The strongest soldier

Chapter 3173 Enemy troops dispatched

There is a saying in the art of war: If the enemy does not move, I will not move. If the enemy wants to move, I will move first. The current situation is that the local government troops are not immobile, but are hiding and not moving. They are preparing for a shocking move. When they want to move, they should take the initiative to attack, so that they can seize the initiative and lead the other party to follow. If they wait for the enemy The general situation was established and everything was ready. At that time, I couldn't move even if I wanted to, and fell into a passive situation.

Luo Zheng waited for two days without seeing the enemy attack. He guessed the enemy's intention and did not dare to wait any longer. Although the reinforcements had not arrived yet, and although taking the initiative to attack at this time would risk the division of troops, the risk of not attacking would be greater. Luo Zheng saw that He suggested to Balu in a deep voice. Balu's thinking couldn't keep up with Luo Zheng's rhythm. Shouldn't he be waiting for help at this moment? Curious, I asked.

How to advance is a tactical issue. Luo Zheng turned on his mobile phone and called up the regional terrain map. He motioned for Balu to come over and watch together. He pointed at the map and said: "We are in the north. Going over the towering mountains to the north is the desert area. To the west is the desert area. The terrain is complex in the vast mountains, and the terrain is gentle to the east, heading towards your grassland area. Therefore, the opponent is very likely to attack from the south, then bypass the inevitable villages and small towns, and suddenly launch an attack from the east, within fifty kilometers to the south. Many villages and small towns have been poisoned by the rebels." Luo Zheng analyzed in a deep voice.

"Yes, what do you mean?" Balu asked in surprise.

"If these villages and small towns are occupied by you, and if the people here are willing to support you, then this area will become your base. With a popular base in the south, natural dangers on the east, west and north, and oil fields in the middle, the general trend will be set." Luo Zheng said in a deep voice.

"Hiss, that makes sense." Balu was not stupid. He immediately thought of a lot from it. He immediately smiled and nodded in agreement: "This strategy is well deployed. The fifty-kilometer strategic depth is of great benefit to us. There are many key areas in this area. When will the implementation of this strategic plan begin? Now?"

Luo Zheng was about to agree when suddenly Lan Xing's urgent voice came from the headset: "Boss, Sister Hua said that her intelligence personnel have detected a piece of news and need to report it to you immediately. This is a secret communication channel."

"Take it over." Luo Zheng said in a surprised and deep voice.

Soon, Hong Meihua's voice sounded in the headset: "Boss, our intelligence personnel in the Desert Kingdom sent news that they saw a person who looked very similar to the President of Sam Country, but I didn't dare to confirm it. I guess it should be him. In addition, an armored force of the government army is gathering, with about 5,000 people, 100 tanks, 20 helicopters, as well as various transportation vehicles and artillery. The intention is unknown, and there is a high possibility of attacking you northward. "

"Oh? Pay close attention and report any news immediately." Luo Zheng was shocked and said quickly.

"Understood." Hong Meihua's voice sounded in the headset.

Luo Zheng didn't expect that the local government army actually had such a strong force. He couldn't help but become suspicious, thinking that it might be secretly supported by the Sam Country. The suspected president of the Sam Country might be real. The planes, cannons and tanks should have been brought there by the other party. The situation became complicated when the government troops were invited to meet with each other.

"What's wrong?" Balu looked at Luo Zheng in surprise and asked.

Luo Zheng did not answer immediately, but called through the headset: "Brothers above the level of squadron leader, come here."

"Yes." Officers at the level of squadron leader and above responded solemnly and rushed over one after another.

After a while, many people were sitting on the ground beside Luo Zheng. Everyone looked at Luo Zheng in surprise. After waiting for a while, all the qualified people arrived. Snow Leopard asked impatiently: "What's going on?"

Luo Zheng looked around at everyone and said in a deep voice: "I just received news that the opponent is secretly gathering an elite force of 5,000 people, including 100 tanks, 20 helicopters, several cannons and various mechanized transportation vehicles. Tools, the possibility of attacking us is very high. With the mobility of this mechanized force, we can arrive here at dawn and the war begins."

"It's just in time. My bones are rusty waiting for it." Snow Leopard said nonchalantly.

"This battle is not easy to fight." Mountain Eagle reminded.

"It is indeed difficult to fight. We cannot passively defend, but should take the initiative to attack." Luo Zheng said in a deep voice. The battle suddenly came, and Luo Zheng's thinking became clearer and more agile. He glanced at everyone calmly, and his eyes fell on Ba Lu continued, "How are you?"

"No problem, you can fight however you want. I said, the command is yours." Balu replied seriously.

The most taboo thing about the two troops being together is the inconsistency of command authority. Balu knows this very well and also knows that he is not as capable as Luo Zheng, so he handed over the command authority to Luo Zheng early and gave consistent support to Luo Zheng with his words and deeds. Regardless of Luo Zheng's actions, Luo Zheng nodded gratefully and said in a deep voice: "This unit must be the enemy's elite. As long as we eat this unit, the opponent will be seriously injured, and we will be able to seize the initiative and fight with the opponent." Confronted.”

"How to fight?" Shi Qian asked curiously.

"The mechanized troops are different from ordinary troops. They need to go to the mainland, otherwise the mechanized troops will not be able to get through. Therefore, they have only one way to get here. This road is hundreds of kilometers long and there are fighter planes everywhere. We use mobile warfare and sparrow warfare to attack. Slowly Bleed them, and by the time they get here they will be a tired army and there will be nothing to worry about.”

"I understand, okay." Snow Leopard and Mountain Eagle were very strong in military theory. They understood Luo Zheng's intention as soon as they heard it. They exchanged glances with each other and agreed. The other deputy captains and squadron commanders beside them also understood. , all burst out laughing, not caring about the soldiers approaching, as if the enemy had nothing to worry about.

Balu and Shi Qian were a little confused and looked at Luo Zheng curiously. Balu even asked, "What do you mean?"

"This sounds complicated to say, but to put it simply, we send some troops up, and use the squad as a combat unit to fight freely. If we have a plan, we will pounce on him and take a bite. When the opportunity arises, we pounce on them together. After fighting, we will run away. Sometimes we gather and sometimes disperse. Moving east and west, the enemy can't figure out the details, and the enemy's effective strength is constantly eliminated during the movement. By the time the enemy arrives here, they are exhausted and become a tired army." Luo Zheng explained simply.

"Wolf pack tactics?" Balu said in surprise.

Luo Zheng was startled. He didn't expect that this guy actually knew the wolf pack tactics. He couldn't help but laugh. Many people on the grassland dealt with wolves, so it was not strange to know the wolf pack tactics. He looked at Balu and said seriously: "Probably. This means, but it’s a little more complicated, and I’ll give you a task.”

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