The strongest soldier

Chapter 3188 Enemy Breakthrough

The invisible enemy, precise shooting, and terrifying murderous intent were like a huge stone pressing on the hearts of the pursuers, making everyone terrified. Under the control of the desire to survive, and under the orders of the officers, the pursuers headed into the deep night fog. During the pursuit, they gave up the task of blocking the exit of the canyon. Faced with the threat of death, the invisible enemy, and the inescapable pursuit, the enemy chose to fight back to protect themselves.

However, what made the enemy depressed was that after chasing for a while, they didn't see their opponent at all. The opponent seemed to disappear out of thin air. This situation made everyone even more frightened and went crazy. Panic spread among the team and they continued to chase. It is estimated that there is still no one. What if we return and the opponent comes up from behind and pursues us again? To pursue or not to pursue? Everyone hesitated, looking at the night fog around them warily, at a loss.

The officer knew that this was not going to work, so he made some calculations and quickly contacted other troops. However, he found that the other troops had lost their message and no one answered the call. Everyone suddenly realized that something was wrong. After doing the summing up, they did not care about the task of blocking the exit of the canyon. , they all retreated along the way they came.

The troops had just retreated a dozen meters when gunshots rang out again in the night fog. They were scattered but everywhere. Every shot could kill someone. The troops became even more panicked. You must know that half of the casualties were lost in just a moment. As soon as they had enough, the fighting would be even worse if they continued to fight. Everyone spread their legs and retreated wildly, regardless of the constant gunshots from behind.

The enemies chasing up from both sides of the cliff were thrown into disarray and retreated one after another. Snipers chased them and continued to hunt down their targets. The mountain eagles at the exit of the canyon did not know all this and did not bother to understand. They were fighting with the enemy. After a fierce battle, two hundred enemies tried to rush out, but were blocked in the canyon by everyone.

There were a lot of blown-up buttons in the canyon. They would explode as soon as they were stepped on. Thanks to the blown-up buttons, we were able to stabilize our position and prevent the enemy from rushing out. More than half of the two hundred pursuers were injured or killed by the bombing. They couldn't help but hide in the canyon. If you dare to move around, I'm not sure if any buttons will explode.

The enemy was hiding in the canyon and could not snipe the mountain eagles and others who were ambushing outside, so they had to wait patiently. After a while, the pursuers inside suddenly realized that something was wrong. Why did the friendly troops chasing after them on both sides of the canyon not show up? An officer immediately contacted the outside world, and finally contacted one person. When he learned that the other party had encountered a terrifying opponent, more than half of whom were killed or injured, and was retreating, the officer was completely dumbfounded.

Three armies came after them. One way was through the canyon, and the other two were on the mountaintops on both sides of the canyon. They were only able to contact one friendly army, but the other party was still retreating. The other friendly army could not be contacted at all. It is estimated that there is no chance of success, and only one of them was left. , losing troops and generals, more than half of them dead or wounded, how to fight?

The pursuers also hesitated, but if they retreated without orders, they would be severely punished. Going back would mean death. It would be better to die on the battlefield. At least their families would be protected. The leading officer's face darkened when he thought of this, and he sighed helplessly. The troops were ordered to continue the attack. This time, they were different from before. They rushed outside without reservation and risking their lives.

The mountain eagles and others outside only had eleven guns and could not kill them, so a team rushed out of the mouth of the canyon. This team did not hesitate to fight after rushing out and continued to rush forward. This scene made the mountain eagles realize The enemy had lost the will to fight. Something must have happened, and it was something that was beneficial to him. He didn't bother to ask questions, so he immediately ordered the troops to pursue him. He finally set up a killing situation, and absolutely no one could escape.

There were only about forty enemies who rushed out, running desperately, looking like they were in a panic. The troops quickly pursued them, but the mountain eagle did not move, but came to the mouth of the canyon vigilantly, and a bloody cold wind blew out. , the mountain eagle couldn't help but shuddered, but quickly stabilized, and glanced coldly at the canyon, and found that the ground was full of bombed and beaten corpses, and some wounded were wailing.

"Is there anything weird?" Fortunately, an idea flashed through Shan Diao's mind, and he quickly joined the pursuit team. He asked through the headset while running: "Headquarters, it's me. What's going on now?"

"The enemies who were pursuing from both sides were successfully repulsed and headed towards the entrance of the canyon. The brothers hung behind to pursue them. The enemy's morale was gone, and most of them were killed or injured. It was nothing to worry about. What happened to you by then? Hey, you guys actually Have you left the canyon exit?" Lan Xue's voice sounded in the headset.

"Forty people rushed out, and the others were all kept in the canyon. We are leading the pursuit." Shandiao was overjoyed when he heard that the enemies on the tops of both sides of the canyon were beaten back, and more than half of them were killed or injured, and he quickly explained.

"How did you do it with just a few people running out?" Lan Xue said in surprise.

"Brothers deployed button bombs in the canyon. Almost all the enemies were killed and not many were shot. Where are the snow leopards? Where are they?" The mountain eagle continued to ask. Although the enemy was gone, he wanted to annihilate them all. We still need Snow Leopard and others to arrive.

"They are almost here. Don't worry. I will command the battle on the other side. Don't worry, you can pursue them. You must annihilate all these enemies. This is a great victory. Well done. This time you will trick the enemy to death." Lan Snow praised.

The mountain eagle chuckled, said nothing more, and quickened his pace. He saw that the brothers in front were already exchanging fire with the enemy. Almost all of them were pressing the enemy to fight. The enemy had completely lost the will to fight and had no morale. He just shot casually with his backhand while running. A few shots continued to run, posing no threat to anyone at all.

"Brothers, spread out and surround all the enemies. Don't let any of them escape." The mountain eagle said in a deep voice.

Just as he was talking, there was a sudden roar in the dark night sky. The mountain eagle was startled and quickly stopped to observe. He found a bright light flashing in the night sky and roaring towards him. It was a helicopter. He was immediately taken aback and shouted quickly: "Brothers." , stop moving forward and return to the canyon to hide."

The canyon is steep. As long as the helicopter doesn't come in, it will be fine. Everyone knows how powerful it is, so they run back one after another. The mountain eagles don't dare to be careless. Although it is a pity to let the remaining enemies run away, the lives of brothers are also important. Fortunately, we are far away from the mouth of the canyon. It wasn't far away in the first place, so before the helicopter arrived, they all rushed into the canyon to find a place to hide.

"Ta-ta-ta--" Suddenly, helicopters whizzing in the night sky began to fire violently at the remaining enemies. The flames formed by large-caliber bullets flickered in the night sky, as if demons were roaring. It was extremely terrifying.

The mountain eagle was surprised when he saw this scene. Why did he fire on his own people? Was it a friendly force? The mountain eagle soon gave up this idea, guessing that the helicopters must have seen that the number of enemies was small, and they were running around, treating them as enemies. Perhaps in the eyes of the enemies, it was impossible for their own people to be defeated so quickly, and the only ones running away were their opponents.

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