The strongest soldier

Chapter 3128 In a desperate situation

Late at night, drizzle fell continuously in the sky, and the weather became cold and unstoppable. The vast desert was gray and gray. Except for the drizzle and the sound of the cold wind, the surroundings were quiet, as if it were a dark and void world. , no light or figure could be seen, but a troop was gathered in a deep sandy valley.

There was an aura of sadness and indignation over this army. Everyone was silent, huddled together back to back for warmth. There was no burning thing to keep warm, no bright light to illuminate, and no food to satisfy their hunger. They just silently checked their weapons and fired bullets into the army. Empty magazines were loaded with them. If we hadn't been well-trained, we wouldn't have been able to hold them back long ago. This was a sad soldier, with angry hatred supporting everyone.

One person in the team stared blankly at the sky without saying a word. He let the drizzle hit his face and remained motionless. His whole body was exuding an icy aura, just like the howling cold wind, cold and gloomy. It was Jack. After losing the battle in the small town of Sen, Jackson led his troops to evacuate all the way. They traveled all night and came to this sand valley to rest in the middle of the night.

The enemy surprisingly did not pursue them, and everyone's retreat went smoothly. However, Jackson's mood became even more desolate because of the news brought by Tang Tiantian. He stared steadily at the empty rainy night, thinking about his own thoughts, and the town was full of emotions. There was nothing wrong with his own tactical command, so why did he fail? Why does the enemy know everything? Why did the local government forces finally choose to cooperate with the rebels? Why are domestic forces demanding that they choose to break away from the General Administration of Counter-Terrorism and cooperate with local government forces? Why is all this happening? Jackson couldn't figure it out.

Tang Tiantian is also confused. With Tang Tiantian's IQ, he can naturally think of a lot through clues, but deep down he is unwilling to accept his conjecture because he is afraid that if there is a conspiracy behind all this, then everyone will be abandoned. If If this is really the case, what should the brothers’ families do?

Thinking of this problem, Tang Tiantian's face turned cold and frosty. From time to time, he looked at Jackson who was in a daze and hesitated to speak. After this battle, many things will surely change. Tang Tiantian did not dare to predict what will happen tomorrow. Everything can only depend on luck. Tang Tiantian had experienced this feeling of not being able to control his own destiny. It was when his father, the old Wolf King, died in battle, but he survived. Tang Tiantian silently looked at the night sky and prayed secretly: "Father, please protect the Wild Wolf Mercenary Group." Can survive this calamity."

Everyone present had their own thoughts and remained silent. Occasionally, they secretly glanced at Jackson who was in a daze. His eyes were full of inquiries, doubts, sadness, anger and confusion. The breath of sadness and anger filled the night sky and lingered for a long time. There was hatred in his heart. But being unable to vent, this feeling drove everyone crazy.

Time passed minute by minute, and I don’t know how long it took. Jackson’s stiff face twitched, and gradually became a little more expressive. He stopped staring at the empty night sky, and slowly glanced at everyone, feeling desolate in his heart. The situation was great, but he didn't expect it to be ruined in one battle. Jackson looked at everyone silently, his eyes gradually moved to Tang Tiantian, with a little more color, and whispered: "Follow me."

Tang Tiantian didn't say anything and stood up silently. The two left the team and walked forward slowly. Unconsciously, they walked onto a sandy slope. Standing at the top of the hillside, Jackson looked into the depths of the empty rainy night with a cold expression on his face. Said: "What do you want to tell me?"

"Is it useful?" Tang Tiantian asked coldly. With Tang Tiantian's intelligence, he could naturally think of many possibilities, and they were infinitely close to the truth. But the situation was over, so what would happen if he said it? It's better not to say anything.

"Yes, what can we say? It has been more than ten hours since we evacuated from the town. There are satellites above our heads. With the country's satellite information capabilities, we can definitely find us. Unfortunately, no one has come. This is enough to show that There are many problems that it is useless to talk about. I am sorry for you." Jackson whispered in a decadent manner, showing a kind of hero's decline.

"Is there any chance of improvement?" Tang Tiantian asked in a deep voice, looking at Jackson with a more expectant look, eager for Jackson to give a positive answer.

People are most realistic when they are in desperate situations, and they don’t want to miss any opportunity. Tang Tiantian stared at Jackson closely. Jackson did not answer, but stared at the depths of the empty rainy night, frowning and thinking, the cold wind blowing. , the drizzle dances with the cold wind, blowing on the face, making people irritated and uneasy.

It was quiet on the sandy slope. Both Jackson and Tang Tiantian looked at the deep rainy night without saying a word, each with their own thoughts, letting the wind and rain blow on their bodies. How could their soaked clothes and the icy cold air make their hearts feel cold? After a while, Jackson whispered coldly: "I don't know."

A word of not knowing made Dao Jin feel desolate. As the head of the Secret Service and the president's confidant, he didn't know how things would develop and what the future would be like. This was a kind of helplessness that things were out of control, a sadness that had no solution to the situation at hand, and Confusion about the future.

This unknown sentence made Tang Tiantian's heart sink to the bottom. His face was full of sadness, his eyes looked helplessly at the night sky, and he asked unwillingly: "The president has been kind to you, and he also needs your help. There is no reason why he can't help you." Help us resolve our dilemma, why?”

"I don't know." Jackson said bitterly, a bit self-deprecating.

Another word of "I don't know". Tang Tiantian is extremely smart and has already sensed Jackson's helplessness and hesitation, as well as a hint of anger and unwillingness. Normally, the president would definitely ask about this matter and send assistance, at least dispatch a plane. Picking everyone up, with the energy of Sam Country, it is not difficult to do this, why not? Obviously, Jackson's backer has fallen, which means that his own backer has also fallen.

Thinking of this, Tang Tiantian's face froze, a sad aura spread out, and she asked helplessly: "Why? What is all this for? Have we been abandoned? Tell me, has the country abandoned us?"

"I don't know, I really don't know." Jackson hugged his head tightly and shouted, helpless, confused, painful and lost, just like a helpless bird standing alone on the branch in the cold wind and rain, facing The poisonous snake that was slowly crawling was no longer able to spread its wings and take off, and watched helplessly as death came.

Death is not terrible. What is terrible is seeing death coming and not being able to resist. With Jackson's character, he is not afraid of death and is not cowardly. But being abandoned by the person he loyal to to the death is very uncomfortable. Jackson has reached the point of collapse. the edge of.

Tang Tiantian looked at Jackson silently, filled with regret in her heart. She hated her original choice, hated the disrespect of fate, and even hated herself for bringing the Wild Wolf Mercenary Group into a desperate situation. Her heart was desolate, and a line of cold tears rolled down. Looking at Jackson steadily, he asked in a cold tone: "What should we do next?"

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