The strongest soldier

Chapter 302 The task is difficult

Another afternoon, Lan Xue and others came back. Looking at Lan Xue, Gui Shou and others who jumped out of the helicopter, Luo Zheng was completely relieved. Their eyes met and they smiled tacitly. A simple look in their eyes seemed to end their relationship. After a thousand words, this feeling made Luo Zheng feel at ease and warm. Lan Xue left behind a word about meeting in half an hour and left in a hurry. Luo Zheng returned to the dormitory with Gui Shou and others.

Half an hour later, everyone finished taking a shower, put on clean clothes, and sat around in the dormitory, preparing to inquire about Luo Zheng's feats in the past few days. As soon as they started, an internal call came in, asking them to go to the conference room for a meeting, so everyone had to rush there together. , came to the conference room of the office building.

In the conference room, Lan Xue was already waiting. Everyone greeted each other and found a place to sit down. Lan Xue glanced at Luo Zheng, her face lit up, and she said seriously: "Brothers, we have just been notified by the captain that ghosts are officially incorporated. Our team will be a real family from now on, welcome."

"That's great." Guishou and others have long regarded Luo Zheng as their brother, but after all, he is not affiliated with a team. Luo Zheng may be incorporated into other teams at any time. Now that it is fine, the dust has settled, and everyone applauded. Welcome, especially Lan Xue, with smiles in her eyes.

"Thank you everyone. I'm a newcomer. Please take care of me from now on." Luo Zheng smiled politely.

"Stop talking nonsense, you are still a newcomer, we are all newcomers." Guishou smiled, looked at Lan Xue, straightened his face, and asked: "Captain, a notification is enough for this kind of thing. There is no need to come to the conference room, right? It’s not that there is a new mission.” As a comrade who has been through life and death together, Gui Shou naturally understands Lan Xue and vaguely guesses that something is going on.

"Yes." Lan Xue explained the matter of the competition in detail, and finally added: "Normally, we are not qualified to participate in a competition of this level. In the past, only the elite warrior kings and above were qualified. This time it is left to It is a trust in us, and it is also a test. You also know the situation of the competition. I hope everyone is mentally prepared."

"Yes." Everyone raised their chests and replied seriously. As a soldier, it is a great honor to die on the battlefield. Everyone does not mind dying in battle, but they are worried about not being able to complete the task. Their firm eyes hide a bit of worry and dissatisfaction. Success is the absolute color of benevolence.

"There are still three months left. Targeted training will be carried out in the first two months. The training plan will be determined according to everyone's situation. Everyone is different. In the last month, we will go to deserts and grasslands for adaptive training. During these three months, no training is allowed. I'm asking for leave and I'm not allowed to reveal any information about the game. Is there any problem?" Lan Xue continued with a firm tone.

"No." Everyone agreed.

"Okay, let's break up the meeting." Lan Xue said, but did not move. Gui Shou and the others pushed each other to leave knowingly, and Luo Zheng did not move as well. After everyone left, Lan Xue's face softened and she said with concern. : "You scared me to death. Is everything okay?"

"Don't worry, I'm not injured or sick." Luo Zheng felt warm in his heart and said with a smile.

"That's good, don't be so reckless next time." Lan Xue breathed a sigh of relief and warned.

"I don't like this kind of thing again." Luo Zheng smiled and changed the subject: "I'm afraid this mission will not be easy. I heard that your grandpa ordered my general. Why?"

"You are a popular person now. I have asked. It was the chairman who selected your general. I guess this has something to do with the Song family. My grandfather said that the target of this competition was the Wild Wolf Mercenary Group. There are people behind it. The shadow of the Song family, but no matter what, the Wolf King is always a serious problem and cannot be eliminated unless it is eliminated." Lan Xue said in a low voice.

Luo Zheng didn't expect that there was a shadow of the Song family in this, and couldn't help but said angrily: "The Song family, the Song family again? It seems that they won't let me go until I die."

"There is always a chance, don't worry, my grandpa said, this is also an opportunity for you. What happened a few days ago, you became famous in one battle. If you continue to excel in the competition, you will be considered successful in another battle. In the future, the Song family will also want to It will be difficult to touch you, and I don’t quite understand the details of grandpa’s original words.” Lan Xue comforted her.

"Okay, the old man has spoken. If you haven't said anything yet, let's do it." Luo Zheng smiled bitterly and said: "The competition is very fierce, the enemy is powerful, and if you are not careful, you will be doomed. This time, I am afraid that you will not survive. I want you to stay, okay? If I die, help me take care of my family." He said, looking at Lan Xue expectantly.

"You are so cruel. You leave me alone. Do you think there is any point in my life? No, we have to die together. As for your family, the organization will make arrangements for it. Don't worry about your aftermath. Besides, I believe you. With our abilities, we may not necessarily die." Lan Xue said seriously with a serious look on her face.

Luo Zheng was silent for a while, and then said gratefully: "Having you in this life is enough, and I will have no regrets in dying."

"Don't die so easily before you go on the expedition. Damn it, it's unlucky. I won't let you say these words anymore. Also, I'm the captain. Don't think about not letting me participate. I'll go wherever you go. If you want to get rid of me, the door None." Lan Xue scolded, with a determined face and eyes full of love. When there were no outsiders, Lan Xue did not hide her heart.

"Okay." Luo Zheng knew Lan Xue's character, so he made it clear, gave up the idea, and asked: "Didn't you guys go watch the Wolf King a few days ago? What did you gain?"

"We found a station of Wolf King. I don't know if it is their base or headquarters. There are nearly a thousand armed personnel guarding it, as well as radars, helicopters and anti-aircraft shells. It looks like a military base. The perimeter is full of mines and there is only one road. With clear access and wide vision, the possibility of a frontal attack is very small." Lan Xue said seriously.

"What's the geographical situation like?" Luo Zheng asked.

"In a tropical grassland, there is a river passing by. There are swarms of ferocious beasts and lush withered grass. You can't find them even if you hide them." Lan Xue replied, looking at Luo Zheng with some surprise.

"Have you found any wild wolves?" Luo Zheng continued to ask.

"Yes, wild beasts live by the water, and predators will definitely gather there." Lan Xue agreed casually, suddenly thought of something, her eyes were fixed, and she looked at Luo Zheng in surprise, and asked: "You mean?"

"Yes." Seeing Lan Xue react, Luo Zheng said solemnly: "We have fought against the Wolf King. If the Wolf King can cultivate one wild wolf, he can cultivate more. If the surrounding wild wolves are also killed by the Wolf King, Control, there is no tree to hide from, we are in greater danger, and coupled with the internal fighting among the participating teams, this mission is not easy."

"It's really not that simple. Let's go. The participating teams don't know that the Wolf King can control the wild wolves. If they are careless, the losses will definitely not be small. I'm afraid there won't be many teams that can really kill them. By then, they won't be able to defeat nearly a thousand armed men. A place of protection." Lan Xue's face became solemn, and her eyes were full of worry.

"No matter what, I'll act according to the situation when the time comes." Luo Zheng said, with a confident smile in his eyes.

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