The strongest soldier

Chapter 3167: Calculating Enemy Planes

The battle ended after a large number of camel cavalry poured in. After the fierce battle, the camp was in a mess and turned into ruins. There were collapsed rooms and fires everywhere. The rebels were either killed or buried by the collapsed rooms. There were no prisoners. This battle was to establish Balu's prestige and reputation, and there was no need for prisoners. Even the big shot Xu Gang discovered was accidentally killed by the violent camel cavalry in the chaotic battle.

Luo Zheng, who was far away in the mountains and woods, learned of the situation and did not go to the camp. Instead, he ordered Balu's people to clean the battlefield as soon as possible, take everything that could be used, leave what was not usable, and withdraw as soon as possible. As for Xu Gang, Shi Qian, Snow Leopard, and Mountain Eagle evacuated first with their troops and captured mechas.

Everyone did not stop after hearing the order, and soon returned to the woods, letting the troops find a place to rest. Several officers came to Luo Zheng together, with excited smiles on their faces. This battle was very dangerous, if not A successful sneak attack may not necessarily lead to victory, especially the enemy's ferocious fighting style that refused to surrender until death left a deep impression on everyone. If the rebels were all so ferocious, this battle would be really difficult to fight.

However, how the battle is fought is the commander's business. Everyone selectively left the problem to Luo Zheng. They sat around and chatted excitedly about the dangers of the battle just now. Seeing Luo Zheng's sullen face and silent, everyone slowly stopped. After some discussion, he looked at Luo Zheng curiously and became quiet.

"What's wrong?" Snow Leopard asked in a surprised voice.

"The oil field has been captured, but the enemy's counterattack is about to arrive. There are aircraft, portable anti-aircraft missiles, and with the strong support from the Dark Church, there may also be tanks, artillery and other heavy weapons. How we can hold this place is a problem. Luo Zheng said in a deep voice.

Everyone was startled, and suddenly realized that the battle just now was just a child's play, and the real war was coming later. Unless they gave up the oil field that they had finally obtained, but this was impossible, they all became nervous and looked at Luo Zheng without saying a word. The mountain eagle said in a deep voice: "It's indeed a question. How long do we expect our reinforcements to arrive?"

"It is expected to be the day after tomorrow." Luo Zheng said in a deep voice, sitting up straight, looking at the deep night sky and thinking: "The terrain here is open, and the oil fields are difficult to defend and easy to attack. Unless the defense radius is expanded, the mountains to the north and the mountains to the west , that is, the canyon to the south under our feet is naturally dangerous, easy to defend and difficult to attack, but it is far away from the oil field, making it difficult to support each other. The east side is even more open, which is conducive to the deployment of mechanized troops, so it is impossible to defend it."

"It's true. We have enough defensive troops nearby, but there is no terrain to rely on and we can't hold it. We need to move the defense line farther away. We don't have enough troops, and we can't interact with each other to support each other. The key is the east side. We can't defend it, but we can't give up. Burning the oil fields would go against the will of heaven and earth and would be really troublesome." Xue Bao agreed angrily.

"How long do we have to prepare, or how long does it take for the enemy ground troops to arrive?" Shandiao asked.

"It's hard to judge, it should be two days later." Luo Zheng said uncertainly: "The enemy's attack time cannot be controlled, it may happen at any time, but according to common sense it should be two days later. It takes time to mobilize the troops and rush over. Two days is the limit, air strikes are hard to say." He said and looked at Xu Gang.

Xu Gang had been getting along with Luo Zheng for a while. He knew Luo Zheng's temper and figured something was wrong. He straightened his body and said in a deep voice: "Is there a mission?"

"There is indeed a mission. I wonder if you dare to carry it out?" Luo Zheng said excitedly.

"Is there anything I dare not do? That must be big. I like it, so just give the order." Xu Gang said excitedly after hearing this, even though he knew Luo Zheng was using the provoking method and didn't care.

"Okay, I'll give you a difficult task. Destroy the enemy airport as soon as possible. I don't care what method you use, but you must ensure that not a single enemy fighter jet can take off. Can you do it?" Luo Zheng said in a deep voice, the local government The biggest reliance of the army is fighter jets. If the fighter jets can be destroyed and there is no pressure from air strikes, the subsequent battles will be relatively easier to fight.

"No problem. I'll blow up as many planes as the enemy has. It's all on me. When will we take action?" Xu Gang agreed excitedly. He liked this kind of special warfare the most.

"Let's set off immediately. I will have the headquarters contact you to provide satellite support. What do you need?" Luo Zheng said in a deep voice, his eyes shining with expectation.

Xu Gang thought for a while and said, "Give me some camels to travel with. We have local clothes on us, so disguise is not a problem. If possible, it is best to send an interpreter."

"Okay, the translator will find Balu in a moment. You can choose any camel. In addition, prepare more buttons to blow up. I will blow up all the enemy's fighter jets and helicopters. The enemy may reinforce fighter jets. Please guard the airport for me. How much support can you give me?" I want to see how much money the Dark Church has to support it, a fighter jet is worth a lot of money." Luo Zheng solemnly warned.

"Yes." Xu Gang agreed. Although he missed the next battle in the oil field, it was also very important to keep an eye on the fighter jets. With a look on his face, a huge fighting spirit burst out from his whole body. He licked his lips and smiled. For Xu Gang Generally speaking, the more difficult the combat mission, the more enjoyable it becomes.

After everyone chatted for a while, Balu came over excitedly on a camel with his guards, and shouted from afar: "Hahaha, this battle was a fun one, and we captured a lot. It will be enough for us for a while, but it's a pity that there are so many Weapons and ammunition are buried in the room, otherwise it would be more enjoyable."

Luo Zheng waved and waited for Balu to come over and motioned to sit down, and then said: "Let's not talk about it for now. You arrange for someone to go with him to perform an important mission, bombing enemy fighter jets. Without the threat of fighter jets, our war will be much easier to fight. , this person must be in good physical condition, understand dialects, and serve as an interpreter. In addition, he must prepare about twenty camels."

"I understand, I'll arrange it right away." Balu was overjoyed when he heard this and agreed.

The threat of fighter jets to ground forces is self-evident. If it can be destroyed, it will indeed be very beneficial to the subsequent battle. Balu strongly agrees with the plan and immediately found a translator. He also found more than 20 horses that looked very strong. Xu Gang said goodbye to everyone and left with the camels, equipment and translator.

In the battle in the small town, if everyone hadn't stopped in the small town because they were thinking about attacking the oil fields, the whole army would have been annihilated. The fighter jets were a sharp sword hanging above their heads and must be eliminated. Luo Zheng gritted his teeth and killed the most powerful ones. The second team was dispatched. Looking at the retreating team's backs, Luo Zheng gradually felt at ease. Everyone in the second team was a god-level soldier. It was not difficult to complete such a task.

"Brother, it is necessary to sneak attack the enemy fighter jets, but what should we do now? There are still some brothers cleaning the battlefield. It is expected to be completed in ten minutes. Do you want the brothers to withdraw first?" Balu and Luo Zheng stood side by side. He asked in a deep voice, with a hint of worry in his eyes.

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