The strongest soldier

Chapter 3260 Secret Arrival at the Castle

In a beautiful mountain forest on the outskirts of the city, an ancient castle stands silently. The surrounding chestnut trees dance with the wind and make rustling sounds. From time to time, you can see a few squirrels jumping and chasing each other on the branches. A straight road leads from the castle to the outside. In the city, dense sycamore trees grow on both sides of the highway. The leaves are wide and green, and the roots fall naturally. The highway is covered with dead leaves, which dance with the wind. There is agility in the quietness, and a few rays of sunlight are scattered through the dense branches. On the road, the sun was swaying with the wind, and it was dappled, giving it a unique Zen feel.

The main building of the tall castle is more than ten meters high, with several cylindrical spiers on it, which are twenty meters high. There are twenty-four Roman columns on the front of the main building, each of which is as thick as two people embracing each other. The main entrance is There are twelve steps, the corridor is very clean, and there is a fountain pool in the square at the entrance. In front of the pool is a large area of ​​flowers, planted with various flowers, which are blooming in the sun, colorful and colorful.

This is an ancient and beautiful castle, as if it existed in the story of the phone call. On this day, a car slowly came to the gate outside. The big iron door opened slowly automatically, and the car slowly looked in. In the pool They stopped in the open area beside them, and two people, a man and a woman, came down.

Nan is handsome and masculine, with a tall and straight figure exuding a heroic spirit, short hair, a pair of bright black and white eyes on a resolute face, a cold and elegant woman with nobility, and a decent professional dress. It completely brings out the person's capable temperament and makes him look heroic.

It was Luo Zheng and Lan Xue who came. Luo Zheng looked at this ancient castle curiously. It was thick, simple, and elegant with a mysterious cultural heritage. This kind of castle that has been passed down for hundreds of years is very rare. , Luo Zheng glanced around with curious eyes, faintly discovered many lurking secret whistles, and smiled with satisfaction.

On the surface, this castle looks undefended, as if no one lives in it, but secretly it is heavily guarded. It is the place where Sean is imprisoned. At this time, an elegant woman walks out of the gate of the castle, wearing a white dress. The towel, with a restrained demeanor, a steady walk, and clear and sharp eyes, as if she could see through everything, was none other than Fulla.

Luo Zheng went up to greet her and said gratefully: "Ms. Fula, thank you for providing us with your ancestral home."

"You're welcome. Don't forget that I'm also a member of the Anti-Terrorism Administration. It's my responsibility and my honor to do my best for the Administration. This castle is usually unoccupied. You're here at the right time. Get rid of your negative energy and help me. To gather some popularity, I plan to move back here after this incident is over." Fulla smiled politely.

"Those bastards didn't cause any trouble for you, did they?" Luo Zheng smiled gratefully.

"No, everyone is very cautious. They even wiped the dirty floor clean immediately. You lead good soldiers. To be honest, I have seen a lot of them. The soldiers you lead are of the highest quality I have ever seen." The highest one, of course, is also very powerful in combat. It is an honor for me to work with you all." Fulla said with a smile.

"Go in, there are many eyes outside. If something goes wrong, if people from the Dark Church know that Sean is here, they might do something crazy. It would be a big sin to destroy this castle." He said solemnly, asked for instructions, and the two of them walked inside together.

The temperature inside the castle is obviously much lower than outside. The decoration in the large hall is simple, with some oil paintings hanging on the walls and some antique ornaments. The hall is more than ten meters high. The sun shines in from the four windows, and there is a warmth in it. With a breath of tranquility, Tie Diao walked up from one side and said to Luo Zheng, "Are you here?"

"Well, lead the way." Luo Zheng agreed, and then said to Fula: "I'm going to do business first."

"Well, go ahead. I'll go to the kitchen to get something to eat. It's a rare time for you two to come here. Distinguished guests come to your door. As the host, I have to entertain you. You go and do your work. Business is important." Fulla smiled and turned to the other side. Go.

Luo Zheng watched Fula leave, then looked at the iron sculpture, his face became serious, he followed the iron sculpture forward, passed through a passage, and soon arrived at the basement. The basement was very large, with the hall alone covering more than three hundred square meters. , there are several rooms, I don’t know what they are used for.

Everyone came to the door of a room and opened the door quietly. Someone immediately opened the door. Inside was an empty room, or in other words, the contents had been emptied out for the purpose of interrogation. There was only a heavy armchair with an iron door. It was made of wood and looked very heavy and strong. Sean was tied to a chair, half lying down, unable to move his body, hands or feet.

Liu Qingqing was recording something in a notebook. When she saw Luo Zheng coming, she immediately came up to him and handed the notebook to Luo Zheng. Luo Zheng took it and looked through it carefully. The handwriting was neat, but there was too much content and it was a bit messy. , I haven’t had time to sort it out, it looks very laborious, but roughly speaking, it’s all Sean’s confession.

Luo Zheng glanced briefly and said to Liu Qingqing: "Tell me the important things."

"Yes." Liu Qingqing said seriously: "He has admitted that he was an elder before. The last time the elite children of the three major families used bait to deceive us, he was responsible for it. He made great contributions and was promoted to Acting Holy King. , became the true Holy King after the successful battle in the Desert Kingdom, but it was a pity that he was defeated by us."

"Speak to the important points and don't mix personal feelings." Lan Xue reminded.

"Uh." Liu Qingqing realized that she had talked too much, and quickly adjusted her mentality and continued: "First, he didn't know who the Holy Lord was and acted on the phone; second, the former president was one of the twelve elders , according to the layout of the Dark Church, the former president helped Sean come to power after he stepped down, but because of us, Sean had to be imprisoned, which was actually protection in disguise; thirdly, Sean was released by the former president."

"We have all guessed this. Now it is just confirmed. Is there anything more?" Luo Zheng asked.

Liu Qingqing knew that Luo Zheng was concerned about new unknown clues rather than guessing the facts, so he continued: "This guy doesn't know much. The Dark Guard who protected him has been eliminated by us on the battlefield. The contact person above It's the Holy Master, he admitted it himself, but every time it's the Holy Master who calls him to inform him about the mission. He doesn't know who the other person is? Where he lives? What he does? He has three elders under him, one of whom is a former president. , this meeting was still due to the need of the mission. Before, we only communicated by phone. Their internal management method stipulates that no superiors or subordinates are allowed to meet, otherwise even he himself would not know that the former president is actually one of his subordinate elders. "

"Where are the other two elders?" Lan Xue asked.

Liu Qingqing smiled bitterly, shook her head and said, "He only has a phone number and doesn't know who it is."

"Can't it be identified through voice tracking?" Luo Zheng asked.

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