The strongest soldier

Chapter 3286 Mr. Li went crazy

Guan Fei was filled with jealousy at Lan Bo's disdainful look, and secretly made up his mind to deal with Luo Zheng's anger. However, he smiled calmly on his face and said, "Uncle Lan, did you agree? That's great." "The marriage between the Qin and Jin families will become a good story in Sijiu City. I think the wedding date will be set in a week. Dad, what do you think?" As he said this, he looked at the middle-aged man who was walking towards him with a cold face. It's a proud look.

These words have the meaning of a promise. The marriage between the two families will greatly increase the power of the family, but they also contain a threat. That is, if there is no marriage, the Guan family will take action against the Lan family. Everyone present is a human spirit. Where can I listen? Not understanding the meaning, he looked at Guan Fei with some surprise. He didn't expect this guy to have such a deep scheming mind at such a young age. He was worthy of being a child of a big family. His behavior might be a bit dandy, but he was essentially very calculating.

Lan Bo and Lan Xue were both surprised by Luo Zheng's active show of weakness. They couldn't figure out where Luo Zheng's song came from. Lan Xue saw that Lan Bo was anxious to ask, so she quickly stepped forward, grabbed Lan Bo and shook his head. Bo knew that his daughter never suffered any loss, so since she was stopped, there must be a reason behind her being blocked.

At this time, Luo Zheng turned around, gave Lan Xue a reassuring look, looked at Lan Bo with an indifferent expression and said: "Dad, I'll go with them first. Don't worry. It's easy to take me away. I want to It might be difficult to ask me to come out." He glanced at the middle-aged man intentionally or unintentionally.

"Okay, be careful." Lan Bo said angrily. Although the Lan family is a little worse than the Guan family, if they really break out and give it a try, there is still a chance. But Lan Bo knows Luo Zheng's character and estimates that Since there must be a reason for doing this, there was no stopping him.

Luo Zheng agreed, looked at Lan Xue and said, "Xue'er, turn around and tell the boss that I was taken away by the Guan family. I just took the opportunity to recuperate for a while, and I can't finish my work for the time being."

Lan Xue's eyes lit up, and she somewhat understood Luo Zheng's intention, and immediately agreed: "I understand, don't suffer any loss. If anyone dares to take action, I can't spare him." As he said that, he looked at Guan Fei coldly, his eyes twinkling. Killing intent.

Guan Fei was so indifferent to Lan Xue's cold eyes that he felt the coldness on his neck. He couldn't help but cover his neck and took a step back. He looked at Lan Xue warily, perhaps realizing that he had made a fool of himself, so he mustered up his courage. He said dissatisfiedly: "Uncle Lan, you'd better consider my proposal."

Lan Bo snorted disdainfully and ignored the other party at all. Guan Fei secretly became angry, with a look of resentment in his eyes. Seeing his father's face gloomy and silent, he shouted knowingly: "Take away!" He said and walked outside. , footsteps are hurried.

Soon, Luo Zheng was taken out of the yard and got into a car. The Guan family dared to use their power to arrest people, but they did not dare to set up a private court to secretly imprison Luo Zheng. Doing so would break the rules of the game. Instead, he asked the internal guards to take Luo Zheng back to the base.

On the way, Luo Zheng sat in the back seat with his eyes closed, not paying attention. The Guan family dared to arrest him openly. In addition to being powerful, another reason was that he didn't know his identity, otherwise he would never dare to move. Not long after, the car came. When he arrived at a military restricted compound, he was ordered to get out of the car and put into a small dark room, commonly known as confinement.

There are no special cells or cells for the internal guards. Those who make mistakes are punished by confinement. The small dark room is smelly. There is a small window on the top for ventilation. The thick iron door completely blocks the way out. But there is a Small bed, no bedding on the bed, and dim light.

Luo Zheng sat on the bed in a funny way. He found that this was his first time in solitary confinement, and it was for this reason. He didn't care, and lay down casually to think about the Dark Church. The solitary room was very quiet, which was a good question to think about. The place.

However, things were exploding outside at this time. Mr. Li was furious when he learned that Luo Zheng had been taken away by the internal guards. He immediately contacted the chief, but everyone around the chief refused to answer Mr. Li's call. Even if the call was answered, they claimed that they would not. Knowing where the leader is, I have to say that the Guan family's power is indeed huge.

Who is Mr. Li? He was famous for his fiery temper. He immediately packed up and led a guard straight to the chief's house. The guard responsible for the chief's safety refused and wanted to stop him. Mr. Li immediately loaded the bullet and was about to fight. Just as the chief's wife came out, she was shocked when she saw this scene. She quickly ordered the guards to lift the alert and asked Mr. Li to come into the house for questioning. After learning what happened, the chief's wife became thoughtful.

Being able to become the chief's wife naturally does not lack political literacy. I have seen a lot from this incident. The Guan family dared to block the chief's information and prevent other people from meeting the chief. Isn't this trying to make the chief official? What does the Guan family want to do? Although the chief's wife does not like to interfere in politics, she will never allow anyone to hurt her lover.

So, the chief's wife asked Mr. Li to wait at her home and drove straight to the chief's office in person. Who dared to stop the chief's wife? Neither did the Guan family. When the leader learned what had happened, he was furious, but he did not act impulsively. Instead, he thought about it for ten minutes, then packed up and went home.

After returning home, the chief and Mr. Li spent about an hour spying in the study. No one knew what they talked about. The chief and Mr. Li left secretly and came to live in Mr. Li's courtyard. Immediately afterwards, the chief issued an order to arrest the head of the Guan family. The order was issued from Mr. Li, and the person responsible for executing the order was Wu Jin.

When Wu Jin heard that the Guan family had actually tied up Luo Zheng, was this a big deal? Shadow and Xuehu were immediately called in, and they were asked to lead their respective teams to secretly arrest the head of the Guan family and Guan Fei and his son in the name of national security. Shadow and Xuehu took action. Where could the parties involved be hidden? You must know that Mr. Li controls the Ministry of National Security Strategy, which has extraordinary authority and is directly managed by the chief. As soon as the chief's order was issued, no one dared to stop it, and he was quickly brought to Mr. Li.

Guan Fei and his son looked at this scene in disbelief. How long did it take for him to become a prisoner? Why did the chief abandon the powerful Guan family? Why did you choose to side with Mr. Li?

The head of the Guan family held a high position and knew the country's strategic secrets, so he naturally knew about Luo Zheng's existence. He did not know in advance that his child had done such a treacherous thing. When he found out, it was already too late, and he saw the chief and Mr. Li were there. Drinking tea together, we knew that the chief chose to side with Mr. Li and completely abandoned the Guan family. He stepped forward unwillingly and said: "Chief, I don't know?"

"You want to say that this matter has nothing to do with your family. You didn't know about it beforehand, right?" the chief said calmly.

The head of the Guan family really wanted to say that this was the case, but he had a vague feeling that something was wrong. He was certainly not stupid to survive to this point. He thought that the Guan family might be in trouble this time, and he felt a sense of sadness and panic in his heart. The Guan family was powerful, but What should I do if I am not worth mentioning in front of the chief?

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