The strongest soldier

Chapter 3246 Passive response

The cruel and indifferent counterattack was like a huge mountain soaring down from the sky. Luo Zheng was a little breathless under the pressure. He faintly felt a cold murderous aura coming towards his face. It was the provocative murderous aura of the Dark Church, with a ruthless and ferocious aura. Luo Zheng couldn't stand the fight any longer. He had been fighting the Dark Church for so long, from initial assassinations and local battles to large-scale battles in the desert kingdom, and now it has turned into a strategic attack.

Strategic attacks are different from ordinary battles, but more deadly than battles. Unless they are at a strategic height, there is no way to counterattack. The Dark Church has terrifying individual aircraft, terrifying stealth ships, and unknown high-end weapons. These strategic weapons are enough to support the Dark Church to carry out strategic sneak attacks. Luo Zheng does not have equivalent strategic weapons, so he is unable to organize a strategic counterattack and can only be passively beaten.

Tactical attacks focus on people and make do with tactical suppression, but strategic attacks are different. They focus on technology. If you are not at the same strategic level, there is no way to fight. Luo Zheng is deeply aware of the sadness of falling behind and being beaten. Faced with the Dark Church, Suddenly took action, and a feeling of powerlessness came to my mind. Whether I could successfully prevent the Dark Church's counterattack depended on whether I could suppress the opponent in terms of information. If I couldn't suppress the opponent in terms of information, then the battle would be completely lost.

The Blue Star trio hurriedly prepared to leave. Luo Zheng returned to the office alone and made a cup of tea. His mind was full of threats that could not be shaken, and he could not calm down. About half an hour later, Liu Qingqing took a stack of information. He came over, knocked on the door gently, and said, "Boss, Blue Star asked me to send these materials to you."

"Put it on the table." Luo Zheng said lightly, looking worriedly at the empty night sky outside the window, and his heart was heavy. Liu Qingqing was a little distressed and wanted to explain a few words, but found that she didn't know what to say. She sighed and slowly He slowly turned around and left, closing the door behind him.

The room was quiet, and the slight click of the clock on the wall could be clearly heard. Luo Zheng sat motionless, like a plaster statue. After a while, Luo Zheng picked up the tea on the coffee table and took a sip. It was already cold, so I put it down helplessly, smiled bitterly, picked up the information bag, opened it and looked at it.

The information bag contains information about a sneak attack on a warship. He was on duty on the high seas at the time, protecting merchant ships passing through a strait, and suddenly sank. He didn’t even know what the attack was. Luo Zheng’s face turned cold when he looked at the satellite aerial photos of the ship that had mostly sunk. After coming down, I had a vague feeling that this matter was not simple. Not only did the murderer have powerful information warfare capabilities, he could block all communication information on the warship, and he could also avoid radar. This method was not simple.

What's more important is that the opponent's attack power actually directly sank the warship. What kind of torpedo is this? Could it be that the torpedo technology mastered by the Dark Church also leads the world? If it wasn't the Dark Church, then who would openly challenge domestic authority? Is it a demonstration? Or an accident? Or is there some other unknown conspiracy?

Luo Zheng put the information on the coffee table and rubbed his painful temples. At this time, Liu Qingqing hurried in and handed two statistical reports to Luo Zheng. One was the statistical report on the island, with fifty-nine people injured. Sixty-eight people were killed. Another report was from the Operations Office base. One hundred and seventy-one people were injured and two hundred and thirty-three were killed. Looking at these shocking numbers, Luo Zheng's heart was bleeding. This was a What a living life.

This is a blood debt. Blood debt can only be washed away by the blood of the enemy. Luo Zheng put the report on the coffee table and stared at the empty night sky outside the window with red eyes. His whole body exuded an icy aura, as if a volcano was about to explode at any time. Mouth, I have never lost so many people at once. How can I explain to my brothers who were injured or killed?

Liu Qingqing sat down next to him with understanding and said softly: "Boss, don't be too sad. No one could have imagined this. It was an accident. Brothers will not blame you. If you want to blame it, blame the enemy for being too cruel. Who would have thought that the enemy has Such terrifying combat power? The top priority is to stabilize, you can't be chaotic, because if you are chaotic, the brothers will be even more chaotic."

"I should have thought. Knowing that the enemy has terrifying weapons like aircraft, I should have thought that they would launch a sneak attack. I was negligent." Luo Zheng said in a deep voice, falling into deep self-blame. Such a large number of casualties, and it was possible Luo Zheng could not forgive himself for the casualties he had avoided.

"I really can't blame you. Who would have thought that they would attack suddenly? If we hadn't been tracking down the Apollo weapons factory, maybe we wouldn't even know what attacks the enemy would use, and we would be more passive. Now that we know it, we should find ways to avoid it, brothers. Still waiting for your order, no more accidents can happen." Liu Qingqing reminded.

Luo Zheng's expression was startled, his guilty eyes turned cold, and he said in a deep voice: "Record!"

"Yes." Liu Qingqing agreed quickly and hurriedly got a pen and paper to prepare for recording.

"Order, all the wounded and wounded brothers in the island base should be evacuated, leaving only one rescue force. Be careful of enemy sneak attacks again; order, everyone in the operations base should spread out in all directions, and do not use air defense. The aircraft is too fast and cannot hit; order, intelligence All personnel in the area are in hiding and on standby. From this moment on, everyone in the Counter-Terrorism Administration, bases, safe houses, etc., have all entered a latent state and cannot be discovered by the enemy. They will be sent out immediately," Luo Zheng warned.

"Yes." Liu Qingqing agreed and hurried away.

The enemy's weapons were too powerful to stop. The best way was to hide. At this time, Lan Xue hurried in and said as soon as he entered the door: "We have reached an agreement with the relevant high-level officials of the United Nations. The five bases have agreed to accept our people. You Let’s see if we can let the people from the operations department go there in batches immediately?”

"No need for now. As long as they disperse into the desert, the Dark Church will not launch an attack. The target is too small and has no value. They will not take the risk of being exposed and attack again. Unless there is a high-value target, I have ordered everyone to lurk. , although the Dark Church is crazy, it will not start an open war, it will only be a sneak attack, otherwise he will become the public enemy of the world." Luo Zheng analyzed in a deep voice.

"It makes sense. The problem is that we have too many valuable targets. Not only us, but also the country? If that warship is really the work of the Dark Church, then they will definitely take action again." Lan Xue reminded.

"You remind the country that all high-value targets must be hidden and hidden in different places. Bases with concentrated personnel should be dispersed to avoid sneak attacks. The Dark Church will definitely counterattack frantically. If it cannot defeat us, it will attack the country. It will definitely not work if the country is not prepared." Luo Zheng warned.

"The country has been notified. The enemy is coming fiercely. We have no power to fight back. If we continue like this, we will become even more passive. What are your plans next?" Lan Xue asked in agreement.

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