The strongest soldier

Chapter 328 Zebra’s Journey

When Luo Zheng heard it, it was the same as what he had just thought. He couldn't help but smile and said: "I think so too, but mine clearance is a technical job, and I estimate that there are a lot of infrared detectors buried in this bush. If Wolf King and the others have thermal imagers and cameras, so we can be easily exposed."

"Yes, this is also what I'm worried about." Lan Xue said in a low voice, with a look of helplessness on her cold face.

The zebra herd just now flashed through Luo Zheng's mind. He couldn't help but feel happy. When he saw Lan Xue's curious look, he said: "Brother Mountain Eagle, stop clearing mines. I have an idea. Do you still remember what you just saw?" A herd of zebras? Let’s find a way to drive the herd of zebras on the road.”

"Huh? It's a good idea, it's feasible." Guishou said excitedly.

Luo Zheng's idea of ​​adapting to the situation was unanimously approved by everyone. The job of driving the zebras was left to Gui Shou and Snow Leopard. The two put down their backpacks and went into battle lightly with only their weapons. Luo Zheng thought about it and said uneasily. : "Xue'er, mountain eagle, you two hide around and take cover. I'll go help."

"Okay, be careful." Lan Xue agreed. Seeing that Luo Zheng had put down his equipment and left in a hurry, he separated from the mountain eagle and found a place to ambush.

The zebra walked a little far, and it took everyone more than ten minutes to catch up. It was grazing on a hillside. When they saw the three people appearing, they were a little confused. Maybe they felt that there was no threat, so they continued to eat grass. Luo Zheng observed for a while. , said: "The ghost hands, snow leopards, and zebra herds are large in number and are not easy to drive away. Let's take a detour first."

The two agreed, and quickly moved to one side, blocking the path of the zebra herd. Luo Zheng pulled the bolt of his gun and said, "Brothers, let's get to work, Ghost Hand, on the left, Snow Leopard on the right, be careful."

"Understood." The two of them agreed and rushed to both sides. Luo Zheng waited for a while, and when he saw the two of them in place, he decisively raised his gun and aimed at the open space in front of the zebra group. He fired a bunch of bullets and howled like a zebra. The wild beast that chose the opportunity to devour showed its fangs.

The sudden change frightened the zebra group, and they immediately panicked. They ran to the left, and someone opened fire on the left. They ran to the right, and someone opened fire on the right. They turned around and ran away in panic. When the three of them saw each other, they were overjoyed and wanted to speed up. The speed of the zebra herd caused even greater chaos, so Luo Zheng took out a grenade and threw it towards them.

Doing this will definitely attract the attention of the Wild Wolf Mercenary Group, but in order to find a way out, it doesn't matter. As long as the speed is fast enough, everyone will have enough time to react. Ghost Hands and Snow Leopard also threw grenades, and the loud explosions scared everyone. The group of zebras started running wildly.

Seeing that the zebra herd did not run exactly according to the set route, a grenade was thrown at it, and the zebra herd quickly changed its direction. Repeated several times, the zebra herd exploded and rushed towards the set direction. They were completely confused and made an earth-shattering sound. When Luo Zheng saw the sound of running, he was overjoyed and continued to drive behind, howling with joy.

Soon, the herd of zebras rushed into the minefield, trampling on the grass and running wildly. "Boom!" A huge explosion sounded. Two zebras fell in a pool of blood, and were soon trampled into pieces by the zebras roaring from behind. The zebra herd was completely confused and lost their minds and started running around.

"Boom, boom, boom!" The successive explosions made the zebras even more frightened. They ran forward desperately, and some scattered in all directions. They quickly guessed the landmines and were killed on the spot. They let out bursts of mournful screams in the wilderness. Floating on the grassland.

Luo Zheng was unmoved and watched this scene calmly until a large number of people rushed out of the building complex. He smiled, quickly hid himself and whispered: "Hide them all, don't show your head." The zebra group suddenly ran away, There are many reasons. As long as they are not discovered, it won't be a big problem even if the Wolf King's people are suspicious.

From time to time, there were explosions ringing in his ears, zebras neighing in anger, and the vibration of horse hooves trampling the ground. Luo Zheng knew that this dangerous zone had been solved. Next, it was up to him to see how the Wolf King's people would make a move. After waiting for a while , Luo Zheng heard the sound of gunshots and looked up. It was the Wolf King's men using guns to drive away the zebra herd that was about to run up.

The group of zebras were attacked and immediately scattered, triggering more landmines. There were explosions one after another and smoke filled the air. Luo Zheng remained unmoved and watched the scene coldly until the last zebra was killed. He quickly shrank and hid, and after waiting for a while, Lan Xue's voice came to his ears: "Those people came up along the route to search."

"Oh?" Luo Zheng slowly looked around in surprise. Sure enough, he saw about ten people coming up from the search. His expression condensed and he said, "Disperse the triangle formation. Wait until they come up before you take action and kill them."

"Yes, kill them." Snow Leopard responded, and others also agreed.

Everyone immediately dispersed and found a place to hide, forming a triangle. Luo Zheng hid in a low pothole area, and with the ghillie suit camouflage, at first glance he thought it was a bush, with the camouflaged sniper rifle facing forward. Stretching over, he waited sternly, his eyes fixed in the direction of the enemy.

After waiting for a few minutes, several people emerged from the bushes, dispersed and continued to search, cautiously. After a while, several people followed behind them, also looking like they were facing a formidable enemy. Luo Zheng looked at it coldly. Looking at these people, calculating the distance, adjusting his breathing, he locked on a target.

"Xue'er, you pinch the tail and I'll decapitate it. Ghost Hand, you're in charge of the left side of the enemy. Mountain Eagle, you're in charge of the right side of the enemy. Snow Leopard, you're in charge of the enemy in the middle." Luo Zheng analyzed the location of everyone's ambush and the enemy's hash. The formation was quickly deployed. This way, there would be no problem of two people attacking one person at the same time, which would waste ammunition.

"Hit!" After the enemy completely entered the triangle formation, Luo Zheng gave the order without hesitation and pulled the trigger. The sniper bullets whizzed away, emitting sharp sonic booms. In the sniper scope, Luo Zheng felt the target keenly. The moment he fired the gun, he made an evasive action. I couldn't help but be surprised. He was a master.

When he looked again, the bullet hit the opponent's shoulder. Although the opponent's reaction was fast enough, it was still a step slow. Luo Zheng breathed a sigh of relief. The person who was shot in the shoulder basically lost the threat, so it was nothing to worry about. Luo Zheng quickly moved the muzzle of the gun and aimed at the other person. A target found the other person lying on the ground with his gun aimed at him.

"No, master." Luo Zheng was shocked. He didn't expect this guy to react so quickly and actually lock his position. He quickly shrank back and felt the bullets whizzing away from his head. The hot shock wave was overwhelming, and his back Suddenly, I broke out in cold sweat, secretly feeling grateful, and my anger began to burn.

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