The strongest soldier

Chapter 3275 Return to Headquarters

The transport team arrived at the International Court of Justice smoothly. The gate was full of reporters, noisy and noisy. They rushed forward when they saw the convoy coming. Luo Zheng was furious and gave the defense order without hesitation. All the light machine guns were stretched out, and the black guns were The reporter was so scared that he didn't dare to get close. He was pointing and talking. The police chief who led the team quickly found Luo Zheng and asked, "What do you want to do?"

The General Administration of Counter-Terrorism and Sam State belong to different camps, and there are reporters from all countries. However, if something happens at the gate of the International Court of Justice, the local government will not be able to live with it. The policeman responsible for leading the team is the first person responsible and has to step in to coordinate. Luo Zheng said coldly: "I suspect there are enemies among the reporters. It's better to be cautious and ask them to retreat."

"Okay, don't shoot yet." The person in charge quickly agreed and hurriedly coordinated. The person in charge had seen the scene of those motorcycles attacking the convoy with his own eyes. He didn't expect that there were dozens of light machine guns hidden in the convoy. Fight and shoot together, leaving no one alive. They are definitely elite troops. If these reporters are shot, it will not end.

The person in charge came forward and threatened, reporters are all uncrowned kings, how can they be afraid? One by one, they clamored for freedom of the press and the right to interview, and they pushed forward with all their strength. The police were unable to stop them. Luo Zheng looked at this scene coldly, with murderous intent in his eyes. He vaguely felt that something was wrong. It is understandable that a reporter is dedicated, But it's definitely not so crazy. Someone is causing trouble behind it now.

"Don't let the reporters get close, otherwise they will find that Sean is not in the car. Find a way quickly, the police can't stop them." The think tank also realized that something was wrong and whispered.

"What can you think of?" Luo Zheng snorted disdainfully and shouted through the headset: "Snow Leopard, just give them a chance. It'll be fine."

"Understood." Snow Leopard, who was hiding in the transport vehicle, immediately agreed after hearing the order.

"Da da da -" Suddenly, a bunch of light machine gun bullets were fired into the open space in front of the reporters. The sound of the gunshots startled everyone. Seeing the craters on the ground, the reporters calmed down and knew that this was a warning. If they went further, I'm afraid I'm really going to open fire.

The police chief took the opportunity to shout loudly: "Dear journalists, please be quiet."

The reporters gradually quieted down under the threat of gunfire and kept taking pictures, especially the bullet holes on the ground, which were all close-up. They were all good material. The police chief continued to shout: "Dear journalists, we have received news. We suspect there are terrorists among you, please disperse quickly and be careful of others detonating the explosion."

These words were obviously a threat. Anyway, the word suspicion was used, which was not true. No one could say anything afterward, but the effect was surprisingly good. Everyone had seen a lot of suicide bombs, and the media reported them a lot, and they were all panicked. The people scattered in all directions, and the madness just now disappeared.

Luo Zheng heard the shouting of the person in charge and couldn't help but laugh: "This guy is very experienced, and his method of threatening is good. If the reporter continues forward, he can be killed as a terrorist, and no one can say anything if he is killed. It’s interesting, indeed there are experts in every profession.”

"This is called specializing in a skill." The wise man said with a smile.

At this time, the police chief hurried over in a cold sweat. Luo Zheng smiled with satisfaction and said: "Go to the underground garage. Remember to turn off all the surveillance cameras in the garage and clear out all personnel in the name of counter-terrorism."

There must be a lot of people in the garage, and maybe there are people from the Dark Church lurking inside. What is to be done next cannot be discovered by anyone, and they must all be cleared out. The police leader agreed, quickly picked up the walkie-talkie and commanded, and put a After passing the order, he still has some talent.

A few minutes later, the underground garage was cleared, the surveillance was turned off, and the reporters blocking the road in front were also persuaded to leave. After receiving the news, Luo Zheng gave an order, and the convoy headed towards the underground garage. After walking around in the garage, Come out and create the illusion of escorting Sean to the International Court of Justice.

As long as the motorcade circles around the underground garage of the International Court of Justice, no one can say anything if Luo Zheng says that Sean has been handed over to the International Court of Justice. All that is needed is a formality. With this formality, a lot of things can be done later. The convoy quickly left the International Court of Justice and returned the same way it came, escorted by armed helicopters.

On the way, Luo Zheng kept in touch with the headquarters and learned that intelligence personnel had tracked down a citizen on the ground who found a suspicious motorcycle on a transport truck. The transport truck was a fake. The same type of vehicles were all over the street, making it difficult to identify. That is, the motorcycle was picked up by a transport truck.

The news that the motorcycle had completely disappeared made Luo Zheng furious, but he was helpless. This feeling of grievance was maddening. He kept a sullen face and said nothing along the way. The team returned to the headquarters smoothly. Luo Zheng locked himself in the office. Don't let anyone disturb you, just meditate alone.

This time the plan to lure the snake out of the hole was a complete failure. Child, the former president and Nestor disappeared completely. Without evidence, their family could not make an issue of it. Even if Sean accused the three of them and wanted to suppress the three major families, It takes a certain amount of time, and it can't be done forcefully. The more Luo Zheng thought about it, the angrier he became. Suddenly he heard a knock on the door and asked angrily: "Who is it? Come back later."

The door was pushed open, and Lan Xue came in. Luo Zheng looked at Lan Xue and smiled awkwardly, with a bitter look on his face. Lan Xue closed the door considerately, came forward, sat next to Luo Zheng and said softly: "Brother They said you were angry, so I came over to see if you are not just angry, but you have the intention to kill, right?"

With the gentle tone, caring and considerate greetings, the anger in Luo Zheng's heart gradually calmed down, he sighed and said with a wry smile: "I'm just not willing to accept it. I set up such a big game, but achieved very little. The efforts of the brothers were in vain. After this incident, the Dark Church must have gone into hiding completely, I’m worried.”

"Well, I know, you are anxious, and the brothers are also anxious. There is no point in being anxious. Since the enemy is hiding, we just use this time to recuperate and fight continuously. Brothers have suffered heavy losses and need to recuperate for a while. Yes." Lan Xue gently persuaded, leaning into Luo Zheng's arms.

"The Dark Church is seizing the time to hide. If we give up now, doesn't it give them time to hide? We should seize the time to pursue them." Luo Zheng said with some reluctance.

"Yes, it is the essence of the tactics to not give the enemy a chance to breathe. However, we have lost all clues now. Perseverance will only break the nerves of the brothers. We are too tired during this period, so we don't say it, but we have arrived. Limit, are you sure you want to continue?" Lan Xue gently reminded in a low voice.

Luo Zheng was startled and gently hugged Lan Xue. His anger disappeared and his mood became much more stable. After thinking for a while, he said, "That's fine, I'll ignore this and listen to you. Let's just take the opportunity to get married."

"Uh, it's up to you." Lan Xue whispered affectionately, and hugged Luo Zheng. Thousands of love turned into tenderness around her fingers, completely melting Luo Zheng's angry heart.

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