The strongest soldier

Chapter 3181: Blast away enemy planes

"Buzz buzz -" Three armed helicopters roared over, full of murderous intent, and the roar of the propellers was like a devil roaring and roaring with endless fighting spirit, making people breathless. As an infantry nemesis, No one dared to ignore the intimidating power of the helicopter. The mountain eagle watched the helicopter getting closer and closer in the void with vigilance. His face became heavy and he roared: "Team 5, get ready!"

"Yes." The fifth team responded in a deep voice. The three launchers were placed on the shoulders of the disaster-resistant people. They were successfully loaded and quickly aimed at them. As long as the target is locked, this kind of guided anti-aircraft missile can track and pursue it without stopping. Unless it's blown up by something else.

"Whoosh whoosh--" The enemy took the lead in launching an attack. Team Rocket roared in from the helicopter, pulling out a long tail flame in the void.

"Run -" the three eagles roared angrily. The target of the enemy's rocket attack was naturally the top of the mountain. If you stayed, you would die. The order to evacuate was quickly issued. After hearing the order, everyone dispersed and ran away.

The members of the fifth team did not run, but knelt down calmly on the ground and continued to lock on the target. One of the brothers locked on a helicopter and pulled the trigger without hesitation. The anti-aircraft missile whizzed away and turned in the void. A small detour, heading straight towards the goal, with everyone's endless expectations.

The helicopter suddenly lifted up after realizing that there was an anti-aircraft missile, and they all made evasive movements. This made it difficult for the other two brothers to lock the target. However, the two did not panic. Instead, they continued to wait for the opportunity in place, constantly moving the launcher to search for the target. If they did not take action, they would Therefore, it is everyone's habit and principle to kill with one strike.

A helicopter was being chased by anti-aircraft missiles and kept getting higher and higher, trying to avoid the anti-aircraft missiles, but how could it escape? The helicopter dived quickly, but unfortunately the surrounding terrain was open. If there were tall mountains, it might be able to use something, such as a guided missile to catch up, and then suddenly rise up. The missile would not have time to turn, and would hit the mountain and explode.

There was no such thing as the battlefield, so the helicopter had to speed up to escape, but the distance between the two sides was getting closer and closer. Everyone stared at this scene and forgot about the battle. Even the other two helicopters were no exception and stayed away from each other. , did not dare to fly to the position, and the helicopter did not dare to be arrogant in the face of anti-aircraft missiles.

With a sound of "Boom -", the anti-aircraft missile accurately hit the target. The target exploded in the void and was instantly dismembered. Countless wreckage was flying in the sky. The propeller stood up, spinning at high speed and smashing towards the ground. It was extremely fierce and the ground was armed. Seeing this scene, they all moved away.

"Nice job." The mountain eagle shouted excitedly when he saw this scene.

Others also stopped and observed, showing relaxed smiles. The other two helicopters turned around and ran away for some unknown reason. No one could remain calm in the face of guided anti-aircraft missiles. The mountain eagle looked at this scene in surprise. , immediately smiled and shouted excitedly: "Brothers, look, the enemy plane was frightened by us."

"Hahaha!" Everyone laughed excitedly, and the haze was swept away. The endless fighting spirit broke out instantly, burning brightly, as if it was going to set the sky on fire. It was so heroic that as long as the enemy tanks could not get through, as long as it was not a big enemy, Large-scale encirclement and suppression, there is nothing to worry about.

Everyone returned to the top of the mountain and continued to dig foxholes. They did not require air defense and were good for hiding people. It was still early in the day and the mountain eagles did not know the enemy's next plan and were not ready to evacuate immediately. After a few minutes, everyone dug the foxholes. pit, sat down to rest, and saw that the enemy was still motionless on the spot. The engineering vehicle did see the stone bridge, but there was no intention of building it. Apparently, they didn't know how to repair it, or they didn't have the materials.

The mountain eagle smiled when he saw this scene and said excitedly: "Brothers, you did a good job. Fortunately, we arrived first. If the enemy were allowed to cross this stone bridge, we would not have a good life. Fortunately, look God is also helping us, we played well, and I will give credit to everyone one by one."

"Hehe-" Everyone laughed sheepishly, maybe the mountain eagle was complimenting him.

"These people seem to be preparing to re-build the bridge. It will take a while to transport the steel. It will be impossible to wait for three or four days after the construction is completed. We finally bought time. With this time, it is enough to cover the evacuation of the people. What should we do when we get down?" Zhou Gang came forward and asked in a low voice.

"Don't ask me this kind of strategic question, ask the boss, why should we use up that brain?" Shandiao said with a smile. After winning the battle and completing the task, he was in a good mood. He had a rare joke with Zhou Gang and turned on the headset. Connected to the headquarters, waited for the connection and said in a deep voice: "Headquarters, I am Shan Diao."

"I heard, you guys played well." Lan Xue's voice sounded in the headset.

"Captain, you're rewarded. We didn't do enough." Shandiao chuckled modestly, still maintaining his previous habits. I'm afraid he won't be able to change it after saying "Captain" in this life.

"You're talking nonsense, okay?" Lan Xue and Shan Diao have fought side by side for many years. They are brothers of life and death. They know each other very well. They know what Shan Diao wants to do when they hear it, so they ask directly.

"It's better that the captain understands me. Didn't the leader say that the guerrilla war is fifty kilometers deep? The enemy is blocked by us at the Karachi Stone Bridge, which is more than fifty kilometers away from the oil field. The enemy is repairing the stone bridge. During the day, we can take the time to rest. We will wait until it is late. How about crossing the river and attacking the enemy at night?" The mountain eagle excitedly asked for a fight.

After hearing Luo Zheng's suggestion, everyone's eyes began to shine. Night attacks are the best for everyone. With the addition of night vision tools, everyone is full of confidence. But the enemy is different. Without night vision tools, they can only be beaten passively. Everyone laughed excitedly thinking of this.

"You are changing the tactics formulated by your superiors." Lan Xue scolded with a smile.

"How can it be so? The enemies are huddled together. I'd be sorry if I didn't fight, right?" Shandiao continued to explain with a smile: "Sneak attacks at night are beneficial to us. You must have seen the surrounding terrain through satellites. There are mountains everywhere. , It’s not high, but it’s not conducive to mechanized combat. If you can’t fight and run, it’s no problem. It’s not as good as the two-legged enemy. Brothers can’t be idle, so what?”

"Okay, be careful." Lan Xue agreed after a moment of silence.

"Understood." Shan Diao laughed excitedly, completely losing his usual calmness and composure, and continued: "The captain still understands the brothers. Please tell the captain and the leader."

Lan Xue smiled and said: "Okay, I will explain to him. Besides, the general will not obey the military orders abroad. You are not a leader who follows orders to fight. It is rare for you to lead an army independently for the first time, and your opponent is so powerful. , go and give full play to your abilities, don’t just kill all the enemies by yourself, you have to leave some soup for the other brothers, otherwise the brothers will not spare you, so be careful."

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