The strongest soldier

Chapter 3195 Continue to prepare for war

Earlier, Luo Zheng had suspected that there was something wrong with the former president of Sam Country. Sean's mysterious disappearance was related to him. The unexpected news from Snow Wolf undoubtedly confirmed this. Two enemies actually came together. Is there anything weird in this? ? It can only be said that the Dark Church realized that matters in the Desert Kingdom were more important, so it arranged for impeachment and arranged for the former president to come to the Desert Kingdom to preside over the overall situation. If one was not enough, it also sent Sean to cooperate. What does this mean?

Luo Zheng thought that this confirmed the importance that the Dark Church attached to the Desert Kingdom. The more the enemy valued, the less likely they would be able to succeed. Luo Zheng made a calculation in his mind and made up his mind to annihilate all the enemies. This order was quickly conveyed to all combatants. Troops, everyone agreed without asking why.

Not long after, after hearing the order, Balu hurried over and looked at Luo Zheng in surprise. He couldn't understand why Luo Zheng changed from defeating the enemy at the beginning to annihilating the enemy. Luo Zheng did not hide anything and explained his speculations one by one. , and finally added: "The opponent has limited troops and even fewer elite troops. The enemy troops coming over should be elite troops. Killing them is equivalent to cutting off an arm of the opponent, and the subsequent battle will be easier to fight."

"Okay, it's up to you." After listening to Luo Zheng's analysis, Balu's doubts disappeared and he agreed.

"The troops you arranged to appease the people have nearly a thousand people. Leave half to protect everyone's safety, and the other half rush to support Shandiao and the others. Be sure to hold back the supporting troops behind. The enemy is coming fiercely, and they want to fight quickly. In addition, I The army has repeatedly attacked, so you should not dare to send a small force to cause trouble for the people, leaving half of the force is enough." Luo Zheng warned in a deep voice, his eyes shining and full of murderous intent.

"Understood." Balu agreed quickly and called a correspondent to give a few words. The other party ran to deliver the order. Balu looked at Luo Zheng and continued: "Do you have any new plans?"

"Let's not talk about new plans. With this Golan trench, we are not afraid of the enemy's mechanized equipment. As long as we block the enemy's attack and fight a protracted battle with the enemy, there is no water or food here. When the time comes, our outer troops will cut off their transportation attacks. , let’s see how they persist.” Luo Zheng said coldly.

"It makes sense. It will take a day or two for the enemy to arrive. What should we do during this time?" Balu asked.

"In this way, you arrange a force of 500 people to go out. There are many water-holding tools left in the enemy's camp. Bring them all with you to completely destroy the enemy's water sources along the way. But we must prepare enough ourselves and complete it within one day. For this task, another thousand people will be arranged to transform the camp into fortifications as our second battlefield, and the remaining troops will continue to dig more trenches behind the Golan Trench for backup." Luo Zheng said in a deep voice.

"Understood." Balu agreed wholeheartedly. The troops were idle during this period, so Luo Zheng arranged for everyone to dig three trenches behind the Golan Trench. All of them were about 1.5 meters deep and varied in width. People stood in the trenches. You can shoot from inside, which is very labor-saving. The winding S-shaped channel can effectively restrain the shock wave of the artillery shell. Even if the artillery shell falls in the trench and explodes, the shock wave and fragments will be blocked by the turning soil. There are some traffic trenches in the middle. You can use it from A trench leads easily to the second row, third row, etc. in the back.

Since the enemy was to be completely annihilated, the Golan trenches alone were not enough. Luo Zheng gave an order and all the troops were mobilized. Everyone knew that trenches were used to save lives. No one dared to be lazy. Luo Zheng asked everyone to dig in the trenches. Individual air raid shelters, commonly known as cat-ear holes, were used to hide in the trenches in the event of an air raid.

To put it simply, a Maoer hole is a hole that can be dug into the side wall of a trench or slope. It is mainly used for artillery defense, hiding, and storage of ammunition. It provides a living space for soldiers who stick to their positions. The climate in the Gobi area is cold at night. , and the Mao'er hole has a very good cold-proof effect. Usually the temperature inside the cave can be about 12 to 20 degrees higher than outside the cave, which provides a certain guarantee for everyone's survival in this desolate Gobi.

Facing the invasion of a powerful enemy, not only Balu's troops were actively preparing for war, but the scholar and others were also actively preparing for war, expanding the scope and depth of the defensive trenches. The gardener's reserve team had nothing to do, so he led Balu's troops to repair the camp. The mud walls of many houses were torn down and stacked together to form fortifications. Wood and stone were also fully utilized to build machine gun bunkers.

This war machine was running at high speed. After receiving the order, the mountain eagles and snow leopards on the periphery immediately realized a problem, time. It was not impossible for the troops to complete the fortifications in a short time, but the effect was average. Both of them made a tacit understanding Decide to delay the enemy as much as possible and buy more time for the troops to prepare for combat.

Snow Leopard was resting on a hilltop when he received the order. The troops had sneak attacked the enemy more than ten times in a row, and his physical strength could not keep up. Snow Leopard had to lead the troops to find this hilltop to hide and rest. There were thick bushes on the hilltop, making it easy to hide. There is absolutely no way to find a troop of more than ten people.

In order to sneak attack the enemy as much as possible and delay the enemy's attack, the snow leopard and the mountain eagle adopted the tactics of dividing their troops. They used small teams as combat units and moved freely, focusing on sneak attacks and blocking. After receiving the order, the snow leopard stood up and everyone saw Inexplicable, secretly nervous.

Soon, Snow Leopard made a bold decision and said in a deep voice: "Headquarters, it's me."

"Copy that, please speak." Lan Xing's words rang in the headset.

"Immediately notify my troops to assemble at the only way the enemy must pass, in the Wild Boar Forest." Snow Leopard said in a deep voice. The Wild Boar Forest was the name given by Snow Leopard himself. At that time, a wild boar was found in that forest, and everyone was resting there. After two hours, the snow leopard became familiar with the surrounding terrain and knew it was an ideal place for an ambush.

"I understand, what do you want to do?" Lanxing said in surprise.

"The Wild Boar Forest is an open area. To the north is a canyon. It is also a must-pass for the enemy to advance. You can take advantage of it." Snow Leopard said in a deep voice.

"However, the mountains on both sides of the canyon are not high. The highest point is only about 20 meters. There is no usable terrain on the mountain. There are not even tall trees. They are all weeds and there is nowhere to hide. How can you carry out an ambush and a bombardment? I can’t hide it anymore." Lanxing reminded.

"I know the terrain and it's impossible to hide, but we can set up traps to slow down the enemy's attack speed, and notify each team to rush to rendezvous as quickly as possible." Snow Leopard said in a deep voice.

"Okay." Blue Star said nothing more. The frontline generals know the situation and fighters best, and often make the most beneficial decisions, and the headquarters will not interfere or stop them too much.

"Brothers, we have a big job to do. Cheer up and get going." Snow Leopard said in a deep voice, looking at the brothers around him, with a glint in his eyes.

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