The strongest soldier

Chapter 286 Take the initiative

Luo Zheng glanced at the crowd with his fiery eyes, but did not immediately express his thoughts. Instead, he allowed the sniper to continue to fire freely and fire back, blocking the enemy five hundred meters away, firstly to confuse the enemy, and secondly to win. At that time, the ghost team plus the snipers from other teams totaled ten. The snipers were suppressed at the same time. Luo Zheng believed that it was impossible for the enemy to attack in a short time, and the enemies outflanking the two sides would be attacked in at least half an hour. In other words, you still have time to adjust your defenses.

Battle plans change day by day, and you are no different. "A voice next to him said angrily. It was Song Li. However, these words were met with glares from everyone. No one paid any attention to Song Li. If it weren't for the fact that Song Li was one of our own after all, he didn't do anything extraordinary. If something happened, I had to rush up and beat him up.

Luo Zheng ignored Song Li and continued: "If the enemy surrounds us from both sides, it will take at least half an hour. We have half an hour to prepare. If the enemy surrounds us all the way and blocks our retreat, it will take an hour to prepare. My plan is." After saying this, Luo Zheng's face turned solemn.

Everyone immediately pricked up their ears and listened carefully, even Song Li listened attentively.

"Look." Luo Zheng pointed to the empty snowfield in front of him and said, "The enemy is blocked by us five hundred meters away. My plan is for all snipers to attack forward and push the enemy back as far as they can. No matter how far we were pushed, the others lurked three hundred meters ahead. I took a closer look and saw that everyone had engineer shovels. It was easy to hide in the snow. After everyone was hidden, the sniper pretended to be exhausted and retreated to hide near the forest. "

After saying this, Luo Zheng deliberately stopped and looked at everyone to let everyone digest the information. Seeing that no one raised any objections, he continued to add: "The sniper attacked quickly and violently, in a aggressive posture. The attack time should not exceed ten minutes. The enemies outflanking you from both sides will not arrive at this time. Even if the sniper retreats to the forest, there will be no danger. When the enemy sees the sniper retreating, they will definitely pursue you. They will never pay attention to you who are ambushing 300 meters away. When the time comes, they will make a sudden attack. , thrust out from the front, and the snipers followed and chased, conquering the enemy from the front in one fell swoop."

"Hiss?" Everyone was shocked. Luo Zheng wanted to use more than thirty people to kill the enemy in front of him in one fell swoop. This was quite difficult. Wasn't this courage too great? But no one objected. On the contrary, everyone became excited and their eyes were full of fighting spirit.

"Okay, I think you can. Damn it, captain, you are so brave. Why didn't I think of counterattack? I guess the enemy commander also didn't think that under the encirclement and suppression of absolute strength, retreat is the right way, and defensive counterattack can also Accept it, fight back directly, or take the initiative to attack, okay." The monk shouted excitedly.

"That's right, we didn't think of taking the initiative to attack. With the harsh conditions of the cold weather and the heavy encirclement and suppression by the enemy, who would have thought that we would give up such a good terrain and directly counterattack?" The scholar also became enthusiastic and shouted: "I think it can be done , give an order?"

"Give me the order." The farmers and gardeners also cheered and expressed their deep agreement. Surprise and attack are the essence of the art of war. Luo Zheng's plan cannot be said to be unprepared, but at least it is unexpected. Who can think of being at a disadvantage? Take the initiative?

"Since there is no problem, it's settled. I'll take all the snipers up first. You should hide as quickly as possible. You must not be discovered by the enemy, otherwise all your efforts will be wasted. In addition, the earphones should be adjusted to the same frequency to facilitate communication and command." Luo Zheng said decisively. After giving the order, he looked at Song Li murderously.

"What do you want to do?" Song Li took half a step back in panic and asked.

"You are responsible for taking good care of Brother Shanhu. If there is anything wrong with Brother Shanhu, I can't get around you." Luo Zheng said coldly. Shanhu handed the frequency-adjusted earphones to Luo Zheng, and Luo Zheng took them and put them on. Said: "You are with the large army. If he dares to act randomly, you are welcome."

"Don't worry, I will watch him to death." Shan Hu promised, and his eyes turned sharp when he looked at Song Li. He was so frightened that Song Li turned away in panic. He originally thought it was a great achievement, so he went back after picking it up. After being promoted, I didn't expect to meet a group of life-hungry warriors. I gritted my teeth in shame and anger, and all my hatred fell on Luo Zheng. I thought that if I went back, I would find a way to express this.

"Sniper, follow me." Luo Zheng checked the weapon, put on the earphones and shouted. The answers from the other snipers came from the earphones. The call went smoothly. He breathed a sigh of relief and strode forward. The other snipers also chased after him. Going up, the scholar and others glanced at Song Li, then turned around and followed him.

Rushing down the hillside in one breath, Luo Zhengping held the sniper rifle on his shoulder and kept firing at the suspicious target ahead. It didn't matter whether he could hit it or not. The key was deterrence, not letting the enemy rush forward. Other snipers also followed suit, lining up in a row. Open, a dozen snipers fire at the same time, the power is not small.

While running, Luo Zheng fired the ten sniper bullets in his gun, then quickly took out more sniper bullets from his backpack and put them in his coat pocket for later use. He quickly loaded the bullets. After loading, he had already rushed to the 200-meter line. He lay down on the ground, measured the wind speed and distance, and shouted loudly: "All of them, shooting from prone position, three-shot horizontal shooting, sniper position, left of target."

Upon hearing this, everyone pulled the trigger one after another. Three bullets formed a horizontal line and whizzed towards the left side of the target. This attack method was equivalent to three bullets attacking a target. The success rate increased three times. The wind speed was irregular. The direction and the reflection from the snow make it very difficult to snipe in such a harsh environment. If you want to hit the target, apart from luck, you have to increase the number of shots.

"Boom!" Ten snipers fired thirty rounds at the same time. The pursuers who were trying to attack had no time to hide. Five unlucky people were shot to the end. Luo Zheng didn't know whether the opponent was alive or dead. , through the sniper scope, he saw the pursuers pulling away and rushing forward, and there were a lot of them, so he shouted coldly: "Listen to my command, target, the enemy is in the middle of the formation, three consecutive rounds, let go."

"Boom!" Everyone fired again, and the sniper rifle produced a volley of shots. This kind of shooting method was something Luo Zheng could imagine. Normally, snipers would shoot one shot at a time and change places, but Luo Zheng didn't , three bullets at a time, aiming at an area and firing at the same time, there is no way to avoid it, and the accuracy is greatly increased.

A row of guns fired, and six people fell down in the middle of the enemy's formation. The others stagnated and cautiously lay down to fight back. Bullets were fired randomly, but because of the long distance, the shooting distance of ordinary automatic rifles is generally about 600 meters, but The effective range is only three to four hundred meters. In such a harsh environment, the bullets of ordinary automatic rifles start to drift after three hundred meters, and by four hundred meters, they have completely changed direction.

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