The strongest soldier

Chapter 3197 Explosions Continuously

Half an hour later, the afterglow of the setting sun scattered gently on the vast mountains. A long dirt road lay across the silent mountains. The breeze was gentle, and a group of birds danced with the wind, east and west, chirping, giving way to the desolate landscape. The mountains added a bit of life, and a huge team drove forward along the dirt road. At the beginning were several Humvees, followed by tanks, menacing and murderous.

Not long after, the Hummer that was driving the road rushed through the wild boar forest and rushed into the canyon along the dirt road. It had no intention of stopping. The Hummer rushed forward for a distance, stopped in the canyon and looked around. Some people even jumped out of the Hummer. , rushed to the mountains on both sides to check, on the Humvee, the anti-aircraft machine gun kept turning, and when it found danger, it would spray terrifying firepower that could destroy everything.

After checking for a while, nothing was found. These people quickly returned, jumped on the Humvee and continued to rush forward. They quickly disappeared into the depths of the canyon. The tanks rushed up with a deafening roar, and soon they also rushed into the canyon. They were arrogant. Keep rushing forward.

"Boom -" Suddenly there was a huge, earth-shaking explosion, and a huge dazzling fire shot up into the sky. The entire sky seemed to be lit up in an instant. The ground shook faintly, and all the tanks that were marching forward stopped. Down, motionless, the long barrel kept moving.

The tank was not seriously injured, but the armed personnel hiding behind the tank were not so lucky. Everyone in the explosion area was blown away by the powerful shock wave and fell to the ground motionless. There was blood at the corners of the mouth. Guns were scattered around and around the explosion. Many people were knocked out and fell to the ground, rolling and wailing, it was so tragic.

Immediately, an officer rushed up to check the situation. When he saw more than a hundred corpses and wounded lying on the ground, their faces became ugly. Losing more than a hundred combat effectiveness in this big explosion is unbearable. , immediately ordered the troops to start searching.

Ten minutes later, everyone carefully checked the surrounding area of ​​200 to 300 meters. No landmines were found. Looking at the companions who were killed, they were basically killed by the shock wave. A few people had something embedded in them. It was hard to tell what it was. Fragments, in other words, no one knows what kind of weapon explosion caused the tragedy.

All the casualties were cleared away, the tank tracks were strong, and blasting buttons using shock waves as an attack method could not destroy the tank. The team stopped for about 20 minutes before continuing to move forward. One team walked in front to clear the way, and the tanks followed murderously behind, as if they were seeking revenge.

The team walked forward for some distance, and there was another earth-shaking big explosion. This time, it was even more obvious that the explosion occurred in the middle of the team. The searchers and more than a dozen tanks in the front were fine, but the people behind were bombed instead. Everyone suddenly realized that it was blown up by remote control.

The troops stopped again, and the troops once again dispersed for inspection. However, more than two hundred people dispersed and looked through it carefully, but still found nothing unusual. The button bomb was really too small, and no one could find it if it went underground. Everyone I've never seen anything like it explode, so naturally I can't find it.

The team struggled for about half an hour and then continued to move forward. A sense of sadness and anger permeated the team. The two explosions had a total of more than 300 casualties. Wouldn't it be all explained here in the next few rounds? Everyone hurried on silently and carefully, staring at their feet vigilantly for fear of being bombed.

Then, the fear grew more and more. After the team walked a certain distance, two violent explosions suddenly sounded. This time, the explosions were at the head and middle of the team. They exploded almost at the same time, and the powerful sound spread far away. , the world seems to be about to collapse.

In order to discover the underground trap in time, the enemy arranged for more than 200 people to clear the way. Half of them fell in the explosion, and nearly 100 people in the team also fell. In less than an hour, more than 500 people were killed or injured in the team. This statistic frightened the enemy. If you dare to move, stop and build defenses on the spot.

The snow leopard hiding on the mountain was overjoyed when he saw this scene. He clenched his fists in excitement and laughed. The buttons were blown up and dispersed. The attack power against the tanks was limited and failed to stop the torrent of steel. It was originally stopped by blowing up tanks and other mechanized equipment. The enemy's goal could not be achieved, but the attack power on the infantry was equally sharp. The huge casualties caused the enemy to stop the attack, and finally achieved the intended goal.

Soon, Snow Leopard found a well-equipped team hurriedly approaching. There were only about ten people, each of them exuding a cold murderous aura, as if they were furious beasts. The voice warned: "Brothers, hide them all, they are the holy warriors of the Dark Church."

"Understood." The brothers hiding in the surrounding mountains also saw this scene and responded in low voices.

Snow Leopard took out the telescope and checked it. He found that the troops dispersed after arriving at the explosion site and started to check carefully. Not long after, the troops returned to the rear. The team had no intention of continuing to move forward. Snow Leopard was startled and waited patiently. .

After a while, Snow Leopard saw two to three hundred people walking forward. He lowered his head and carefully distinguished the grass underground. Snow Leopard suddenly reacted when he saw this scene. The Holy Warriors knew about button bombs. They had just come up to check and they must have told the situation. The commander of this unit, the commander must have told the search force to conduct a targeted search.

"It seems that the enemy knows what to look for. Our things may not be hidden. It doesn't matter. They don't know how to crack it. Wait for the search team to come up before detonating it. Wait for my order." Snow Leopard warned in a deep voice.

"Understood." The team leader of the fifth trap agreed solemnly.

After a while, the enemy came up to search. One person even squatted down to check. He quickly picked up something from the ground and shouted. Snow Leopard looked through the telescope and saw that the opponent was holding a button bomb. He couldn't help but snorted and continued to observe. , found more people rushing up, each one lowered his head to search, and from time to time someone found a button and blew it up, and soon they all entered the explosion range. They were overjoyed and shouted: "Detonate."

"Boom--" Another earth-shaking explosion sounded. The ground exploded into bursts of red light. All the red lights merged into a large ball of fire that reached the sky, swallowing up countless searchers around. Many people outside the explosion screamed and fell. It flew out, fell to the ground, and started wailing happily. The shrill and desperate wailing spread far away, making the world move and its heart palpitate when it heard it.

The explosion fireball quickly disappeared into the void, revealing corpses all over the ground. The enemy behind them took a breath and instinctively took a few steps back. Their faces were full of expressions of terror. If it weren't for the strict military discipline, they would have scattered and fled, and the tanks would have disappeared. Stopping, the turret kept turning, trying to find the target, but unfortunately nothing was found.

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