The strongest soldier

Chapter 3265 Discussing Fighter Opportunities

Counter-Terrorism Administration Command Center.

Luo Zheng received Sean in the office and gave Sean enough respect. This made Sean feel more at ease after surrendering. He asked to call his family. This was originally within the scope of cooperation. Of course Luo Zheng would not He objected and handed his phone to Sean. Sean was not shy and politely took it and started dialing. He gave the other party a few words in front of Luo Zheng and explained some family matters and hiding place.

After making the call, Luo Zheng and Xiao En chatted, hoping to find some useful clues through the chat. After half an hour, they found nothing. Lan Xing hurried over with a serious look on his face. Knowing that something was going on, he immediately called Tie Diao to let him know. Tie Diao took Sean down to rest and then motioned to Lan Xing to sit down and talk.

Blue Star was not polite, put the special phone on the table, and said angrily: "I checked the phone and found that it uses a commercial satellite. It is the same satellite as Sean's previous phone, which is the radio station. , I couldn’t find the other party’s information through the phone number. I dialed the phone number stored in the phone, but all the other parties turned off their phones and no one could get through. The only way was to find their server.”

"Can't it be penetrated through the Internet?" Luo Zheng asked.

"It's not a network. Without permissions or device links, we can't penetrate into the other party's server. Since the enemy is already alert, even if we rob their server, it will probably be of no use. The relevant information should be destroyed." Blue Star said angrily. With so much effort, I actually got a useless thing.

Luo Zheng didn't see it that way. He thought about it and smiled: "Does this mean that their telephone contact system is suspended? They can no longer communicate with each other normally?"

"It's possible, but not necessarily. They only need to block Sean's phone, and others can continue to use it." Blue Star explained.

"If we continue to use their phone network and satellite, as long as we get their server, can we trace it? Is the identity information of the relevant personnel also in the server?" Luo Zheng asked.

"Theoretically, as long as they continue to use the original communication system and we hack into their system, we can monitor all calls. If we get the server, we can trace everyone's identity information. The problem is that the Dark Church is acting Be secretive and cautious, I am afraid that emergency measures have been taken, the contact information has been changed, and the relevant information has been deleted." Blue Star said helplessly.

Luo Zheng knew that what Lan Xing said was true. With the Dark Church's style of conduct and caution, he would hide at the slightest sign of trouble. It was entirely possible to hide himself, destroy information, and change contact information, but he would feel guilty if he didn't try it. Unable to let it go, Luo Zheng thought for a while and said seriously: "Aren't the satellites of that radio station being auctioned? What's the current situation?"

"It was acquired by a listed group." Blue Star said quickly.

"In this way, you arrange for someone to find a way to infiltrate this company┅┅" At this Luo Zheng paused, frowned and thought for a moment before continuing: "Forget it, this is too slow, let's use force to solve the problem in the world. Shi Qian is the best at it, so leave this matter to Shi Qian. No matter what method he uses, the server content must be backed up or stolen directly."

"Okay, this method is good, simple and direct, saves a lot of trouble, and more importantly, it is fast." Lan Xing agreed. With Shi Qian's Taoist skills, it is not difficult to get the server over. Lan Xue thought for a while and added Said: "In this way, I will get him a bridge device. He only needs to plug the device into the server, and he can connect to the other party's server through the bridge device and copy the server content. This will be easier."

"Okay, you go find Shi Qian to coordinate and just tell me what I said." Luo Zheng warned.

Lan Xing agreed and hurried away. At this moment, Luo Zheng suddenly felt a lot more relaxed. There were so many brothers, each with their own unique skills, and they could all do their own thing. All he had to do was to bring out everyone's potential, and he would be able to create Many miracles happen, and there is no need to do it yourself.

The biological group incident in the casino was handed over to Hong Meihua, and the satellite matter was handed over to Shi Qian. Luo Zheng was very confident in everyone's ability to do things. Since the enemy wanted to hide again, he would take the initiative to attack. Luo Zheng quickly called through the internal line After removing Lan Xue and Zhitan, everyone sat down around the sofa.

"There is something I need to discuss with you two." Luo Zheng glanced at the two of them and went straight to the point: "With Sean in hand, he is willing to be a tainted witness. We can secretly arrest Nestor, the former president and Childe is here. Shawn provided the former president’s position. It’s hard to tell whether he’s still there or not. Nestor is at his post, so it’s easy to find him, but Childe doesn’t have any clues. What do you think?”

"Former President, I arranged for someone to arrest him. This is simple. Nestor belongs to the Sam Country and is an important figure in the military. The arrest is not simple. It requires coordination from the relevant parties. Of course, the secret arrest is not a big problem. Once Exposure will have a negative impact on us." The think tank said in a deep voice.

"Shall I coordinate?" Lan Xue looked at Luo Zheng and asked in a deep voice.

Luo Zheng thought for a while and said seriously: "It doesn't have to be so troublesome to coordinate. It will alert the snake. Moreover, if such a person is caught, he cannot be tried. Approval means imprisonment, and imprisonment means rescue. Therefore, after the secret arrest, we will proceed according to the situation." Determined, kill him without opening his mouth to avoid further trouble, and arrest him secretly."

"Understood, I will deploy it myself." The think tank promised.

"As for Childe, this guy is already hiding. Instead, he can exert pressure through relevant parties, seize all the property of their company, and force him to come forward. For such a big family, I don't believe that Childe will watch the decline of his family. Going down, Sean, Bafield and others made me understand the truth. They joined the Dark Church for profit, not for so-called faith." Luo Zheng said in a deep voice.

"It makes sense. They are all human beings. They do not rule out having faith, but more of it is based on family interests. No interests mean the decline of the family. It is impossible for a declining family to be reused in the Dark Church. Without reuse, they will not be reused. Why join the Dark Church? This is a vicious circle of interests. When family interests cannot be protected, they will definitely reconsider the future. What we have to do is to create an momentum that makes all members of the Dark Church have to reconsider themselves. and the future momentum of the family." The think tank said in a deep voice.

"We have thought of something together." Luo Zheng smiled, took a long breath, looked at the bright sunshine outside the window, and his expression became a little more determined.

Yes, I thought of it. I know you are in a book shortage. I recommend a book "The King of the Strongest Special Forces". It is "The King". It is a very good and passionate military text. Please read it when you have time, Old Wolf. It’s rare to recommend it so grandly. Remember, he is the King of the Strongest Special Forces. Don’t get the title wrong.

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