The strongest soldier

Chapter 3205 Destroy the Tank

"Rumble--" Hundreds of tanks came slowly, with unparalleled momentum, kicking up billowing dust, flying all over the sky, covering the large number of infantry behind them, such murderous intent seemed to crush the entire world, the tanks The roar of the motor was even louder, and coupled with the continuously exploding shells, the whole world seemed to be shaking.

"300 meters - 250 meters -"

Luo Zheng lay in a trench and stared at the tanks that were getting closer and closer. They were lined up in a row, as if they were a huge wave that was long enough to swallow everything. An invisible murderous aura came towards him, with a thick The thick chill was so oppressive that it made people breathe. It was getting closer, and it was getting closer again. Luo Zhengyuan stared at him and quickly calculated the distance in his mind.

Two hundred meters later, Luo Zheng felt a huge fighting spirit welling up from the bottom of his heart, as if it was about to break through the top of his head and rush into the sky. All the cells in his body were excited, and he roared: "First and second teams, target, tank ,kill--"

"Kill--" All the brothers who had been prepared for a long time roared when they heard the order.


The sound of the arrow hitting the tank armor was drowned out by the roar of the motor and the sound of explosions. Everyone could not even see clearly when the arrow hit the target. Their vision was blocked by the flying sand in the sky. In the haze, everyone saw the flickering lights in the flying yellow sand. The lightning flashes were like white spider webs, strange and dazzling.

Soon, everyone saw that the tanks approaching fiercely from the front stopped a lot, and there was a gap in the torrent of steel that was coming in a row. The infantry hiding behind could be vaguely seen. No one opened fire, nor did anyone. People rushed up, and the position was quiet, with only many black shadows flashing and disappearing in the void, like ghosts.

More tanks were hit by dragon tooth arrows, and flashes of electric light erupted, sizzling and dancing. The tanks moved forward for a certain distance and then stopped. Luo Zheng was overjoyed when he saw this scene. As long as the dragon tooth arrows are effective, This time it was a lucky hit. Although the dragon tooth arrows could not penetrate the steel plate of the tank, the powerful voltage could.

"Okay -" Warm cheers erupted on the battlefield. Seeing this scene, everyone ignored the concealment and cheered loudly. Their emotions became high, and their fighting spirit rushed to the sky, as if they wanted to poke a hole in the sky. .

"Hidden, all hidden." Luo Zheng was shocked and quickly ordered loudly. The enemy tanks were still attacking, and only a dozen of them were stopped, which was not enough to threaten the enemy's offensive. At this time, taking the lead would undoubtedly expose his position and seek death, so he jumped quickly Go down to the Golan trench and run to the back along the communication trench.

As long as the enemy infantry did not launch a group charge, Luo Zheng would be too lazy to fire and counterattack. As for the surging tanks, they were not terrible. With the Golan Trench, it was impossible to get through. It was enough for everyone to hide.

"Whoosh whoosh-" Another round of dragon tooth arrows whizzed away. When the members of the first and second teams saw that the dragon tooth arrows were effective, they all immediately became energetic. How could they stop? He quickly changed positions and continued shooting.

All this sounds like a long story, but in fact it only took about ten seconds. A huge gap appeared in the middle of the rolling torrent of steel, but the tanks on both sides continued to advance. They were only a hundred meters away from the Golan Trench, hiding in the rear positions. The brothers could all feel the metallic chill emanating from the tank, but no one was afraid and no one ran away. They all hid in the trench without moving, pricking up their ears and waiting for orders.

The top of the Golan trench is four meters wide and nine meters deep. Tanks can only fall if they come over. It is impossible for people to jump over the four-meter-wide trench. The menacing offensive is nothing to everyone, as long as they can escape The artillery fire was enough. Everyone tightened their grip on the steel guns. The bullets had already been fired. Their whole bodies were tense and ready for the decisive battle.

Luo Zheng quickly detoured to the rear position and found a place to hide. He looked carefully and saw that the tank was only fifty meters away from the Golan Trench. It slowed down a bit, but had no intention of stopping. He couldn't help but wonder, could the enemy I didn't know that I had a Golan Trench. It would be great if this was the case. It would be best if they all fell into the Golan Trench. Thinking of this, Luo Zheng was looking forward to it.

Suddenly, Luo Zheng realized why the enemy did not stop a few hundred meters in front of the Golan Trench to cover the infantry attack with fire, but instead launched a joint attack with infantry and tanks. Because the cooperation was unskilled, the local government troops did not know how to drive these tanks. They should be mercenaries or others, so it is impossible to practice infantry-tank joint attack tactics in advance. It should be temporary cooperation. In order not to accidentally injure one's own people, simply let the tanks clear the way and cover the infantry attack.

"It's like this, it must be like this." Luo Zheng suddenly became energetic when he thought of this. What was the fight about? After all, they are still human beings, and the team formed temporarily does not have a tacit understanding of cooperation. This is the enemy's biggest flaw. Luo Zheng's mind turned quickly and he quickly thought of more countermeasures.

At this time, the tank continued to rush forward without any intention of slowing down. Luo Zheng became a little nervous, his eyes full of expectation, and shouted loudly: "Everyone listen to my order, don't show your head, and don't shoot. Hide and standby, light and heavy machine guns ready to fire."

"Yes!" All the officers who heard the order shouted in a deep voice.

"The first and second squads are on standby, hide." Luo Zheng continued to roar, staring at the tanks that were getting closer and closer, and he was very excited. If the enemy tanks didn't know the existence of the Golan Trench, then they would If you make a lot of money, as long as you drive up, everything will fall down.

Thinking of this, Luo Zheng couldn't help but clenched his fists. The threat of tanks was too great. If the tanks were destroyed from the beginning, the battle would be safe. The brothers were not stupid. They also thought about this problem and were all nervously looking forward to it. He stood up and opened his mouth wide. He forgot about the explosions that kept ringing around him and the possibility of being blown up. He could only see the tanks getting closer and closer. Someone even shouted excitedly: "Drop it, drop it, drop it -"

"Fall, fall, fall -" Soon, more people joined in, and the shouts gradually became uniform and very regular, floating in the sky, echoing with the explosion, which was extremely weird.

Luo Zheng looked around with some surprise, and found that the brothers all poked their heads out of the trenches, looking at the rushing tanks with eager eyes, shouting something one by one, and couldn't help but be startled, and then realized that it turned out that the brothers Just like himself, he couldn't help but laugh, gripped the sniper rifle tightly, quickly loaded the bullet, and shouted: "Brothers, prepare grenades, prepare to fight."

"Yes." Everyone heard the roar in the earphones, and everyone became energetic. More people crawled out of the trenches, placed grenades within easy reach, set up weapons and aimed ahead, letting the shells surround them. When the sound was heard, mud and sand splashed on the body, but they did not move an inch. Even if there were brothers around them who were killed, no one flinched. Their red eyes were fixed on the front, and the huge fighting spirit was burning.

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