The strongest soldier

Chapter 3137 Troops Gathering

"Inform Xue'er that helicopters will launch an attack on the town at two o'clock in the morning. They will carry more cluster bombs and attack the outer positions and the town respectively. How to attack her and deploy them? Send her the enemy position defense map of the town. In addition, let her She arranged for the brothers and Balu's people to be divided into parts, dispersed and come in batches, and assemble on the mountain ridge five kilometers away from the town. Be careful not to be exposed. Let Xue'er and Balu negotiate how to go. You can do it. It’s easy to cooperate. Bring whatever supplies and equipment you can, but don’t bring anything you can’t. Arrange for the helicopter to be on standby in the cave until two o’clock in the morning.” Luo Zheng warned seriously.

"I understand." Blue Star agreed.

"You want to raid the town?" Xuelian immediately heard Luo Zheng's tactical intention and asked in surprise.

"Is there a problem?" Luo Zheng asked.

"The biggest problem with sneak attacks on small towns is concealment. Once exposed, all previous efforts will be wasted. I understand that I will try my best to interfere with the enemy's satellites to ensure that no one is discovered. However, I need the cooperation of the entire information department." Xuelian explained, with a hint of emotion in her words. Endless confidence.

"No problem, Blue Star." Luo Zheng said in a deep voice.

"Understood, I will vigorously cooperate with my sister-in-law, please be careful." Blue Star agreed with understanding.

The sea breeze slowly swept over the hillside, bringing with it a bit of heat. From the moment the sun rose, the temperature in the Gobi began to rise. After Luo Zheng finished the call with the headquarters, he continued to stare at the town ahead, calculating secretly, regardless of the pain on his forehead. Beads of sweat fell down his brows, dripping on the ground, and were quickly evaporated by the hot air.

After a while, Luo Zheng felt that he was soaked all over, and the water in his body evaporated quickly. He couldn't help but move his somewhat stiff body to let the blood flow in his body more smoothly. He looked at the mountain eagle and whispered in a low voice: "The temperature is too high. This damn weather is not good." It feels good, my brothers may suffer from heatstroke if they lie in wait here for a day." As he said this, he raised his head to look at the sky, and immediately his face brightened and he smiled.

The mountain eagle also looked up at the sky, and soon found a cumulonimbus cloud floating over. He also smiled and said, "It seems that God is helping us. As long as it rains, it will be easy."

"The rain is conducive to marching, which is great." Luo Zheng said in surprise.

"Boss, we have arrived at the predetermined position. The enemy is well-equipped. There are more than fifty heavy machine guns, as well as many RPGs and mortars. With this equipment, even if a thousand people come over, they may not be able to rush through." Shi Qian The voice suddenly sounded in the headset. We were not too far away and we could talk via Bluetooth.

"The situation is the same here." Xu Gang's voice rang in the headset: "However, I found that there are helicopters in the town. The number is unknown. I saw five. There should be more than this. In addition to patrol officers, there are also helicopters in the town. It was found that a large number of armed men were building houses. The number of people was too large to be counted, and it was visually estimated that it exceeded 3,000."

Luo Zheng already knew that there were 5,000 government troops in the town, plus 2,000 rebel troops in the outer room, the total force was as high as 7,000. This was already a large-scale force in the local area. If this force was killed, it would be absolutely fatal to the government troops. The blow was also a heavy blow to the Dark Church, so he warned in a deep voice: "Be careful not to be exposed."

"Understood." Shi Qian and Xu Gang didn't know Luo Zheng's specific tactics, so they agreed.

As time passed, Shi Qian and Xu Gang summarized the observed situations one by one to Luo Zheng. Luo Zheng wrote them down one by one, and used small stones around to place enemy firepower on the ground. A simple The enemy's defensive fire map soon appeared, and Luo Zheng stared at the ground in deep thought.

Judging from the intelligence, the enemy's firepower deployment is huge and powerful. Not to mention the large number of troops defending, just dozens of heavy machine guns in each direction are not something we can resist. The total number of troops around us is not large, with less than 300 people at full strength. Scattered attacks definitely won't work.

Gradually, a battle plan emerged, and Luo Zheng's solemn face became a little more relaxed. Looking at the sky, dark clouds had drifted to the top of his head at some point, and the sea breeze was not so hot anymore. It was about to rain. Luo Zheng He breathed a sigh of relief, smiled, and said, "Shan Diao, Shi Qian, and Xu Gang, arrange for people to be on guard. The others will rest on the spot for a while, and have enough energy to fight in the evening."

"Ah? Okay." Everyone didn't know what kind of medicine Luo Zheng was selling in this gourd, so they all agreed.

Luo Zheng turned over and lay down, looked at the dark clouds and smiled. He closed his eyes and rested. From time to time, he heard the sound of everyone communicating in his ears, so he simply turned it off. He was really tired after a long night of marching. Luo Zheng fell asleep in a daze. After a while, I woke up from the rain. When I opened my eyes, it was drizzle in the sky.

The drizzle was dancing in the wind, hitting his face, which made him feel cold. Luo Zheng felt refreshed. He turned over, lay on the ground and looked forward a few times, and asked the mountain eagle beside him, "Is there anything going on?"

"There is no suspicious situation, there is no movement from the enemy, the defense troops on the position have all retreated into the position, the enemies in the town did not come out, and also hid in the room to take shelter from the rain. The enemy does not seem to know that we are back. Could it be that we announced it to the outside world? The reason for withdrawing troops?" Mountain Eagle replied in surprise.

"It is possible that Hongmeihua has announced to the outside world that we are withdrawing our troops. The enemy may believe it. If they know that we have Balu's chassis, they may be suspicious, but they do not know that we do not have Balu. There is really no other choice but to withdraw our troops. The enemy can relax It is reasonable to be vigilant, and this is a good thing." Luo Zheng sneered, raising his binoculars and looking in the direction of the town.

Time passed slowly, and the defenders in the town had no intention of coming out to search. Even the enemies on the position hid in the position to take shelter from the rain. Only a few observation posts were left smoking and chatting in boredom. There was no sign of a big war coming. Feeling nervous, Luo Zheng smiled when he saw this scene, and said in a deep voice: "It seems that our move to announce the withdrawal of troops was very correct. The enemy's vigilance was very low, and the confusion tactic was successful."

"Well, by the way, you were resting just now. Brothers have already rushed to the predetermined location to gather, and more people are still behind." Mountain Eagle said in a low voice.

"Brothers are here? That's great." Luo Zheng was overjoyed and said.

"It is expected that everyone will be here in two hours. I want everyone to rest first. You are very tired after a long day of traveling." Shandiao replied from the side.

"Okay, after the brothers have had enough rest, we can teach these bastards a lesson." Luo Zheng said, a terrifying murderous aura burst out of his peaceful eyes, and disappeared in a flash.

The mountain eagle next to him also had a sharp look in his eyes, and his gaze towards the front became sharper. After thinking for a moment, he asked: "The enemy has strong defenses, a large number of troops, and well-equipped equipment. How can we fight?"

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