The strongest soldier

Chapter 292: Escape wildly

Two hours later, the team dispersed and circuitous. Under the cover of night and wind and snow, they rushed to the previous meeting point. Looking at the familiar mountains and forests, Luo Zheng felt a little emotional. They went round and round on the battlefield and finally returned to the starting point. I don’t know if the road they made is smooth, but no matter what, the team can’t stand the hardships anymore, so they can only retreat south along this route. If they stay in the ice and snow world for too long, there will definitely be non-combat attrition. Who can do that? A result you don't want to see.

"No abnormalities were found around, what should we do next?" The scholar came over after a round of investigation and said excitedly. The battle was fought like this. The scholar felt very strange. He was in awe of Luo Zheng's unconstrained tactical command and thought from his perspective. The scholar felt that he would not think of turning back.

"Are all the brothers here? How are you doing?" Luo Zheng asked in a low voice.

"Everyone is here. We rested for two or three hours before, and everyone's physical strength has recovered a lot. It's not a big problem to travel for two hours just now. The day will be dawn, do you think?" the scholar quickly replied.

"Assemble the brothers." Luo Zheng said with a solemn face, his brows furrowed slightly as he pondered.

When the scholar saw Luo Zheng, he also thought of the problem. Without saying anything more, he immediately sent the order. After a while, all five special operations teams gathered, one for each team, and lined up in five columns. The captain stood in front of each column. Everyone watched enthusiastically. He looked at Luo Zheng and waited for further orders.

Luo Zheng's calm eyes scanned the crowd, and when he saw that everyone was in good spirits and looked haggard, he shouted apologetically: "Brothers, I have made you suffer with me."

"Serve the people." Everyone shouted in unison, with murderous intent and eager eyes.

Luo Zheng was startled, then his blood surged up, he was energetic, and shouted: "Yes, we are steel warriors, we will not bow in the face of any enemy or difficulty, it will be dawn in two hours, now, I order You retreat south and march for two hours to get to Yingchou Gorge, a hundred kilometers away, before the enemy discovers us. As long as we reach Yingchou Gorge and seize the commanding heights, we will be safe."

"Yes." Everyone shouted in unison, fighting spirit rising to the sky.

"Farmer." Luo Zheng shouted.

"Arrived." The farmer shouted loudly, took a step forward, and solemnly saluted Luo Zheng, his eyes wild.

"I remember that you are the fastest among the brothers, and your reconnaissance ability is also the strongest. I believe that the special operations team you lead will be good as well. Therefore, the task of exploring the road ahead is entrusted to you. Everyone's safety is in danger. I leave it to you too." Luo Zheng solemnly returned the greeting, his eyes were clear and calm, and he shouted loudly.

"Yes." When the farmer saw Luo Zheng entrusting him with the investigation task, he shouted excitedly: "I will fight to the death to complete the task."

"Swore to the death to complete the mission." The members of the farmer's team shouted in unison. Under the leadership of the farmer, they rushed forward with firm eyes, like wild wolves on a snowy night, fierce and fearless.

"Scholar, you are the second in charge. Gardener, you are the third. Shanhu, you are the fourth. Monk, after your death, you will all live well for me." Luo Zheng looked at the determined faces in the wind. Xueli's fighting spirit was high, his eyes were as firm as iron, and his body stood motionless, like a steel Great Wall, and he couldn't help shouting excitedly.

"Yes." Everyone shouted in unison, and each team rushed over in order. Although there were only about thirty people, they must not rush in a swarm, especially when retreating. The battle sequence must be determined, otherwise it will be chaos.

Everyone marched quickly under the leadership of the captain, running more than 100 kilometers in two hours. The time was tight and the task was heavy. Fortunately, the road was in a relatively flat canyon and sheltered from the wind. The walk was much more comfortable than the snowfield with wide views and cold wind. , Luo Zheng glanced at Shan Hu, and hurried on with the help of his teammates, then glanced at Song Li, and followed Shan Hu near Shan Hu. Without any trouble, he breathed a sigh of relief and hurried forward.

Soon, Luo Zheng surpassed the other teams and caught up with the farmer who was scouting the road ahead. The farmer knew Luo Zheng's hands-on character and was not surprised. He shouted loudly: "Brothers, the commander-in-chief, come and join us, everyone run. Come on, don’t embarrass me.”

"Yes." Everyone became more energetic and moved faster.

The further we walked, the shallower the snow in the canyon became. The smoother the ground, the faster everyone ran. While running, Luo Zheng saw the soldiers gritting their teeth and persisting. Their resolute faces were full of ice and snow, and their eyes were firm. From time to time, they wiped their faces with snow. He stayed awake, his steps staggered a bit, but he never stopped, and no one complained about suffering or tiredness, which is awe-inspiring.

Three hours passed, and the team slowed down a bit under Luo Zheng's intentional order. After about half an hour, everyone took a breath and continued to march quickly, running against the wind and snow, one foot high, one foot low, in deathly silence. A long footprint is left in the canyon of Banxue Mountain.

Two hours later, the sky brightened, and the team came to the entrance of a tall canyon. Luo Zheng looked up and saw that the canyon was only about ten meters wide. The uncanny workmanship of nature made the cliff as steep as a mirror, making it difficult to climb. On both sides were stretches of mountains. The peaks are so high that they are covered with snow, making them difficult to climb and making birds sad.

"This is Yingchou Gorge." Luo Zheng said with a sigh, while opening the map to determine the surrounding terrain.

"It looks like as long as we hold on to this place, not many people will be able to pass." The farmer breathed a sigh of relief and said.

"This canyon is not long. Pass through it quickly and set up an ambush at the other end." Luo Zheng put away the map and said.

Everyone moved forward along the snow-covered canyon. The mountain peaks blocked the sun. The canyon was terrifyingly cold and the light was dim. We could only use tactical flashlights to pass through. After ten minutes, everyone successfully passed through the canyon. The front suddenly opened up a lot and looked flat. On the plateau, Luo Zheng breathed a sigh of relief and said: "Brothers, guard the exit and build an igloo to rest."

"Understood." The farmer agreed wholeheartedly, and the order was quickly passed on. Everyone built the snow house. The snow was not thick enough, otherwise Luo Zheng would have asked everyone to dig a hiding hole and hide.

An igloo is a dome-like room made of cut ice blocks built into a yurt. It is empty inside. The round shape can absorb the wind and prevent it from collapsing. People dig holes from the ground and get in. Hiding in the igloo, there is no wind or snow, and you can sleep in a sleeping bag. Rest is the most suitable. This skill is no stranger to special forces, and they all take action.

The mountain peak is too high, and the canyon is very narrow. There is no sunlight for a long time, so a lot of ice blocks are formed. We only need to move the ice blocks over, cut them into the required shape and size with engineering shovels, and then build them into a circular room. However, not long after, people from behind also arrived, and everyone started to build the igloos in the sheltered places on both sides of the canyon exit.

"Brother, if you do this, you will be discovered. Do you have other plans?" Shan Hu ran up on tiptoe and asked, with a curious look on his face. Seeing Luo Zheng's eyes filled with fighting intent, he became somewhat enlightened. come over.

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