The strongest soldier

Chapter 3059 Ambush and Defeat the Enemy

The scattered team had no discipline at all, and there was no queue. They moved forward in a chaotic manner, and no one came out to take charge of the overall situation. Perhaps it was because the bosses had been killed by snipers in the previous battles, and the remaining bosses were not enough to lead the whole army. Military? The team rushed forward in a panic, and the pursuers behind them were like the silent god of death hanging behind them. This team was frightened and had no courage to stop and organize a counterattack.

More than half of the more than 2,000 people were killed or injured in a short time. No one knew how many opponents there were, and no one paid attention during the panic. The real cause of the failure was the stampede caused by the collision of the camels. At least half of the dead and injured were knocked down. , trampled to death, in front of them was a sand dune with higher terrain, which looked very big and was a good hiding place. This troop was a little more excited and could not help but move a little faster.

In the team, a little leader was shouting something loudly. Some people came closer to him. Perhaps they felt the danger. They turned around and looked around. A black light quickly enlarged in the opponent's pupils. Before they could react, they felt... There was a stinging pain in his head, and then his vision went black, and his consciousness fell into boundless darkness. His body fell heavily to the ground without moving, and blood spread all around.

The sudden danger suddenly made the people around them aware of the danger. At this time, a roar came, just like the thunder in the sky. Everyone was stunned. Before they could react, gunshots rang out everywhere. Bullets were fired like a dense rain, and many people in the outer room fell to the ground on the spot, and some even screamed in pain.

"Ta-ta-ta--" Luo Zheng gave an order, and more than thirty heavy machine guns that had been prepared opened fire almost simultaneously. The bullets whizzed out of the chamber, forming a terrifying tongue of flame. The thirty tongues of flame were like thirty The god of death's scythe struck at the enemy group fiercely, and the enemies were knocked down in pieces like wheat.

Everyone within a range of 500 meters was hit by a heavy machine gun, and no one could survive. They were either dead or crippled, and their combat effectiveness was instantly lost. The others were also simmering with anger and had no place to vent. When they heard the battle order, they all opened fire without hesitation. , all use burst mode. There are too many enemies, and you must have enough firepower to suppress them. Once the enemies slow down, you will be the only one in danger.

"Fight, beat these bastards hard, for God's sake." Jackson shouted excitedly, his eyes shining. If he wins this battle, his status and voice will be greatly improved. For the sake of his own future and to avenge the sacrifice of his subordinates, Jackson knew that he must win this battle, so he risked his life and aimed at the enemy in front who was trying to fight back and opened fire with all his strength.

"Da da da—bang bang bang—"

Guns of various types rang out together, mixed with the explosions one after another, playing a high-pitched death movement. Life disappeared in the sound. The firelights drawn by the bullets in the void were dense and fierce, exuding an intimidating atmosphere. The aura of collapsing death made the whole sky seem to be sieved by bullets and about to collapse.

This group of rebels reacted after a brief period of confusion, and they all lay down to fight back. The surrounding terrain was flat and there was no place to hide. These people hid behind the corpses of their companions, or simply used their corpses to block the front, and fought back with all their strength. , at the critical moment of life and death, these people's ferocity became fierce, and their fighting power suddenly burst out.

The dogs jumped up the wall when they were anxious, and the rabbits bit people when they were anxious. These rebels realized that they were ambushed and knew that if they didn't resist, they would die. There was no second option, so they all took the risk, howling and screaming, and kept firing back. , on the sandy slope in the distance, Luo Zheng's eyes widened when he saw this scene, and he became a little worried.

It is not a good thing that a defeated army still has such a tenacious will to fight back. It shows that these rebels are very loyal to the Dark Church and have strong faith. Such people cannot be kept. Next to them, Jackson just finished shooting a magazine. See Luo Zheng stopped firing, quickly replaced the new magazine, glanced at the overall situation, and found something unusual, but he was not worried, but said excitedly: "Originally, I wanted to keep some prisoners, but since they are so tenacious, I just killed them all. Brothers, if you want to take revenge, give me a hard beating——"

Luo Zheng originally wanted to capture these rebels and attract more enemies to rescue them, so that he would have more opportunities to fight with the enemies. If there were no prisoners in hand, the rebels would definitely continue to take advantage of their mobility and hide from time to time. Sneak attacks are sometimes unpredictable, unpredictable, and difficult to fight. However, if there are prisoners, the situation is different. The rebels can be forced to fight decisively, unless the rebels ignore the prisoners, but this is unlikely.

Armed forces with religious overtones have a high degree of discipline and organization. If the top management refuses to save them, the unity of the team will loosen and even cause internal conflicts. No one wants to be an outcast, and the rebels are no exception. The problem is that these people fight back tenaciously and are unwilling to compromise. What should we do?

Luo Zheng observed angrily for a while, then said bitterly: "If you don't want to be a prisoner, then just die."

"Yes, these people should be killed. Keeping them is a disaster." Jackson wished to wipe out all these enemies. It would be best if they all died in his own hands. It would be a huge military achievement. Hearing Luo Zheng's words, he couldn't help shouting excitedly Tao, quickly loaded the bullet and prepared to continue fighting.

"Notify the reserve team!" Luo Zheng said in a deep voice.

Jackson was startled, then realized what he was doing, his eyes lit up, and he quickly shouted through the earphone: "Reserve team, come on!"

There are a hundred people in the reserve team, all armed with TPGs. According to Luo Zheng's deployment, once the enemy organizes a strong and effective counterattack, the reserve team will be directly bombarded with rocket teams. If the battle fails, the troops will have to retreat, and the reserve team will fire Cover the evacuation. After all, there are still nearly a thousand rebels. Normally, four hundred people cannot handle it, even if these four hundred people are well-trained.

However, Luo Zheng never expected that the rebel army was unorganized and undisciplined. Although they fought back tenaciously, they fought independently and did not organize an effective counterattack force. Luo Zheng simply activated the reserve team in advance. Jackson did not After hesitation, he directly ordered the reserve team to go forward.

Seeing the lively fight between the brother troops, the reserve team became impatient to wait. If it were not for military discipline, they would have rushed forward and joined the battle. After hearing the order, the person in charge gave the order, and the one hundred reserve team roared, as if The tiger descending the mountain rushed forward with all its strength, rushed to the sandy slope and crouched down, aimed the RPG at the dense enemy ahead, and excitedly pulled the trigger.


Lao Lang wishes you all a happy New Year and wishes you all the best! Thank you friends for your rewards. There are too many people, so I won’t list them all. Keep them in mind. I will continue to update steadily in the New Year to thank everyone for your support. Don’t hold on to monthly tickets, recommendation tickets, etc. It is not easy for Lao Lang to update during the New Year. , encourage me.

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