The strongest soldier

Chapter 308 Formulating Tactics

"Worried, why not worried? I don't know the specific reason. Maybe it's to enhance our reputation, or maybe it's for other reasons. With the power of the Song family, I can't command my grandpa. Since grandpa has ordered us to come, there must be some His considerations will naturally be understood when the time comes. You don’t need to think too much, as long as we are together, it doesn’t matter what mission we perform, right?" Lan Xue explained.

"That's right, let's talk about it when we get back." Luo Zheng thought about it and smiled.

The two people quickly came to the camp and told the Snow Leopard what they saw. Seeing that all the countries had taken out all their cutting-edge weapons, the Snow Leopard became unnatural. Not long after, Gui Shou and Mountain Eagle also came back to inquire. The situation was almost the same. When everyone added it up, they couldn't figure it out. Guishou said nonchalantly: "Forget it, don't think so much. We will just act according to the situation when the time comes. Let's talk about the competition."

"Well, what do you want to say?" Lan Xue asked curiously.

"Many participating teams from small countries have contacted the top ten countries. When they came back, they met our liaison officer. He said that several countries that had planned to join forces with us had contacted other countries with unknown intentions. In other words, we I have become a loner." Guishou said angrily.

"What a big deal, it's better to have fewer people. We have an advantage that they don't have." Seeing that everyone was not in a good mood, Luo Zheng thought for a while and said. Seeing that everyone's attention was attracted to him, he continued: "Country countries We don’t know as much about the Wild Wolf Mercenary Group as we do, and we know very little about their combat style. This is our advantage. As long as everyone works together, there is no chance.”

"The ghost is right. We are discouraged. So what if we have sophisticated weapons? Back then, our revolutionary ancestors, millet and rifles, also defeated the Japanese with aircraft and cannons. The key lies in the design and application of strategies and tactics." Lan Xue also realized that everyone's It's a bad sign, so he stood up and supported Luo Zheng's point of view.

"Don't worry, I'm fine." Guishou quickly corrected his attitude and said: "In this competition, whoever kills the Wolf King will take first place. As for the second and third places, they will be based on the number of enemies killed. Satellite aerial photography evaluates the results, and the command center of representatives from each country evaluates them at the same time. It cannot be fake. Can we sum up the tactical arrangements for the game?"

It is a common practice to use satellite aerial photography to evaluate the results. Simply put, after the competition team kills many targets, the satellite phone calls the command center. The command center uses the satellite aerial photography to accumulate the number of enemies killed and accumulate points. Once who kills the Wolf King, the game officially ends. , the number of enemies killed during the retreat does not count as a result, killing the Wolf King deserves the first place, and the others are ranked according to the number, which is reasonable, the rules are clear, and everyone knows it.

When it comes to strategic and tactical issues, everyone can't help but look at Luo Zheng. Since Luo Zheng has been chosen as the invisible captain, Luo Zheng will naturally make up his mind on these issues. Luo Zheng thought for a while and said: "We can't beat other strong teams in terms of fighting the enemy." , the strong teams have teams from small countries that have relied on the past, they have better firepower than us, and they will definitely kill more enemies. I propose that the strategy be formulated to directly pursue the Wolf King, not as good as others, strive for the first place, and if you don't succeed, you will be benevolent."

"Yes, if you want to do it, do it big, I agree." Gui Shou immediately agreed.

"If you can't match the number of kills, let's kill the Wolf King directly. This is a good idea. If you want to bet, bet big. If you win, you guys will become heroes. If you don't win, there is nothing you can do. Anyway, there is no chance of winning. Give it a try , Fight." Snow Leopard shouted murderously, supporting Luo Zheng's choice.

"Yes, let's fight." The mountain eagle immediately expressed its stance.

Luo Zheng looked at Lan Xue, who nodded slightly in acquiescence, his eyes full of smiles. Luo Zheng knew Lan Xue's choice, smiled tacitly, and continued: "The strategy has been formulated, and the tactical arrangements will be made, brother. A few, even though the strong team is equipped with high-end weapons, there is one thing they are not as good as us, and that is their understanding of the Wolf King."

"What's the explanation?" Lan Xue keenly discovered that there was something else hidden in Luo Zheng's words, and couldn't help asking. Others also felt it and looked at Luo Zheng with curiosity on their faces.

"I was born as a hunter. What a hunter is most familiar with is not the environment in which the prey grows, but the habits of the prey." Luo Zheng said, glancing warily outside the tent. The mountain eagle sitting by the door rushed out to check. After making sure no one was eavesdropping outside, he came in and nodded to Luo Zheng.

Seeing that no one was eavesdropping, Luo Zheng breathed a sigh of relief and lowered his voice and said: "When we attacked the base of the Wild Wolf Mercenary Group last time, we found that the Wolf King could control the wolf to attack. It must be the same here. There are jackals in the savanna. Jackals are also a type of wolf. They are ferocious and aggressive by nature and are not easy to mess with. I’m sure the Wolf King will play the same trick here.”

"Jackals are more ferocious than wolves in the jungle. There are no trees on the grassland for us to climb and we can't even hide. What do you mean?" Lan Xue whispered, her eyes full of curiosity.

"Why hide?" Luo Zheng asked. Seeing everyone's curious faces, he explained: "The closer you get to the Wolf King's base, the more dangerous it is. There are mines everywhere, but Jackals are different. If the Wolf King trains the Jackal King to control the Jackals, , then the Jackal King must know where there are landmines and will notify the jackals, otherwise the jackals would have died long ago, so if we follow the jackal’s footsteps, we will not step onto the landmines.”

"Hey, what a good idea, why didn't I think of this?" Ghost Hand said in surprise, looked at Luo Zheng, his eyes were full of joy, and said with a smile: "Brother Ghost, your identity as an Orion really works, it can cure all diseases. Ah, you found a solution to such a difficult situation, brother, I admire you."

"Yes, this way, we can be one step ahead of others, sneak into the Wolf King's headquarters without anyone noticing, kill the Wolf King and win." Snow Leopard also said excitedly.

"You really have a way, you can take advantage of this." Lan Xue also said with approval, her eyes full of smiles, but she found that Luo Zheng's face was serious, his brows were knitted, and he looked worried. He couldn't help but be startled, and Gui Shou and others exchanged glances, and everyone became quiet. Lan Xue curiously asked in a low voice: "What's wrong?"

"Do you still remember the Wolf King's escape?" Luo Zheng reminded with a solemn expression. After everyone nodded, he continued: "Based on my understanding of the Wolf King, this guy will never stand under a dangerous wall. The United Nations will make a fuss." There is such a big movement, and the most elite special forces from various countries are jointly encircling and suppressing it. It will definitely not be possible if the Wolf King does not respond. Once the news spreads, it will not be able to survive in the employment industry, but there will definitely be a retreat plan. I can't think of it yet. Does anyone have any ideas? "

"That's right, if you don't grasp the Wolf King's retreat plan, even if you attack their headquarters, it will be in vain. In the end, it will be all in vain." Snow Leopard said helplessly.

"What I'm more curious about is, once the Wolf King leaves, who will win this game?" Luo Zheng continued to ask.

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