The strongest soldier

Chapter 3223: Troop support

One thousand meters away in front of the Golan Trench, in the triangular sniper formation, the Dark Guards and Holy Warriors who were surrounded by groups had nowhere to escape. More than 20 tanks continued to bomb, killing the targets gathered together. Three snipers on the outside Under the leadership of Zhou Gang, Dian's brothers specialized in clearing out targets who were trying to escape, with no cover or cover. The targets could not avoid the sniper kills of dragon tooth bullets. The bullets bit their flesh, posing a great threat.

Snow Leopard led dozens of people to stand in front of the enemy's charge. With the support of tanks and artillery fire, and Shi Qian's first team, they blocked the enemy's offensive. The Dark Guard kept falling under the attack of dragon tooth arrows and had to It is said that this enemy force is very fierce in combat and has extremely rich experience. After a brief panic, it quickly organized a retreat.

No one can stop the enemy troops who want to retreat, especially the Dark Guard. Their speed is terrifying. Even top snipers have difficulty locking their position. The Holy Warriors are also not slow. They break out in a scattered manner and are difficult to stop. Then, the key is. At that moment, a sniper force rushed up from behind, led by the mountain eagle.

The appearance of the mountain eagle suppressed the position in time, blocking the enemies who were trying to break through in the sniper formation. Several Dark Guards roared and charged forward, not caring about the attack of dragon tooth bullets. After a few ups and downs, they were about to rush in front of everyone. Everyone was shocked and retreated to dodge. Once the Dark Guard approached, no one was an opponent.

"Whoosh whoosh whoosh-" Suddenly, several black lights appeared under the moonlight, and disappeared in a flash, like ghosts. Looking at the several dark guards who rushed up, they stopped stiffly one by one, and the electric light on the mecha flashed. Soon he fell to the ground with a crash, and then everyone saw a dozen black shadows whizzing up, leaving only a shadow under the moonlight. It was impossible to see who it was?

"It's so fast." Everyone was shocked. The mountain eagle stared at these people and forgot to fire. After these people slowed down a bit, the mountain eagle found that each person was holding a big bow and immediately reacted. Knowing that it was Xu Gang and the others who had caught up to support them, they were immediately overjoyed and roared: "It's a friendly army, charge forward and kill -"

"Kill." Everyone had heard about the terrifying speed of Xu Gang and others, but it was only at this moment that they realized that they had underestimated it. They woke up from the shock when they heard the shouts, roared with excitement, and charged forward with their sniper rifles held flat. .

Xu Gang joined with the second team. The Dark Guard was almost invincible against ordinary people, but they became helpless in front of the Dragon Tooth Arrow. They were retreating steadily. After a barrage of tank shells fell, not many could still stand up. .

The battle ended quickly. All the Dark Guards and Holy Warriors were wiped out. No one survived. The news was passed to Luo Zheng. Luo Zheng was completely relieved and smiled excitedly. Not long after, the news that the Holy King was captured alive was also spread. When they came over, Luo Zheng was overjoyed and immediately ordered everyone to clean up the battlefield. As for Ahab, he led his troops back to the camp first.

Not long after, everyone came excitedly with their trophies, only to find Luo Zheng talking to the tentacle monster with a solemn expression. Everyone walked forward a few steps quickly. Luo Zheng raised his head, glanced at his brothers, and said in a deep voice. : "Brothers, the other three sides are under infiltration attack by mercenaries, and the fighting is fierce. The south side is better because there are natural dangers, and the north side is also better. The terrain in the west is not conducive to defense, and the situation is critical."

"I'll take people up." Snow Leopard said in a deep voice.

The mountain eagle hesitated to speak. His troops were exhausted and could not handle high-intensity tasks at all. Going up would be a burden. Luo Zheng thought for a while, then his eyes fell on Shi Qian and Xu Gang. The two nodded knowingly and saluted solemnly. , immediately ordered his troops to assemble.

"Balu, please prepare some camels to transport them, and hurry." Luo Zheng looked at Balu and warned.

"Understood." Balu agreed quickly and went to prepare.

"Although there are natural dangers in the north, the area that needs to be defended is too large. Can it be defended?" Mountain Eagle asked worriedly.

"It shouldn't be a big problem. The gardener has brought the reserve team. They should have arrived by now. The two troops have almost a thousand people. The enemies attacking the north are only more than 300 people. We should be able to kill them based on the terrain." Luo Zheng explained in a low voice.

When everyone heard that the gardener had brought the reserve team, they all breathed a sigh of relief. Snow Leopard said with some worry: "The first and second teams rushed to the west for support. It shouldn't be a big problem. Can we go to the south? It's not far away from the southern defense line. Not far away, there is the flat Gobi Desert again. Can I take someone to drive a tank up there?"

"Balu has dispatched a thousand people to help. It's not a big problem. You drive tanks to the west to support, and the tentacle monster will guide you to the target location. Go ahead." Luo Zheng warned in a deep voice. In order to eliminate the powerful enemy in one fell swoop, Luo Zheng Zheng gathered all his elite forces to create an ambush. Now that the enemy was eliminated, it was time to provide support.

"Understood." Snow Leopard was overjoyed and hurried away.

Soon, the first and second teams roared towards the west on camels, and then the tanks also moved, passing directly on the camel carcass in Langolan, rumbling towards the west at full speed, and the tentacle monster followed. There, there was a tentacle monster guiding the target. Luo Zheng was no longer worried about the war in the west. He looked at the mountain eagle and warned: "Brother, if your people work harder, immediately spread the surrounding vigilance and act as a secret sentinel, just in case."

"Understood." The mountain eagle agreed and hurriedly gave instructions.

Although the battle was over, there was no guarantee and had to be prepared. Soon, all the generals left. Luo Zheng stood alone and looked at the battlefield, feeling comfortable. This battle became much simpler because of Ahab's defection. Xing killed thirty dark guards and hundreds of holy warriors, something that had never happened again.

At this time, Luo Zheng suddenly thought of the captured Holy King. There was a small team of guards around him, which meant that forty Dark Guards were killed in this battle. These were the efforts of the Dark Church. It hurts even if every one of them dies. I believe this Is the war enough to shock the Dark Church and other speculators?

The reason why many people seek refuge in the Dark Church is ultimately due to the strength of the Dark Church. The high-tech weapons and combat effectiveness possessed by the Dark Church are indeed powerful. When everyone discovers that the Dark Church is not invincible or invincible, they will naturally do something else. Intend.

After all, everything still depends on the fists. I heard that whose fists are the law of the jungle. However, Luo Zheng believes that after this battle, many people will change their minds, including the United Nations, with so many corpses of Dark Guards and Holy Warriors as evidence. , I believe that the United Nations will redefine this war. As long as it returns to the banner of counter-terrorism, many things in the future will be much easier to handle. Taking the high ground of justice and morality is equivalent to having the right to speak and the initiative.

"Hahaha, good job, old friend." A hearty voice came from far away. Luo Zheng turned around and saw that it was Jackson. He couldn't help but smile and went to meet him.

It rains heavily during Qingming Festival, where is your monthly ticket? I know from afar that my brother is at a high place and there is one person missing from the monthly ticket check!

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