The strongest soldier

Chapter 3150 Three Questions

In an apartment in Sam Country, Zhitan and Jackson sat quietly, facing each other in silence, thinking about their own thoughts. The room was quiet, and occasionally there were the sound of horns of cars passing by outside the window. It was unknown when the moonlight came from The windows let in a soft breath, quiet, peaceful and peaceful.

"Dong dong dong——" Someone knocked on the door.

The wise man stood up and came to the door, looked through the peephole, and quickly opened the door. Outside the door was Red Plum Blossom, accompanied by two capable strong men. Red Plum Blossom nodded to the wise man and said softly: "You two go down to the community. Go around, keep an eye on it, and report any problems immediately."

"Yes." The two accompanying brothers responded in a low voice, turned and left.

Hong Meihua entered the room, looked at Jackson, walked forward, and sat down on the sofa next to Jackson. The think tank closed the door, locked it, sat down on the sofa again, and looked at Hong Meihua with a heavy face. He whispered: "I called you here for an important matter. The boss asked us to cooperate in our actions to track down the whereabouts of President Sam."

"Huh? What do you mean?" Hong Meihua said in surprise, looking at Jackson.

"The thing is like this." The think tank explained Jackson's matter and his own judgment in detail, and finally added: "I had already talked to the boss on the phone before you came. The boss wanted to find out the whereabouts of President Sam as soon as possible. , rescue Tang Tiantian and others."

"Okay, tell me, what do you need me to do?" Hongmeihua agreed.

"You send people to the warring country in the desert. I suspect that the President of Sam Country has gone there to take charge of the overall situation. Don't alert the enemy when you find him. Just report it to the boss. I will send people to keep an eye on the Vice President. In addition, we must make a careful plan for the rescue." Come on, rescuing people in a military base is no small matter. After formulating a plan, report it to the boss for a final decision. This is what he wants, what do you think?" the think tank suggested.

Hongmeihua thought for a while and said in a deep voice: "No problem." She looked at Jackson.

Jackson had been listening to the exchange of tasks between the two without hesitation. He knew that it was the trust in him and he was grateful. When Hong Meihua looked over, he guessed that something was wrong, so he smiled bitterly and said: "I didn't expect that I would have this day, and we both didn't." We are old acquaintances, so if you have anything you can ask, I will definitely tell you what you know."

"Well, I won't be polite. I do have three questions." Hong Meihua said with a smile: "You arranged the investigation in the casino. There are so many people investigating, are there any of your confidants among them? Can you get some inside information? intelligence."

Some time ago, Luo Zheng asked Jackson to send people to the casino to track down the members of the Dark Church. The investigators were mainly from the Sam State Secret Service, and other law enforcement agencies cooperated with the local police. In the past two days, the troops suddenly withdrew. The president publicized that Jackson was acting recklessly. As a waste of national resources, there were no terrorists, so they withdrew their troops, but Hongmeihua, who knew the truth, didn't think so.

Jackson was startled, frowned in thought, and after a moment said seriously: "There are a few, I have to ask, but in my current situation, I may not be able to find out the news, please give me a mobile phone."

Hong Meihua knew very well the principle of leaving tea to cool down. She nodded to express her gratitude and took out a mobile phone and handed it over. Jackson didn't show any pretense. He took the mobile phone and made a call in front of the two of them. He made three calls in a row. , everyone said they didn’t know anything, and their tone was a little weird. Everyone knew that the other person was avoiding suspicion.

After making the call, Jackson reluctantly handed the phone to Hongmeihua and said with a wry smile: "I'm afraid I can't help you. With my current status, they can only avoid me in fear, so how can they give me information? However, The stakes are high, and the truth is beneficial to both you and me. You already know the phone numbers of these people, and it won’t be a problem to find them with your ability, but I hope not to kill them."

"Okay." Hongmeihua nodded and agreed: "Second question, who was on duty when Sean escaped? I hope you can provide a list. I have to talk to these people, how about it? Don't worry, As long as they cooperate, I will be lenient."

"Okay, I have nothing to do with them anymore, you can do whatever you want." Jackson agreed, but this time he did not intercede for everyone. With a bitter expression on his face, he sighed and said helplessly: "I have also thought about interrogating them. , but after all, we are one of our own. I couldn't find a reasonable excuse at the time, so it was not good for me to force it out. I didn't expect you to think of this. No wonder Luo Zheng values ​​you so much. It's really amazing. No wonder your team's combat effectiveness is so high and united. , capable and intelligent, I am completely convinced, what else do you need from me?"

"Thank you very much." Hong Meihua said with a smile. In the past, we had a cooperative relationship, but after all, we belong to two countries and have their own positions and camps. It is inconvenient to ask directly about many things, which will affect unity. It is different now, Hong Mei Hua smiled faintly and continued to ask: "The third question, you have been tracing the backbones of the three major families. I need all the information that can be traced. Is there any problem?"

"No problem, I have a top-secret information from the Secret Service, which includes all the information on the tracing process of the three major families. If you can help me rescue Tang Tiantian and others, I will give you these top-secret information. In your words, How about a pledge to join your camp?" Jackson said seriously.

With Jackson's shrewdness, he would naturally keep a secret in everything, such as the backup of all the intelligence he handled. Originally, Jackson planned to use this information to threaten the authorities to protect himself after he was arrested, but now that it is no longer needed, Jackson hopes to change the timing. , Hong Meihua did not expect that Jackson actually had intelligence backup. With Jackson's status, the intelligence obtained was definitely not simple. She was immediately overjoyed, exchanged glances with the think tank and said seriously: "The boss ordered us to rescue Tang Tiantian and others. You can still do it without this information, don’t you believe us?”

"It's not that I don't believe it, but I hope you can rescue me as soon as possible. If it's too late, it'll be too late. Let's consider this information as a gift to thank you for rescuing me as soon as possible." Jackson explained awkwardly. What he just said did mean a bit of coercion. , a stalemate would be bad for everyone.

"The risk of rescuing as soon as possible is too high. I need to know whether it is worth it." Hong Meihua said calmly. Since Jackson has made it clear in his speech, if he does not rescue as soon as possible, he may not get this information, but blindly Action is not the character of Red Plum Blossom.

"The information not only involves the tracing of the three major families, but also a list of agents who have infiltrated your country, some top-secret action plans of Sam Country in the past, safe houses in various countries, the detention conditions of captured agents in your country, etc. Are these enough? "Jackson replied knowingly.

Hong Meihua's eyes lit up, and she exchanged glances with the wise man. The wise man nodded, and Hong Meihua smiled and said, "Since you are so sincere, it's a deal!"

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