The strongest soldier

Chapter 3169 Golan Trench

The bright moonlight hung quietly in the sky, watching the vast earth motionless and silently, spreading its cool light down into a dark forest. In the open area of ​​the forest, Luo Zheng and others sat quietly and meditated. The tentacle monster kept tapping on the computer keyboard, making crackling sounds, breaking the surrounding tranquility. The six major problems were like six mountains pressing on everyone's heads. Fighting requires pride and bravery, but more importantly, solutions are needed.

Special warfare is familiar to everyone, but large-scale operations are an unfamiliar field. No one can think of a better way to solve these six problems for a while. It is impossible to control how many people the enemy sends, and it is still unknown whether the fighter jets in the air strike can destroy them. , with the strength of the Dark Church, there is no problem in arranging armored troops to come up, long-range air strikes with artillery are even simpler, and sneak attacks by the Dark Guard are also difficult to prevent, and more importantly, biological and chemical warfare.

This is not the first time that everyone has dealt with the Dark Church. The Dark Church’s high-end weapons are emerging in an endless stream and are difficult to guard against. A little carelessness may lead to catastrophe. It is the most troublesome and needs everyone to treat it seriously. There is no good solution to any of the six major problems. Method, this gives everyone a headache.

Time passed by, and the surroundings were quiet. No one spoke. Only the wind blew gently, and the leaves fluttered, making a slight rustling sound. After a while, Luo Zheng turned his hand and looked at his watch. Half an hour had passed. There had been no enemy air strikes for such a long time. Something was wrong. Luo Zheng quickly connected to the headquarters and asked in a deep voice: "Headquarters, what is the situation of the enemy planes now?"

"The power supply at the enemy airport was interrupted. It has not been restored for some unknown reason. The fighter jets have not moved. The situation is unknown." Blue Star's voice sounded in the headset.

"If you don't move, are you not preparing for an air strike?" Luo Zheng said to himself.

Everyone was curious when they heard that the enemy plane hadn't moved. This situation was so abnormal. Even if we didn't attack, we still had to send planes over to investigate, right? Everyone looked at Luo Zheng in surprise. Luo Zheng pondered for a moment and then said in a deep voice: "Never mind, it's a good thing not to come. Once you find an enemy plane taking off, please notify me quickly."

"Understood." Blue Star agreed quickly.

Luo Zheng looked at Balu, then at the other brothers, and said in a deep voice: "Brothers, the oil field must be defended. There are towering mountains to the north that can be used, layers of mountains to the west that can be used, and a long road to the south. The Grand Canyon can be used, but the biggest problem is that the east side is flat and flat, which is not conducive to defense, and the enemy is most likely to come from the east. What do you think?"

"The conditions are limited. We have nothing but an engineering shovel. We cannot build permanent fortifications, and the enemy will not give us much time to build them. We can only dig trenches." Snow Leopard suggested.

"The trenches are better than nothing. If large-caliber artillery attacks, they can't be stopped at all. If mechanized troops attack, the trenches are almost the same as not having them at all." Shi Qian reminded.

"It's indeed better than nothing." Snow Leopard said with a helpless smile.

"Balu, I'll give you a difficult task." Luo Zheng's eyes suddenly lit up and he said in a deep voice.

"No problem, just ask me if you need anything." Balu agreed without asking what it was.

Luo Zheng smiled with satisfaction and said: "Although the six major problems are difficult, we cannot evacuate and can only resist. The terrain in the east is flat, which is not conducive to defense. Our conditions are limited. We can only build trenches, but the trenches are not effective. Big, so I’m going to do some work in the trenches.”

"What do you mean?" Snow Leopard asked in surprise.

"Have you heard of Golan Hao?" Luo Zheng looked at everyone and smiled.

Snow Leopard and Mountain Eagle's eyes lit up and they smiled. As senior officers with systematic military training, they had naturally heard of the Golan trench, but Shi Qian and Balu didn't know about it. Shi Qian asked curiously: "What Golan trench?" Lan Hao?"

"That was a classic battle that took place in the Golan Heights. The defenders had a small number of people and poor equipment, but they used a kind of trench to defeat more with fewer and defeated an armored brigade. The performance of the attacker's main battle tanks was very good, and the armor protection was also It was first-class in the world at that time, but it was helpless in front of the trench. This kind of trench was born in the Golan Heights, so it was called the Golan trench." Snow Leopard explained with a smile, his face became excited.

"Can it block the main battle tanks? Doesn't it mean it can block the enemy's armored forces?" Shi Qian asked in surprise. Seeing Luo Zheng nodding in the affirmative, he couldn't help but smile. His curiosity became even more intense. He looked at the Snow Leopard and asked, "What kind of Are the trenches so dangerous?"

“The entrance of the trench is 6 meters wide, the bottom is 4 meters wide, and the depth is 9 meters. According to the general method of constructing anti-tank trenches, the excavated soil should be piled on both sides, but the Golan trench went against the norm and all the soil was piled up. On our side, we formed a soft earth embankment more than two meters high." Snow Leopard explained with a smile.

"Nine meters deep? What are the benefits of this kind of trench?" Balu asked in surprise.

"The only way to conquer this kind of trench is to fill it up. You can fill it with earth, you can use tanks, you can build bridges, it's nothing more than these three. The soil is on our side, and they can only drive bulldozers to shovel it. Soil, we just need to blow up the bulldozers. It doesn't matter if we use tanks to fill it. The tanks that fill the trench are only over 2 meters high, but the trench is 9 meters deep. How to fill it? How many tanks are used to fill it? The rest is to build a bridge. , but the other end of the trench was filled with floating soil to a height of more than two meters. One end of the bridge was higher and the other lower, and the higher end was built on a soft earth embankment, causing the tanks crossing the bridge to sway left and right and fall into the trench at every turn. ." Snow Leopard explained excitedly.

"So valuable?" Balu was surprised. It was the first time he heard that trenches could be played like this. His eyes were full of disbelief. He immediately looked at Luo Zheng excitedly and said, "You mean we also dig trenches like this?"

"Besides these, there are more enjoyable things." Snow Leopard continued without waiting for Luo Zheng's answer: "The fate of the tank that was lucky enough to come over was even more tragic, because when crossing the earth embankment, the vehicle body lifted up, exposing the weak bottom of the armor; when crossing over When the earth embankment came down, the fragile top was exposed again, and "the head was raised and the belly was exposed, and the head was lowered and the back was exposed." Anti-tank rockets could directly kill it, so it was a living target."

"That's right!" Luo Zheng looked at Balu and said in a deep voice: "You already know the benefits of the Golan Trench, let's take a look." He gestured to the tentacle monster to bring the computer over, pointed to the east of the aerial photo and continued: " The straight-line distance from the towering mountains in the north to the canyon in the south is about 10,000 meters. There are more than 4,000 of us. Everyone is going up. Each person digs a distance of 2.5 meters. There are still five hours before dawn. Can we do it? ?”

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