The strongest soldier

Chapter 3082 Fierce Air Raid

Brilliant tactics require talented people to execute them. The tactics of the camel cavalry reinforcements are very simple. Charge up as quickly as possible. If they are not attacked, they will quickly hide in the trenches that have been dug long ago and continue to confront the opponent. If they are attacked, they will use a large number of RPGs to counterattack. The opponent was caught off guard.

I have to say that this plan is highly concealed and is a clever tactic. If it succeeds, the ten helicopters will be gone, and the camel cavalry reinforcements can roar up and rush into the trenches to hide. It will be difficult to fight again.

The sudden appearance of nearly a hundred RPGs really startled Luo Zheng. Fortunately, these people were all on the fast running camels. It was difficult to kill the target accurately while running. The rockets fired were not accurate enough. In addition, the helicopter pilots were all He was a soldier with rich combat experience. He nimbly and skillfully avoided the low-precision rockets and only lost one helicopter. However, the bombing of this helicopter made the others completely angry.

Minigan's rate of fire of 6,000 rounds per minute means that the remaining nine helicopters poured more than 50,000 rounds of ammunition into the enemy in one minute. However, the enemy's camel cavalry reinforcements only had about a thousand people. With a lifetime to survive, and the rocket bombardment, in just one minute, there were not many enemies left standing on the ground.

The remaining enemies were completely frightened. They turned around and ran away, beating the camels crazily for fear of being hit by the terrifying machine gun bullets. The thick smell of blood filled the air. The ground was covered with broken limbs and meat, and the ground was also stained with blood. It turned red and looked like a terrifying Shura hell.

The battle turned into a one-sided massacre. In the face of horrific firepower, in just one minute, the enemy reinforcements were completely defeated. Only a few dozen lucky people escaped. This was because all the ammunition on the helicopter was empty, and it was impossible to catch up. There was nothing he could do about the opponent. After Guishou learned of the situation, he did not pursue it. Instead, he quickly ordered the helicopter to return to replenish ammunition, just in case. Who knew if there was an ambush outside? The enemy commander is very smart and has to guard against it. He must fight steadily while controlling the situation.

The one hundred remnant soldiers who stayed in the trenches stared dumbfoundedly at the helicopters bombing the reinforcements. Seeing countless reinforcements falling in pieces, their morale suddenly dropped to freezing point. With the bombardment from artillery, the ground troops charged up and struggled to support the troops. The last glimmer of hope collapsed, and everyone suddenly dispersed. All trenches and entrenched positions were to hell. Survival was the only way to go.

Snow Leopard rushed up with his troops and took a look. The enemy abandoned the trench and roared away, fleeing in all directions. His face suddenly darkened and he roared: "Use the squad as a combat unit, disperse and pursue. You must not let anyone escape. Kill!"

"Kill -" everyone roared and quickly pursued them as a small team.

In order to avoid accidental damage, the artillery bombing stopped. The helicopter returned to the mountains to replenish some ammunition and then took off again. It dispersed to search for the escaping enemy reinforcements. Luo Zheng's order was to completely wipe out the enemy reinforcements, so the ghost hands would not be polite.

Ten minutes later, the helicopter returned again. Snow Leopard led the troops back to the scene of the helicopter attack. Looking at the broken limbs and pieces of meat on the ground, even though everyone had experienced hundreds of battles, they couldn't help but endure the mountains of corpses and seas of blood countless times. His brows were furrowed, and his stomach was twitching. This scene was so miserable.

Looking around, the ground was full of smashed corpses, including those of humans and camels, with almost no complete or broken limbs to be found. The internal organs were scattered all over the yellow sand, and the blood dyed the yellow sand dark red. The thick smell of blood permeated the air, as if it was something that could not be resolved.

Everyone held back their nausea and looked at Snow Leopard. Snow Leopard couldn't help but almost vomited. It was too scary and bloody. This was not a battlefield, it was just a slaughterhouse. Snow Leopard tried his best to hold back the discomfort and pretended to be excited and shouted loudly: "Brothers , we won a great victory, and almost a thousand enemy reinforcements were wiped out by us. Well done to you all. Now I order you to clean the battlefield and collect all useful materials."

"Yes." Everyone responded in a deep voice. Although they wanted to leave this bloody battlefield immediately and breathe fresh air, the military orders were so strong that no one dared to object and took action one after another.

After giving the order, Snow Leopard found his deputy Shi Tao, and told Shi Tao to clean the battlefield and lead the team to garrison in the trenches. He hurried towards the mountains. In the previous battle, all the helicopters were helping. When the ground troops rushed up, they only chased the defeated troops. Cleaning up the battlefield was something no one had thought of beforehand.

On the mountain ridge, Luo Zheng put down his telescope and began to ponder in surprise. While listening to the news coming from all sides through the headset, he somewhat understood the enemy's intentions. The reason why the one hundred remaining soldiers persisted and dug trenches desperately was to provide hiding places for the reinforcements. place.

The enemy commander used a hundred remaining soldiers to dig a hiding trench. It seemed risky, but it was worth it. If the reinforcements really rushed up safely, with the trench as a cover, they would be able to counterattack even when faced with helicopter attacks. As for the reinforcements, they carried nearly Hundreds of RPGs, faced with a sudden attack by helicopters, took the opportunity to launch two rockets. Two opportunities. More than two hundred rockets attacked ten helicopters. It was terrifying.

If the person who launches the RPG is well-trained, or if he suddenly takes action while stationary, ten helicopters will definitely not be able to protect him. However, the enemy launches from a fast-running camel, and his ability is limited, so the accuracy of the launched rocket is not high. The person he faced was a well-trained soldier, so the sneak attack failed.

At any time, people are fighting on the battlefield, not weapons. Weapons are very important, but if no one uses them, the effect will be greatly reduced. If Luo Zheng were to formulate this tactic, no one would be allowed to run and launch RPGs. Of course, the battlefield There are no ifs, failure is failure, and the price of failure is death.

Nearly a thousand reinforcements were wiped out, but a large number of weapons and equipment were left behind, especially nearly a hundred RPGs and some rockets, which made Snow Leopard cheaper. With these weapons in hand, Snow Leopard believed that his people could hold the trenches on the east side, and hurried to the mountains. , found Luo Zheng on a hillside, and said excitedly: "We won, we won. I didn't expect to win so easily."

"You have to thank the helicopter brothers. Without their desperate attack, the nearly a thousand reinforcements would not be defeated, and the enemies staying in the trenches would not be scared away. However, I did not expect this. It seems that the god of luck will visit us again. , Brothers, are the losses great?" Luo Zheng asked.

"What's the big deal? The brothers just rushed to clean up the battlefield, and there were no casualties." Snow Leopard said a little depressed. Most of the enemies in the trenches were killed by artillery, and the rest fled. How could they withstand everyone's pursuit? As for the reinforcements, they were so frightened that they were chased by reloaded helicopters and shot dead.

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