The strongest soldier

Chapter 3072 Counterattack Tactics

The troops of the General Administration of Counter-Terrorism managed to evade the Dark Church's satellite and secretly arrived at the town. They surrounded nearly a thousand rebels. Little did they know that more rebels came to counter the siege, and the vanguard troops built defenses on the outside. It wouldn't take long for the follow-up troops to catch up. They set up their posture and showed the momentum of a decisive battle. Luo Zheng became excited and vaguely felt that the other commander was a good opponent.

The snipers sent out were still sniping at the enemy. The gunshots were intensive and they were fighting resolutely. Luo Zheng observed the battle situation for a while and shouted excitedly: "Mountain Eagle, send three more teams to go immediately and spread out the snipers. We must Destroy the enemy's heavy machine guns and prevent the enemy from digging fortifications."

"Understood." The mountain eagle agreed loudly.

The three teams were thirty snipers. They spread out and sniped, which could pose a great threat to the enemy. It was enough to destroy the heavy machine guns. Luo Zheng watched the thirty brothers spread out and kill them. He raised his binoculars again. While observing, I pondered. The current situation is that I cannot retreat, and the enemy must rescue me. This is a dead situation. Once the enemy's troops press the border, I will be the one who suffers. What should I do?

"What's going on now?" A deep voice sounded.

Luo Zheng looked back and saw that it was Xu Gang. He beckoned Xu Gang to come closer, pointed at the enemy in front and whispered: "The enemy wants to fight a protracted war. In addition, a large number of enemies are gathering outside, all of them are camel cavalry. One night They can come over with a quick march, they are trying to surround us."

"These bastards are quite courageous. Aren't they afraid of our air strikes?" Xu Gang asked in surprise.

The most feared thing when troops are gathered together is an air attack, which will blow up a large area. After Xu Gang finished speaking, he looked at the front where the battle was taking place in surprise. Although there were many enemies, they were passively beaten by snipers. Many heavy machine gunners were killed by snipers. He didn't dare to come out to pursue him. The situation was very strange. He couldn't help but look at Luo Zheng and asked, "What do these bastards mean?"

"They are delaying for the purpose of building fortifications. As long as we prevent the enemy from building fortifications, without bunkers, no matter how many enemies there are, it will be in vain. If one enemy builds a large number of air defense fortifications, the two sides will become a stalemate. Once more enemies gather around, We are passive." Luo Zheng said in a deep voice.

"What you mean is that the key between the enemy and us lies in whether the fortifications can be built well. If the enemy fails to build the fortifications well, our helicopters can kill them. If the trenches are dug deep enough and people hide in them, it will be difficult for the helicopters to shoot them. Kill, the battle is at a stalemate?" Xu Gang asked in surprise.

"Yes, that's the truth." Luo Zheng said in a deep voice.

"If the enemy has built fortifications, will the heavy machine guns be able to form anti-aircraft firepower and pose a threat to our helicopters?" Xu Gang continued to ask. Seeing Luo Zheng nodding in the affirmative, his face became solemn and he said in a deep voice: "I How about leading the second team up, going straight in, and killing their heavy machine guns?"

"It's too dangerous, no." Luo Zheng refused without hesitation. Although the enemy's heavy machine gun was a great threat, letting Xu Gang rush forward would undoubtedly lead to death. No matter how fast a person is, he can't be faster than bullets, even if he is protected by bullet-proof armor. None of them work. Heavy machine gun bullets are of large caliber and will cause internal injuries if hit on the body. If fired at close range, they will die or be destroyed.

"However, it is difficult for snipers alone to completely destroy the enemy's heavy machine guns. You see." Xu Gang pointed forward and said anxiously: "We can kill their machine gunners, but we cannot destroy the machine guns. Let another person come up and continue to control the heavy machine guns. That's right. Our threat is just as great. It seems like many of these bastards can control heavy machine guns. How many can they kill? The heavy machine guns must be completely destroyed."

Luo Zheng knew that what Xu Gang said was true. The best way to eliminate the threat of heavy machine guns was not to shoot the machine gunners, but to blow up the heavy machine guns. However, the enemy had too many heavy machine guns and it was difficult for people to rush up. Xu Gang saw Luo Zheng next to him. Still hesitating, but no longer in a hurry, he continued: "Since the heavy machine gun is the key, it must be destroyed first. Let me go."

"You are very capable, but you still can't rush forward. Bullets from heavy machine guns don't have eyes." Luo Zheng refused without hesitation. Luo Zheng couldn't do anything to let his brothers die.

Xu Gang could see that Luo Zheng wanted to destroy the heavy machine gun, but he couldn't let his brothers go up and die in vain. He said understandingly: "The heavy machine gun must be clear. Think about it, is there any way to send us up? Just give us one minute. Time, I guarantee that the brothers will rush forward and destroy the heavy machine guns. As for the safety of the retreat, without the heavy machine guns, ordinary enemy bullets are useless against our bullet-proof armor."

"One minute?" Luo Zheng looked at Xu Gang in surprise.

"That's right, only one minute is enough. Let's infiltrate within two thousand meters first. This distance is relatively safe. I will be confident that I can lead my brothers up in one minute." Xu Gang said in a deep voice.

The world sprint champion can reach 100 meters in less than ten seconds, which means more than ten meters per second. The second team led by Xu Gang are all god-level soldiers. Their speed is far beyond what sports champions can match. Running more than ten meters per second is completely It's not a problem. Luo Zheng made a mental calculation. Within a minute, Xu Gang and others can indeed rush forward without moving.

However, it is not easy to ensure that the enemy does not fire within one minute, but the enemy's heavy machine gun is too important and must be destroyed, otherwise it will pose a great threat to everyone. Luo Zheng thought for a while, suddenly had an idea, and said in a deep voice : "Okay, let's do it like this. You take people to prepare, and I will create a one-minute safety time for you."

"Understood." Xu Gang agreed excitedly and hurried away. As for what Luo Zheng would do, Xu Gang didn't want to care about it and was too lazy to care about it. There were no jokes on the battlefield, and the commander was even more so. Xu Gang believed that Luo Zheng could do it.

Luo Zheng did have a plan. After seeing Xu Gangxing leaving in a hurry, he quickly asked in a deep voice through the headset: "Ghost Hands, immediately gather all the RPGs for use. In ten minutes, I ask the RPGs to launch intensive bombing of the enemy positions. If you don't give it, The enemy has even one second to counterattack.”

"Understood." Guishou agreed after hearing the order. It is not difficult to intensively bomb the RPG. You only need to concentrate on bombing in waves. That is to say, one round after another without interruption, without giving the enemy any breathing time. The ammunition required for minute bombing is not very much, and the rockets everyone carries are enough.

Ten minutes later, Guishou prepared everything and quickly contacted Luo Zheng. Luo Zheng immediately contacted Xu Gang and learned that Xu Gang had already led his people to their positions and was waiting for the bombing. Luo Zheng glanced at the enemy and our positions that were fighting. He yelled with murderous intent: "Ghost Hands, blow me up hard. Brother Xu Gang, it's up to you. Sniper, aim at the enemy and kill him hard. Take action."

"Yes." Everyone shouted in a deep voice, and an invisible murderous aura burst out instantly, filling the sky.

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