The strongest soldier

Chapter 3280 Difficulties abound

That night, it was too late after Luo Zheng sent Lan Xue home safely, so he stayed at Lan Xue's house for a late-night snack. He chatted with Lan Bo about the wedding for a while until late at night, and it was no longer appropriate to go home. It was quite convenient to find a hotel outside, but after being scolded by Lan Bo, Luo Zheng agreed to stay because there were enough rooms in Lan Bo's house to accommodate several people.

After a long journey and being exhausted, Luo Zheng lay down on the bed to rest, but he couldn't fall asleep. His mind was full of things about the Dark Church. This time, the Dark Church aimed at the country and the server. The server was of great importance. , absolutely cannot be picked up by the opponent, but the Dark Church is very aggressive, with three thousand people and guns, plus terrifying aircraft, how can we fight this battle?

When the two armies are fighting, the home field may not have the advantage, but there are too many restrictions. You have to worry about the social impact, worry about affecting innocent people, and the dignity of the country, etc. You don’t have to worry too much about it in the away game. Anyway, the damage will belong to other countries. Yes, it is another country's business if innocent people are affected. They just need to win. In the domestic war, Luo Zheng felt as if his hands were tied up with invisible ropes and he couldn't let go at all.

The cool moonlight shines in through the window, falls on the floor, and the bed seems to be covered with a soft veil, which is quiet and peaceful, making people calm. Luo Zheng simply got up and stood outside the window looking at the bright moon hanging high in the sky. It was bright and clear, as if a fairy who had no fight with the world and had no desires was silently watching the vast earth.

The breeze came, with a peaceful smile, gently shaking the curtains, soothing the sadness on Luo Zheng's face. Looking at this beautiful night, Luo Zheng's heart gradually calmed down, becoming a little more peaceful and peaceful. Calmly, the boring thoughts gradually let go, and I couldn't help but smile. Such a beautiful night and such a beautiful country must not be destroyed by the enemy. As a soldier, it is our duty to destroy the enemy. Although the enemy is strong, we must have enough energy to destroy it.

Unknowingly, Luo Zheng felt a little more enlightened and lay on the bed and fell asleep. When he woke up early the next morning, after washing up, he came to the living room and heard the sound of ding-dong-dong in the kitchen. Luo Zheng was curious. When I walked forward, I saw that Lan Xue was making breakfast, her movements were very skillful. There was a plate of fried eggs on the table next to her.

"You're awake, it's just in time. Help me carry it out and set the table for dinner." Seeing Luo Zheng coming over, Lan Xue warned with a smile, like a virtuous wife.

"Okay." Luo Zheng was instantly infected by the warmth of home, agreed, and hurried up to help.

Soon, all kinds of breakfast were laid out, and Lan Bo also got up. Seeing the rich breakfast, he couldn't help but smile knowingly, and said to Luo Zheng: "Boy, we are both blessed today."

Luo Zheng and Lan Bo chatted casually for a few words. When he saw Lan Xue coming out of the kitchen, he was greatly relieved. He could go to the hall and go to the kitchen. He had a wife like this. What more could a husband ask for? As a man, Luo Zheng felt that he had made a lot of money, so he quickly pulled out a chair and motioned for Lan Xue to sit down. After Lan Bo had already found a place to sit down by himself, he also sat down.

The three of them ate and chatted, and time passed unknowingly. Lan Bo had something to do and left in a hurry. Luo Zheng and Lan Xue cleaned up the mess together. The two sat in the living room and made a pot of tea. Luo Zheng immediately took out his mobile phone. He dialed Blue Star's number, turned on the speakerphone and put it on the table. After he was connected, he said, "It's me. Did you find anything?"

"Various information groups have closely monitored the area around the border, and no clues have been found. Even the drug traffickers' strongholds in neighboring countries that were discovered in the past are no longer there. The think tank has secretly contacted the current acting president of Sam State, and he does not know about the Dark Church. Attack the specific situation in the country." Blue Star's voice sounded in the headset.

Because the current acting president of the Sam Kingdom has something in hand, although he cannot say that he has surrendered, he will cooperate as long as the matter is not too big. Luo Zheng estimates that the attack on the country is under the control of the military Holy King, and the acting president is considered a political person. , two different lines, I don’t know if this is reasonable, but the management of the Dark Church is too strict.

"How are the clues for tracking down the Strategic Intelligence Office of Sam State?" Luo Zheng asked in a deep voice.

"The department head was found, but he has disappeared." Lanxing said quickly.

"Another one is hiding, cutting off clues at the slightest sign of trouble. These bastards are too cautious." Luo Zheng said angrily: "Then do you have any good news?"

"Not yet." Blue Star replied apologetically.

After a brief chat, Luo Zheng hung up the phone, his face became gloomy, he looked at Lan Xue and said: "Xue'er, the situation is getting more and more complicated. The Dark Church must have guessed that we would pursue us, so it cut off all the They didn't give us any clues, but they were hiding and brewing a huge conspiracy. They were too passive."

"You're right, there are three thousand guns. I don't know where they are hiding? Where will they launch the attack? Where is the target? Unless we intercept those weapons, but in this case, the Dark Church will suspect Buffy Well, after all, such a confidential operation cannot be exposed, unless there is a ghost inside, and this hard-to-established clue cannot be touched unless it is absolutely necessary." Lan Xue analyzed with a stern face.

Bafier is responsible for transporting the weapon. It is not difficult to intercept it, but it will expose Bafiel. Keeping Bafiel is of great use. Unless it is absolutely necessary, it would be a pity. Luo Zheng nodded in understanding and thought deeply, okay After a while, Luo Zheng sighed and said: "This time it is indeed too difficult. There are no clues and we don't know how the enemy will attack. All the defensive measures we have taken may be in vain."

"Yes, defense without targeted means nothing, but the Dark Church is so good at hiding that it leaves no clues. This matter is indeed very troublesome. It is not enough to attract the enemy's attention through a wedding. In other words, if the enemy does not come to the wedding at all, What should we do if we make trouble? Aren't we busy in vain?" Lan Xue said in a depressed voice, her brows furrowed slightly, and her beautiful eyes flashed with worry.

There are no clues and no idea of ​​the enemy's plan, so it's very difficult. Luo Zheng felt powerless. If he knew the enemy's plan, it would be easier. No matter how difficult it was, there would always be a way to deal with it. Now his eyes were completely dark, and he had no idea where the enemy was? When and from where will the attack be launched? How to fight this battle? This blinding feeling is maddening.

"The danger of the Three Thousand Man Gun is too great. If there is no other option, the only option is to intercept the weapon. It is a pity to expose Buffier, but the destructive power of the Three Thousand Man Gun is not something we can bear. We have to choose the better of two evils. Lightly." Lan Xue suggested helplessly.

"This is a reserved plan. Think about it again. There are still three days left. I just don't know if the enemy will give us time to prepare." Luo Zheng said in a low voice, somewhat helplessly.

"You mean the enemy will take action in advance? Where did they get the weapons?" Lan Xue was shocked and asked eagerly.

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