guifang took a taxi back to the company, while Luo Zheng and others returned to their home. There was no danger along the way. This made Luo Zheng, who was secretly vigilant, breathed a sigh of relief and chatted with his family. People are enjoying themselves so much that they feel uncomfortable.

Dinner was eaten at home. Luo Zheng was about to ask his younger sister to help clean up a room for Lan Xue to live in. When a call came in, Luo Zheng picked it up and took a look. He quietly walked into the back room and closed the door. Only then did he get through and said, "It's me, grandpa. Is there any result from the higher ups?"

"Well, the above has agreed to the plan. You will be the leader of the joint action team and will be fully responsible for the plan. In addition, the national security, public security, and military will select representatives to serve as deputy team leaders to accompany you in your actions. They will be in charge within an hour. Rush to the headquarters, where are you now?" Mr. Li's voice sounded in the headset.

"At home, headquarters? Where is it?" Luo Zheng asked in surprise.

"It is proposed to put it in a nearby underground base of a military region. It is hidden and safe. But since you are fully responsible for it, it is up to you to decide where to put it. What do you mean?" Mr. Li asked seriously.

"Don't let it go. Too many people are talking too much, and secrets will inevitably be leaked. Just find a place that is absolutely quiet and there are few people." Luo Zheng said in a deep voice. Where to place the joint command is very important, but there are too many people, and it is inevitable that the secret will be leaked. We have to guard against it. If the secret is leaked, the consequences will be disastrous. Although the military base is hidden and safe, it has a large number of people, which is a hidden danger.

"If you can think of this, I am completely relieved. This operation is not afraid of safety, but of leaking secrets. People are talking too much and it is difficult to guard against. I have two suggestions. One is to put it in the Mystery Bureau. It is hidden and quiet there, and the key is Since he is one of our own, the possibility of leaking secrets is low. The other one is to find a hotel to stay in. The population flow is large and the possibility of leakage is high. But there is an advantage. It is dark under the lights and the enemy will never think that we will release the headquarters. What do you think about going to the hotel?" Mr. Li suggested seriously.

When Luo Zheng heard this, he smiled and said immediately: "We can't go to the Secret Bureau. I guess the Dark Church has arranged for people to keep an eye on it around the clock. If there is any slightest disturbance, they will be exposed. The hotel is good. Although it is easy to be exposed, as long as everyone hides in the room If we can't get out, there will be no problem. There are advantages to having more people and more traffic. The enemy won't expect us to be in a hotel where we are easily exposed. The more dangerous the place, the safer it is. It's dark under the light."

"Okay, Haitian Hotel is located in the commercial center. There are many people coming and going there, and the population flow is very large, which is convenient for concealment. If someone makes trouble, it is not easy to escape. I will arrange a reservation immediately. You can hurry up now. This is the time when you are commuting to get off work. During the peak period, it will take some time to get there. By the time you arrive, the representatives from all parties will have almost arrived, and I will coordinate them." Mr. Li agreed with approval.

After hanging up the phone, Luo Zheng hurriedly came out, told his parents that he had something to do, and took Lan Xue out. The person was highly confidential and could not be disclosed to unrelated people, even if the other party was his parents. After leaving the house, Lan Xue had to drive. Luo Zheng held on. The car parked at the door might be able to confuse the enemy. No one could guarantee that no one from the Dark Church was watching nearby at this moment.

The two of them pretended to be walking along the street outside the community. Luo Zheng told Lan Xue the situation and checked to see if anyone was watching. When they reached a corner, a taxi stopped. The two of them quickly went up and called a taxi. Address, along the way, the two of them glanced behind them from time to time and breathed a sigh of relief after confirming that they were not being followed.

On the way, Luo Zheng received a call from Mr. Li and informed him of the room number. After a while, the taxi came to the entrance of the hotel. After getting off the car, the two of them went straight to the hotel. They were not in a hurry to go upstairs, but were in the lobby. He sat down on the sofa and secretly observed the people going in and out, while chatting in a low voice. At first glance, it looked like a couple whispering.

After more than ten minutes, the two of them took the elevator to the top floor after confirming that no one was following them. The top floor was a luxurious presidential suite, which could accommodate several people. The two followed the room number to the door of a room and rang the doorbell. , and soon, a middle-aged man inside answered: "Who is it?"

"It's me." Luo Zheng said in a deep voice without announcing his family name.

Soon, Luo Zheng could feel someone coming to the door and looking at him through the peephole. Soon the door opened and a middle-aged man said with a smile: "Hello, team leader!" He extended his hand.

Luo Zheng took a closer look and saw that he was actually the top secretary-general of the National Security Bureau. The two had met before and were considered old acquaintances. Luo Zheng shook hands with the other person politely and said with a smile: "Hello."

The two quickly entered the house, and then they discovered that there were two middle-aged people sitting and chatting in the living room. One was wearing a police uniform, and the other was wearing a colonel's military uniform. Without asking, they knew that they were liaison representatives sent by the police and the military. The two guessed it. Because of his identity as Luo Zheng, he quickly stood up and saluted, not daring to look down upon Luo Zheng because he was young.

The three of them were polite, and Luo Zheng introduced Lan Xue to everyone. Everyone sat down and looked at Luo Zheng curiously. Some of them couldn't understand why the superiors handed over such an important operation to such a young person, the secretary of the National Security Bureau. The commander knew a little bit about it and didn't point it out. Although the police and military representatives didn't say anything, they were still curious.

Luo Zheng didn't explain. He glanced at the three of them and said with a smile: "Guys, the four of us have just joined a table of cards. It's up to us whether we can win this game. I like everyone's sincere cooperation. What's the matter? Say your thoughts and opinions directly, don’t worry or worry about anything, just focus on the overall situation.”

"Yes." Everyone solemnly agreed. No one was a fool to be arranged by the superiors. They also heard a lot of inside stories. They all became serious, cheered up, put on the headsets they brought, and quickly got to work.

"Everyone, time is running out. The enemy may attack at any time. We must seize the initiative without any further delay. Let's get started." Luo Zheng said politely and then went straight to the topic. His eyes fell on several representatives and he ordered in a deep voice. : "Act as planned."

"Yes." Representatives from all parties agreed and conveyed the order through the headset: "Headquarters, act as planned immediately." After that, they all nodded firmly to Luo Zheng, indicating that the matter had been dealt with.

Everyone is a representative sent by all parties. Naturally, all parties have a command center to coordinate their actions. Luo Zheng only needs to convey the order through the representatives, and all parties will immediately take action to achieve the effect of joint action, because all parties have their own With a complete joint command system, it is impossible to merge. This way of conveying representatives is more efficient.

Luo Zheng nodded gratefully to the representatives of all parties, and his eyes gradually became sharper. The battle had begun. It was still unclear who would win and who would lose this time, but Luo Zheng was full of fighting spirit and confidence.

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