The strongest soldier

Chapter 3065 Attack

The military orders on the battlefield were like mountains. Even if there was a mountain of swords and a sea of ​​fire in front of them, they were not allowed to retreat. Luo Zheng gave the order, and everyone rushed forward with all their strength, following their commanders. Like the tiger descending from the mountain, they held the guns in their hands flat and locked the front with their feet. Walking like flying, silent, with a stern expression, they rolled away like a torrent of steel, rushing out dozens of meters away in the blink of an eye, and the formation spread out a lot.

Luo Zheng did not move, but stood up and stared coldly ahead. This sneak attack was crucial. If both ends of the town could be blocked at a very small cost, the matter would be half successful. Luo Zheng's heart was lifted, but His face was calm, without showing any signs of danger, and he slowly raised the telescope.

The view ahead is wide and unobstructed. It is impossible to infiltrate quietly. We can only rush up as fast as possible to catch the enemy by surprise. There may be a few chances, but the rebels' line of sight is also unobstructed. Waiting for the troops to rush in About a thousand meters away, the patrol convoy outside the town noticed something unusual. People on the car jumped out one after another, hid on the other side of the car and opened fire to fight back. Some even rushed into the town.

"It's better not to find out." Luo Zheng said helplessly.

The distance of a thousand meters is a bit far, and casualties will occur if there is no cover, and the enemy is hiding behind the car, making it difficult to shoot. Luo Zheng became worried, and suddenly saw a rocket roaring into the sky, drawing a line in the void. The long tail flames, the hot fire light are particularly dazzling, and the screams sound like the screams of ghosts.

With a loud "Boom--", the Rockets blasted the car away accurately, rolled twice in the void, and fell heavily to the ground. Several rebels hiding behind the car were directly hit by the shock wave. It flew away and fell to the ground without any movement.

"Good job." Luo Zheng was overjoyed when he saw this scene, and excitedly clenched the telescope and continued to observe.

At this time, the rushing team was not far from the dirt road. Some rebels rushed out of the town, squatted on the ground and opened fire to counterattack. The automatic fire was fully activated. The people who were rushing in front were frightened and fell to the ground. Dodge backwards, and the sniper behind you doesn't need to give orders and just fires while running.

"Whoosh!" More than a dozen sniper bullets roared away, directly knocking the target of the counterattack to the ground. The fierce bullets left a large blood hole on the target, making it lifeless.

"Kill -" I don't know who shouted, the voice was like a spark, instantly igniting everyone's fighting spirit, more people echoed, howling and rushing forward, several black shadows even more He rushed forward at a speed that was difficult to distinguish with the naked eye, and in an instant he was on the dirt road, and started shooting violently at the exit of the town.

Due to the angle, Luo Zheng couldn't see how many enemies were rushing out of the town. Seeing that it was the second team that rushed forward, and Xu Gang was among them, he secretly breathed a sigh of relief. With the speed of a god-level soldier, he was naturally the first to rush forward. As long as After sealing the entrance and exit of the town, the rest will be much simpler.

The first team also rushed forward and joined the battle group. The two teams squatted on the dirt road and opened fire into the town together. The firepower gathered together to form a dense effect, blocking those who tried to rush out. At this time, more soldiers rushed forward.

"Ta-ta-ta--" Several light and heavy machine guns fired at the same time. The dense bullets formed a barrage and poured into the town like water. In an instant, many outbuildings in the town were knocked down, forcing the enemy to retreat. The machine guns suppressed the enemy's fire, and more people rushed forward.

Everyone rushed to the vicinity of the dirt road and quickly dispersed under the leadership of the officers to seize favorable terrain. Not long after, the troops were fully deployed and formed a north-south defense line, blocking the road in the town. Luo Zheng saw this scene He breathed a sigh of relief, raised his telescope and looked to the other side.

On the other side, Jackson was leading his troops as fast as they could, marching along the foot of the mountain and detouring toward the west of the town. The battle on the east side started first, attracting the enemy's attention. The rebels in the town also gathered to the east. No one was there. I thought that there was another army that was quietly taking a circuitous route to the west.

Luo Zheng estimated the time. It would take about half an hour for Jackson to block the west side. He quickly shouted through the headset: "Ghost hands, mountain eagles, and snow leopards, beat me hard. It's best to seize the outbuildings in the town. Use buildings to build a defense line, attract enemy firepower, and buy time for Jackson and the others."

"Understood." Everyone responded solemnly.

After giving the order, the battle situation quickly changed. The troops who had built up defenses quickly rushed out of the bunker, rushed forward and started fighting, as if they were going to take over the town. Ghost Hands led people to attack from the left, and Snow Leopard led people from the right. During the attack, the mountain eagle leads people to snipe and cover behind, focusing on dealing with heavy firepower and suspected leaders.

The incident happened unexpectedly, and the rebels in the town were caught off guard. They only relied on patrols in the outhouse to resist. The large troops did not have time to mobilize. How could they stop the attack? They all retreated. On the mound in the distance, Luo Zheng saw that the troops' attack was going smoothly. He secretly breathed a sigh of relief and smiled. As long as the town was surrounded, the battle situation would be different.

After two days and two nights of rapid marching, everyone evaded the satellites when they encountered them. Everyone finally arrived here and created this killing situation. Luo Zheng would never allow failure. He immediately shouted through the headset in a deep voice: "Jackson, tell the troops to speed up. We must not let the enemy escape." When the troops were divided, Luo Zheng asked Jackson for one of their headphones to wear to facilitate contact and communication. Wearing an invisible headset and a military headset at the same time will not affect communication.

"Understood." Jackson agreed quickly.

Immediately afterwards, Jackson quickly issued an order to speed up the march through the headset. Luo Zheng secretly breathed a sigh of relief after hearing the order. As long as Jackson fully cooperates, the chance of winning this battle will be much higher. The nervousness gradually calmed down, and once again He raised his telescope and saw that his troops had entered the entrance of the town from the east and were using the surrounding buildings to shoot at the enemies inside.

"Ghost Hands, use the rocket team to blow up the building two hundred meters away in front of me. Once a vacuum zone is formed, you will hide in the building within two hundred meters and build a defense. Be quick." Luo Zheng looked at the attacking troops and was overjoyed. , shouted in a deep voice, letting Guishou and others expand their results.

"Yes." Ghost Hand yelled: "Get ready for the RPG. The target is a building two hundred meters away. Attack me indiscriminately. Blow up the building and create a vacuum zone. Quick."

"Yes." Everyone carrying the RPG responded in a deep voice. They all found a place to hide. They picked up the RPG and put it on their shoulders. After their comrades loaded up the Rockets, they quickly aimed at the building in front and pulled the trigger without hesitation. trigger.

"Tong Tong Tong -" The rocket team roared into the sky and rushed towards the building complex two hundred meters away. The scream sounded like the God of War roaring and roaring, falling on the building complex with unparalleled momentum. Inside, a large ball of orange-red fire suddenly rose up. Under the terrifying shock wave, the house flew away in the wind like a paper kite, flying all over the sky and scattering dust.

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