The strongest soldier

Chapter 3140 Enemy Air Raid


There was a faint roar from the vast and deep sky, which was strange. In the blink of an eye, the roar became much louder. It seemed like the roar of the God of War rolling in from nine days away, roaring with endless unwillingness and anger. It felt like the night sky was about to collapse, and the harsh roar continued to amplify, with a faint tendency to be deafening.

Everyone was a soldier who had experienced hundreds of battles, and they were extremely familiar with this voice. Their expressions changed drastically, and they all looked at Luo Zheng. Luo Zheng could also hear clearly that this was clearly the roar of a bomber. He frowned and his face became stern. , roared: "Quick, put down your things and move away first, spread out!"

Urgent roars spread all around in an instant, and everyone dropped what they were holding and ran into the distance, and quickly dispersed. No one knew whether the position was exposed, and no one knew what the bomber's target was, but everyone knew that there was Trouble, everyone ran away without looking back, with their mouths wide open, gasping for breath.

Faced with the threat of life and death, everyone unleashed their amazing potential and ran hundreds of meters away in one breath. The roar of the bomber became even more harsh. While running, Luo Zheng looked up and saw that the bomber rushed out of the dark night sky. The light on his body flashed, and he smiled like a devil in the Nine Netherworld. A terrifying cold murderous aura rushed towards his face, and when he was about to rush over everyone's heads, Luo Zheng roared with all his strength: "Lie down——"

No one knew whether lying down would be useful in the face of bomber attacks, but Luo Zheng knew better than to run, so he instinctively chose to lie down. He threw himself on the ground, shot his head with both hands, spread his hands and feet, buried his head on the ground, and his body was Clinging to the ground, the others also fell down when they heard Luo Zheng's roar, not daring to move.

"Buzz--" The bomber pierced the night and swooped over instantly. The sonic boom that ripped open the space stung the eardrums and made people collapse. This situation of being passively beaten is maddening and helpless. No one can do it in the face of absolute force. If you resist, you can only pray for good luck.

With a sound of "Buzz--", the bomber did not drop and blow up, but passed over everyone's heads and headed towards the town. Everyone was lying on the ground waiting for the master of fate, but when they heard the roar, they flew away. , everyone was stunned for a moment, then raised their heads one after another and saw that the bomber had flown away.

Luo Zheng got up quickly and looked into the distance. He found that the bomber instantly flew over the town and dropped two aerial missiles. Then it flapped its wings and flew away. The two huge aerial missiles hit the small town with a screaming sound. It went away from the town, tearing the air, exuding the endless breath of death, cold, domineering and ruthless.

"Boom——! Boom——!"

Two huge explosions sounded one after another, and the whole ground was shaking. Two huge fireballs rose into the sky, shooting straight into the night sky. In an instant, they formed two huge mushroom clouds, scattering the night sky, bright as day, and far away. Luo Zheng couldn't help but block the bright light in front of his eyes with his hands, and stared at this scene with slightly squinted eyes. He was shocked in his heart, and soon showed a happy color.

"Fortunately, we evacuated." A faint voice muttered to himself from the side.

Luo Zheng turned around and saw that it was Balu. Then he saw that the bomber had gone far away and there was no trace. He couldn't help but smile, and said happily: "It's such a close call. I almost told you here. Sure enough, you can't be greedy. If you hold on, If the town doesn’t move, or if we leave after the same day, we’ll be in trouble.”

"It's really dangerous. Fortunately, you asked everyone to evacuate." Xu Gang also came forward and whispered with lingering fear. In the face of a heavy bombing, no matter how powerful he is, there is nothing he can do.

"This town is completely destroyed. You see, the whole town is flattened. There is a huge pit at the explosion point. It will be difficult to recover. The Dark Church can neither get it nor give it to others. It can be blown up The small town can blow us up again, killing two birds with one stone, what a ruthless method." Shi Qian came over and said in a deep voice.

"Why do they have bombers?" Balu said solemnly.

"It should be sent by the government forces. Bombers are different from other weapons and cannot easily pass through the airspace of other countries. No one knows about our sneak attack on the small town. There is no prior preparation. Bombers can be dispatched in a short time. No one else except the local government forces ." Shi Qian analyzed in a deep voice.

"According to the intelligence we had before, the local government forces did not have bombers. Could it be that the Dark Church supported the government forces with a piece of weapons, and it was precisely because of these weapons that the government forces agreed to accept the rebels? If so, then we must do something I know what other major weapons they have." Xu Gang said in a deep voice.

"Never mind this for now. Since the Dark Church mobilized bombers for a sneak attack, they may have thought that we had been killed. The troops marched overnight. The target is the oil field. Let's catch them off guard." Luo Zheng shouted murderously, not being frightened by the bombers. , but instead aroused the fighting spirit in his heart.

"It makes sense. The enemy doesn't know that we have evacuated the town, otherwise there would be no air bombing. We can use this opportunity to hit the enemy hard again. The oil field is a strategic material. They may not bomb it after we occupy it. If we blow it up, we will lose it." It's no good for them, and the government forces may not agree. This target is chosen too well, let's go?" Balu said and looked at Luo Zheng.

"Let's go." Luo Zheng saw that the town was completely destroyed and reconstruction would require a lot of time and energy. There was no value left, so he agreed and said: "Take the loot and drive all night, take advantage of the darkness and march for two hours, and find us after dawn. Rest somewhere, the original formation remains unchanged."

"Yes." Everyone responded solemnly.

Snow Leopard led the troops forward. Shandiao's troops were divided into two, guarding the two wings. Balu's people were rearing behind, and Luo Zheng led several senior officers on the way in the middle of the team. After half an hour of rapid march, everyone Completely leaving the town, if you go further you may encounter other people. Luo Zheng quickly asked Xu Gang to lead people to explore the road ahead.

The biggest reason why this sneak attack on the small town was successful was the concealment. The enemy had no idea that they would be attacked by a sneak attack, and they were completely unprepared, so that the troops gathered together and were bombed by helicopters. If they knew there was a sneak attack, the troops would It is impossible for a decentralized defense to go smoothly, and it may even fail.

In order to achieve the concealment of the operation, Luo Zheng did not hesitate to announce the withdrawal of troops from the Anti-Terrorism Administration, and indeed asked Lan Xue to evacuate with other members of the action team. Then the troops were broken into pieces, disguised as a caravan and approached the town. If they encountered suspicious targets, they would immediately The detour, especially the helicopter's successful avoidance of satellite surveillance with the help of the headquarters, took a lot of trouble, and then the sneak attack was successful. The next step was the sneak attack on the oil field. Luo Zheng did not want his troops to be exposed.

The troops marched in the dark. Fortunately, the mountains were bare and easy to walk on. Everyone used flashlights and ran along the mountains for a while before entering the canyon. They continued to move forward with the help of the cover of the canyon. The huge team formed a long formation, but no one made any noise. , the invisible fighting spirit spread in the night sky.

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