The strongest soldier

Chapter 3200 Enemy troops press the situation

That night, everyone talked freely about the past, talked about the situation at hand without any scruples, put forward their own opinions and ideas, and made every effort to win the war. Until midnight, everyone dispersed to rest and prepare for the next battle. During the two-day battle, Luo Zheng continued to sit still, looking at the deep night sky and meditating. After deciding to marry Lan Xue as soon as possible, Luo Zheng suddenly felt the pressure disappear, and ********** thought about how to defeat his opponent. .

After a while, Luo Zheng put on the headset, and together with the headquarters, Lan Xing's voice soon sounded in the headset: "Brother-in-law, secret communication channel, you two chat, I won't disturb you."

Luo Zheng was startled, then realized what he was doing, took a deep breath, and said seriously: "Xue'er?"

"Well, don't say anything. I'll listen to your arrangements." Lan Xue's voice sounded in the headset, affectionate, gentle, full of endless love, making people warm and happy.

"Okay, we'll wait until we win the specific date. What are your thoughts on this battle?" Luo Zheng said in a deep voice.

"It's hard to say, I feel something is not right. Think about it. Snow leopards and mountain eagles are so desperate to stop them and have achieved good results. Why are they still chasing them so desperately? Don't they have some support? Unfortunately, I can't think of what it is. You can only make your own decision on the spur of the moment." Lan Xue said in a deep voice.

"Yeah, I feel something is wrong too. Five thousand people were killed by the mountain eagle's trick, and one thousand were killed. The brothers continued to sneak attacks behind, and the snow leopard used button bombs to ambush. The cumulative casualties were definitely about two thousand, which means the enemy suffered three casualties. About a thousand, three-fifths of the troops have been lost, leaving only two thousand, why haven't they collapsed? Is it because of another supporting army behind?" Luo Zheng also said worriedly.

"I have investigated the army at the back and asked the mountain eagles who are fighting with them. I found that the combat effectiveness of that army is not very strong. It is not as good as the one in front. It has about two thousand people. In total, there are still four thousand troops. , the total strength is the same as yours, the only difference is that the enemy has tanks and transport vehicles, but we don't, how sure are you?" Lan Xue asked in a deep voice.

"It's hard to say now. We must find out who the enemy relies on. There are more than 4,000 enemies on our side, and we also have more than 4,000 people here. We all have the same strength. The enemy will definitely not be able to defeat me with only 4,000 people. This is impossible for the enemy. Unexpectedly, since you are so eager to come here, you must have other support." Luo Zheng said in a deep voice.

"Yeah, it's a pity that I don't know what it is specifically. People from the Information Department are still investigating. Don't worry, I will notify you of the results as soon as possible. Be careful. Bullets have no eyes on the battlefield." Lan Xue warned.

"Understood. Inform Snow Leopard to stay behind the enemy to ambush and destroy enemy transportation. Without ammunition supply, the enemy tank is just a piece of scrap metal. It is nothing to worry about. The supporting troops behind are naturally not capable of fighting, so let them come up and let Shandiao and the others evacuate. Come back, they need to use precise sniping to weaken the enemy's heavy firepower. Time is tight and cannot be delayed." Luo Zheng warned.

"Understood." Lan Xue agreed fully: "By the way, there is one more thing. Sister Hua has sent an intelligence team to the desert kingdom and is lurking near the presidential palace. It won't take long to get accurate and timely intelligence. Yes, the think tank is pursuing the mission you assigned, everything is fine at the headquarters, don’t worry.”

"Then I'll be relieved. With you here, there's nothing to worry about." Luo Zheng smiled movedly.

"If you have a conscience, do you want to tell your family about our affairs? You haven't called our parents for a long time. Yesterday I called and asked about them. They are all very well. The little sister at home looks at it and seems okay. It's not a big problem. They might be very happy if they hear the good news. Your mother doesn't say anything, but she actually wishes we could get married right away." Lan Xue whispered affectionately.

"That's right, she has been waiting to hold her grandson for a long time." Luo Zheng said with a smile.

"You are beautiful." Lan Xue also cursed with a sweet smile.

"Isn't it beautiful? It's like a dream. I didn't expect that I could marry a fairy like you in this life. It's worth it. My dear wife, let's continue to be husband and wife in the next life?" Luo Zheng said with a smile.

"Okay, in the next life you will be a girl and I will be a boy. I will marry you and you won't regret it." Lan Xue said with a smile.


The next morning, the sun shone brightly on the vast Gobi desert, seeming to squeeze out every trace of moisture in the air. The sky was clear, windless and cloudless, and the blue sky was like a wash. A huge army came slowly, with the leader in front. A Humvee, with an anti-aircraft machine gun mounted on the vehicle, was controlled by a strong man, followed by a huge mechanized army. The roar of the tank was deafening, and the black smoke that was constantly spitting out was like a devil grinning.

Not long after, the team stopped about five kilometers away from the oil field. The tanks were lined up in a row, looking like indestructible monsters and fortifications capable of withstanding all attacks. Many armed personnel gathered behind the tanks. The officer kept quiet under the order and looked curiously at the oil fields in the distance.

The oil field has stopped operating. The drilling rigs stand silently and uniformly, like soldiers waiting for orders. Apart from that, there is nothing around, not even a human figure. The silent oil field makes this... The troops were curious, and some even lowered their voices to talk.

Behind the tanks were transport vehicles. The transport vehicles were parked on both sides, forming a huge square encirclement with the tanks. People were moving around within the encirclement, with tanks and transport vehicles acting as barriers. The entire camp's defense looked extremely strong. The transport vehicles Behind them came a large number of camel cavalry.

The camel cavalry did not enter the defensive circle, but stopped and set up camp about a thousand meters away from the defensive circle. The camels' irritating neighing continued and spread far away. The entire Gobi seemed to come to life all of a sudden. After an hour, the troops settled down and the noisy camp became much quieter.

In the camp, many armed men were setting up tents. It looked like they were going to fight a protracted war. Some people were lighting fires to make food. The smoke was curling up, exuding vitality. After a while, some people began to dig trenches in the camp. The soil was not very hard. , the floating soil was shoveled away in a few strokes, and the soil below became much harder. I had to use grenades to blast away the foundation before continuing to shovel the soil.

Not long after, a small team walked out of the camp and walked towards the oil field. One of them held a white flag. This team was all loaded with guns and exuded a killing aura. They looked well-trained, but their guns were pointed down and there was no attack. plan, and his behavior is weird.

In the Golan Trench near the oil field, Luo Zheng quietly held up a telescope to observe the scene, with a look of surprise on his face. Negotiation? Persuade to surrender? Next to him, Xu Gang also looked at this scene in surprise and said in a deep voice: "It's a bit weird. What is this? How about I go up and have a look?"

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