The strongest soldier

Chapter 3220 Ambush a powerful enemy

The moonlight is like water, falling quietly on the vast Gobi desert. A layer of silver transparent gauze is conveniently covered near the Golan trench. It is quiet. The smell of blood in the air has not dissipated. On a higher mound, Luo Zheng was lurking quietly, holding a telescope to observe the enemies rushing up ahead, with a sneer on his lips.

There was a tentacle monster lurking next to Luo Zheng, who was typing nervously on the computer while whispering: "The enemy has entered the ambush circle. How about activating the Dragon Tooth Shield now to cut off their communication? This dark night, there is no more Communications contact them is dead.”

"Don't worry, there is still a big fish that hasn't taken the bait." Luo Zheng said with a deep smile.

"Are you talking about the information sent by Jackson just now?" The tentacle monster continued to ask without raising his head: "Holy King, the big fish we dream of, we really can't let them escape this time, we must catch them alive. If you pry open his mouth, you might be able to get a lot of valuable information, but there is a dark guard around him, which is difficult to deal with."

"Don't worry, this is the Gobi. Once the enemy is defeated, they can't run away. There is plenty of time to pursue. I have asked Jackson to contact Ahab and asked Ahab to find a way to put a tracker on the masked man. By then Where will he run?" Luo Zheng said with a confident smile.

"Yes, that's a good idea. We can't let a group of Dark Guards affect the entire battle. Since we can't deal with them, we might as well let them run away for a while. They can't escape anyway." The tentacle monster became excited, tapping the keyboard with both hands, and suddenly shouted Said: "These Dark Guards are too fast. If they don't want to drive our people into the formation, they will never be able to escape their pursuit. This time it is a bit risky. It seems that you have already figured this out? Why?" "

"Because they want to win, because only in this way can the enemy rush to the Golan Trench smoothly, and only with our people blocking the front can they dare to rush forward with confidence. Don't forget that our enemies are suspicious and cunning by nature. Our sneak attack troops are sharp blades when they attack, and they are just bait when they retreat if the sneak attack fails." Luo Zheng sneered.

"Forget it, this kind of tactical thinking is too complicated and takes a lot of time. It's enough for you to think about it. I still do my job well. The brothers have suffered a lot of losses. Also, all the holy warriors behind have also entered the triangle ambush circle. Do you want to take action?" The tentacle monster said in a deep voice.

"Take action. If you don't take action, the enemy will really occupy the Golan Trench. We will never allow this to happen." Luo Zheng's tone was serious and he shouted in a deep voice: "Activate the Dragon Tooth Shield. All troops will follow my orders and follow the original plan." Action, for the sake of the country, beat these bastards hard and kill--!"

"Yes." Everyone roared in a deep voice.

The mountain eagle led the troops to fire first. The enemies had all entered an inverted triangle ambush formation. Many enemies were not far away from each other. The dragon tooth bullet directly penetrated the bullet-proof armor of the holy warrior. The Snow Leopard, who was retreating quickly, heard the order. , quickly commanded the troops to lie down and counterattack. Before everyone could open fire, the scream of artillery shells was heard above their heads. Then, everyone saw a large explosive red cloud explode among the enemies, lighting up the entire night sky.

Although the Dark Guards rushing in front could not be killed by the bullets, they were helpless in the face of the terrifying shock waves of the tank shells. They were knocked away one after another and fell to the ground motionless. Perhaps the shell fragments could not tear apart the mecha, but the shock waves could still kill people. Shocked to death.

When the Dark Guard saw this scene, they realized that they had been ambushed, and immediately contacted the masked man, but found that they could not communicate at all, and the walkie-talkie only made rustling sounds. The team leader who realized that something had happened immediately called through the headset, but there were violent explosions all around. The headset signal was blocked again, and each other could not hear each other's speech at all. The team leaders had to shout at the top of their lungs and command the troops to speed up and rush forward.

Not far ahead, Snow Leopard lay tightly on the ground motionless, staring at the bombed Dark Guard ahead with a stern face, but his heart was extremely heavy. In order to successfully lure the enemy to pursue, many brothers sacrificed their lives. Of course, more Balu's Guards, Snow Leopard's manpower was originally small, and some of them were responsible for tanks. In order to successfully lure the enemy to pursue, Luo Zheng found Balu, and Balu did not hesitate to send his most elite guards. Come up.

A large number of them ran up and smashed hard at the enemy's position, but the reaction and speed of the Dark Guards were very fast. After a short period of chaos, many Dark Guards rushed up at full speed. It must be said that these Dark Guards were very smart. At this time, if you retreat, you will die more miserably. If you rush forward and get involved with your opponent, you will have a glimmer of hope.

Seeing the Dark Guard charging forward, Snow Leopard did not panic, but shouted coldly: "Brother Shi Qian, I leave it to you, can you stop it?"

"Don't worry, there are only a dozen or so." Shi Qian, who was lurking not far away, agreed coldly. After the tank bombardment, half of the more than thirty Dark Guards had fallen, and the remaining ten Dark Guards rushed up. , Shi Qian didn't take it seriously, but shouted: "Brothers, prepare to fight."

"Yes." The members of the first team put down their guns one after another, raised their bows and arrows, and aimed at the dark guards who were charging forward.

Seeing that the Dark Guard was too fast, Snow Leopard was worried that everyone would not be able to aim. Once the Dark Guard got close, everyone would suffer. He immediately shouted: "Brothers, prepare grenades, follow our orders."

"Yes." Everyone responded in a deep voice, and Balu's guards also took out grenades under the reminder of the translator.

There are more than 100 troops responsible for the sneak attack, and the Dark Guard deliberately retained their hands. There are still 70 or 80 people here. These Dark Guards are also unlucky. If they swallow this bait from the beginning, there may be a glimmer of hope. Now the situation was reversed, and the bait became a deadly blade. When the Snow Leopard saw that the Dark Guard had rushed to a distance of a hundred meters, and at their speed, they would probably rush up in two or three seconds, he immediately roared: "Grenade, throw--"

"Swish, swish -" Seventy or eighty grenades whizzed away and exploded in front of the Dark Guard. Of course, the grenades could not damage the mechas on the Dark Guard, but the red light they could explode could indicate the target for Shi Qian's first team. , it can also slow down the impact speed of the Dark Guard to a certain extent, maybe only for a moment, but it is enough.

The first team has rich combat experience. From the moment they heard Snow Leopard ask the brothers to prepare grenades, they knew Snow Leopard’s good intentions. He did not shoot the dragon tooth arrow, but waited for the moment of explosion. When he saw the Dark Guard instinctively When they lowered their speed to dodge grenades, the first team smiled coldly, and Shi Qian even roared: "Kill——"

"Kill--" Ten dragon tooth arrows whizzed away, drawing black shadows under the moonlight, and disappeared in a flash, silently like ghosts, and the killing was invisible.

A new month has begun. Will I be beaten if I ask for a monthly ticket? Can you bear to see Lao Lang at the bottom of the monthly vote list?

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