The strongest soldier

Chapter 290 Bullfighting Tactics

"It makes sense. Brothers are very tired when traveling at night and really need to rest. And if the enemy wants to block the road ahead, they have to rush all night. Even if they arrive first, they still need to brace themselves for us to attack at any time. They will definitely not be able to bear it at night. Come on, let's recharge our batteries during the day, whether we attack at night or take a detour, it'll be no problem." The scholar agreed, but there was a look of worry on his face.

"What are you worried about?" Luo Zheng noticed this keenly and asked softly.

"There are two worries. The first is that it is getting late, and the team that has been traveling all night may not be able to bear it. Especially the ghost team. After continuous fighting, their steps are sloppy, their energy is haggard, and their physical strength is very serious. We have to guard against it. The second point is the head. There are military satellites on board, so the polar bear country must know our current location and keep track of it and notify their team of the location, which is not good for us." The scholar said truthfully.

"Yeah, this is what I'm most worried about." Luo Zheng's cold face flashed with helplessness, looking at the mountains getting closer and closer in front of him, a few snowflakes were falling, it was going to snow, Luo Zheng felt in his heart He tensed up, full of worry, his eyes suddenly brightened, and he suddenly came up with an idea, shouting: "Brothers, move forward quickly and rush into the canyon."

"Yes." Everyone didn't know why, but they also saw the snow falling, so they speeded up without thinking much.

The scholar glanced at Luo Zheng doubtfully, chased after him, and asked in a low voice: "Is there any way?"

"Well, I'll talk to you later." Luo Zheng responded casually. The wind was too strong when running, and it was easy to inhale cold air when talking. The cold air cut the trachea and lungs like a knife blade, making it uncomfortable.

Everyone said nothing and ran wildly, as if they were evacuating overnight, and rushed into the canyon in one breath. The canyon was tall, narrow, and deep. It was white and covered with snow. It curved forward without knowing the end. Luo Zheng saw a The cliff on the side of the mountain was steep and concave, so he immediately shouted: "Quick, go over there."

Everyone didn't know why, but they still resolutely followed Luo Zheng's order. Like a pack of wolves on a snowy night, they ran up and hid in the concave cliff. This place was leeward and the ground was relatively dry. Luo Zheng spread out the map. Use a tactical flashlight to look after it, and ask the people next to you to send a message to the captains of each team to come over.

After a while, the scholar and others gathered around. Everyone put their bags on the ground and sat on them. Luo Zheng said: "Everyone rest in place for half an hour, eat something to replenish your physical strength, and be careful. Scholar, arrange your People go to the mouth of the canyon to stand sentry, and if there is enemy danger, they fire warning shots."

"Yes." The scholar agreed and hurriedly made arrangements.

Luo Zheng continued to look at the map, calculating something. Everyone was familiar with Luo Zheng and knew that he was thinking of a plan. They were all waiting patiently without disturbing anyone. The soldiers ate dry food in silence around them, looking over and raising their heads. Ears, I vaguely guessed that there might be a major tactical adjustment after the knot was formed, and this tactical adjustment would determine everyone's fate.

"It's arranged." The scholar hurried over and sat aside.

"Brothers, I have a new idea. Let's discuss it." Luo Zheng said calmly.

"Brother, tell me, I believe you." Shan Hu immediately expressed his stance, and others agreed.

"Look, if we drive all night, the enemy will only block here." Luo Zheng pointed at the map and said, "But what if we don't drive all night?"

"What do you mean?" the scholar asked in surprise.

"Just now we ran quickly into the canyon, creating the illusion of running all night. This illusion must have been photographed by the polar bear country's satellite, and their team was notified. At this time, the pursuers should also be rushing forward, intending to reach the front Containment, of course, this needs to be confirmed, wait a moment." Luo Zheng said and took out the satellite phone.

Under everyone's curious gaze, Luo Zheng dialed the number of the group army headquarters. This special military satellite phone was specially set up to only dial one number to avoid being monitored. The call was quickly connected, but what Luo Zheng didn't expect was that Surprisingly, the person who answered the phone was actually the captain of Wuhan University. Luo Zheng asked curiously: "Why is it you?"

"I'm at the Northwest Group Army headquarters to assist in this operation. How are you doing?" Captain Wu asked.

Luo Zheng knew that now was not the time to engage in family affairs. If the call lasted for a long time, it would still be monitored. The polar bear country's information operations capabilities were extraordinary, so he quickly said: "Please report the current whereabouts of the pursuers?"

"The pursuers are 20 kilometers south of the mountain forest where they met before. They are moving quickly to the west. They seem to be rushing to block you in front of your current retreat route. Be careful." Captain Wu seriously warned, Huaxia Kingdom also Even with military satellites, we can monitor the situation of pursuing troops.

"Talk again in half an hour." After Luo Zheng got the answer he wanted, he hung up the phone decisively and removed the batteries, firstly to save power, and secondly to avoid being monitored. When he was in a dangerous situation, it was best to be careful in everything.

"How is it?" The gardener exchanged looks with everyone and asked in surprise.

"The pursuers are heading towards the front of our retreat route." Luo Zheng explained. Seeing everyone's curious faces, he continued: "My idea is to rest here for half an hour, and then confirm the enemy's whereabouts after half an hour. If we continue on our way, we will change our plan; if we stop, we will continue to retreat south."

"Wouldn't we miss the best opportunity to retreat if we rest for half an hour?" The monk asked in surprise.

"Yes, this is the effect I want. Look around. We are hiding under this concave cliff. The enemy's satellites cannot detect us and cannot determine our whereabouts. After half an hour, if the enemy continues on his way, it means The enemy decides that we should continue going south. When the time comes, we will fight back to the original mountain forest and retreat south from there?" Luo Zheng said with a serious face.

Everyone looked at Luo Zheng with surprise on their faces. They couldn't figure out where this song came from. The scholar's tactical command ability was higher than the others. They somewhat understood Luo Zheng's thoughts. After pondering for a moment, they said: "You are responsible for guerrilla warfare." Excellent tactic, let the enemy pursue the enemy in front first, and then we can fight back. The enemy will definitely find out when the time comes and pursue them again. We will drive day and night. The enemy will have to be dragged down. It is better not to pursue. We will go south directly. By withdrawing, we can save a day and a night of traveling, but there are two problems."

Everyone's eyes lit up, and they all understood what Luo Zheng was thinking. They looked at the scholar. Seeing Luo Zheng nodding in agreement, the scholar continued: "First, returning from the canyon is an open wilderness, which is easily monitored by enemy satellites. When the time comes, the enemy will turn back, and we will remain passive. Secondly, how can we make the enemy believe that we are withdrawing south? The enemy's satellites will not be able to detect our whereabouts for a long time, so they will definitely be confused."

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