The strongest soldier

Chapter 280 Difficult Evacuation

More than fifty kilometers is not that far, but walking in the snow is a crushing distance. It may not be possible to cover it in a day. Luo Zheng knows very well that it is easy to hide people in this seemingly frozen snow-capped mountain, but There is no way to avoid the monitoring of satellites above. Such a big thing has happened. The satellites of China are monitoring this place, and the satellites of Polar Bear Country must also be monitoring. It is impossible to get rid of the pursuit. It won’t take long for the enemy to bite you. Come up, all you can do is run as far away as possible before the enemy catches up.

After killing several opponents and comparing their feelings, Luo Zheng was sure that the enemy would pursue them and catch up soon. He briefly communicated with Captain Wu, put the phone away, and ran faster. Ten minutes later, Luo Zheng When I came to a hillside, I contacted everyone through headphones. After learning that everyone was not far ahead, I told everyone not to wait and continued to evacuate south.

Everyone didn't know what happened, but they had absolute trust in Luo Zheng and ran south without hesitation. Ten minutes later, Luo Zheng saw the footprints on the ground, rushed forward along the footprints, and turned over a On the hillside, I saw a few black figures on the snowfield in front of me spreading out and rushing forward. It was Shan Hu and others.

During the escape period, Luo Zheng didn't let everyone wait. He spread his legs and rushed forward, like a hungry wolf in the wind and snow, with firm and powerful eyes, hunched over, and every step left deep marks in the snow. Fortunately, the surrounding snow was only calf-deep, so walking was not too strenuous. Luo Zheng, who had waded through the thigh-deep snow, didn't care about the difficulty and ran forward with all his strength.

Because the mountain tiger was injured, the ghost team was not very fast. Half an hour later, Luo Zheng caught up with him and looked back worriedly. The vast snowfield was blocked by flying snowflakes, and his field of vision was limited, but Luo Zheng felt that the enemy was catching up. , and shouted with a solemn face: "Zhou Gang, give me your equipment, and run with Brother Shanhu on your back."

"Yes." Zhou Gang agreed, threw his backpack on the ground, hung the weapon around his neck, and squatted down. Shan Hu hesitated, and asked the elite special forces to carry it. He said it would not be a shame to go out, but when he saw Luo Zheng's gloomy and terrifying expression climbed up Zhou Gang's back without any further hesitation.

"March fifty kilometers in a hurry. The target is due south. The enemy is chasing us behind. We must not stop. What we encounter is the Snow Bear Special Forces of the Polar Bear Country, the most powerful special forces of the Polar Bear Country. Therefore, we must kill them fifty kilometers away first. In the mountains and forests, meet up with the troops that are supporting us, quickly." Luo Zheng shouted coldly, his voice reaching everyone through the earphones.

Everyone looked stern. There were pursuers behind them, and they were the powerful Snow Bear Special Forces. There were reinforcements in front. There was no need to mobilize at all. Everyone knew what to choose. Luo Zheng gave an order, and everyone involuntarily accelerated their speed. Running wildly through the wind and snow,

While running, Luo Zheng noticed that Zhou Gang was walking very quickly. He threw away the equipment, took the mountain tiger, carried it on his back and continued running forward without daring to stop for a moment. Zhou Gang quickly picked up the equipment and followed him. While running, Shan Hu whispered apologetically: "Brother Ghost, I've dragged everyone down."

"What nonsense are you talking about? We are all brothers who have gone through life and death. No one is dragging anyone down. Shut up." Luo Zheng shouted dissatisfied. As he spoke, cold wind poured into his body, making him extremely uncomfortable.

Shan Hu also knew that talking in such bad weather consumes energy and can easily cause internal injuries from the cold air. He didn't say any more. His eyes looking forward were full of guilt and gratitude. It was extremely difficult to run alone in the wind and snow. Carrying someone on his back was very difficult. What's more, Luo Zheng couldn't bear it even though he had an excellent physique and a long endurance due to his family's breathing method.

Meng Zhu came over to replace him, and Luo Zheng was not polite. After handing the mountain tiger to Meng Zhu, he said into the earphone: "Brothers, take turns to replace each other to ensure that the marching speed does not slow down. Everyone must persist and rush to the rendezvous before the enemy." Point, if you want to survive, you have to fight hard."

Half an hour later, everyone's speed has slowed down a bit, but they all gritted their teeth and persisted. Their faces were as calm as iron, and they ran forward with firm eyes. Everyone knew mentally that they must not be bitten by the pursuers, otherwise it would be very troublesome. Just now, we had taken cover on the hillside and had a good geographical advantage to block the enemy's attack. There was a vast snowfield around us, and there was no usable terrain at all. The best way to survive was to run wildly.

An hour later, everyone's speed slowed down again. It was too difficult to run in the wind and snow. The only good thing was that the snow layer on the ground was thinner, the resistance under the feet was less, and the wind was much lighter, which made everyone feel relieved. He breathed and continued to move forward at a steady speed. When he was thirsty, he grabbed a few handfuls of snow and put it in his mouth to melt.

Two more hours later, Luo Zheng saw that everyone was about to collapse from exhaustion, so he quickly motioned for everyone to slow down and eat some compressed biscuits to fill their stomachs. First, he could regain his strength, and second, he could continue moving forward. He jogged at a steady speed for about half an hour. Luo Zheng gave the order and the team accelerated the march again. Within half an hour, everyone recovered some strength.

Gradually, the sky darkened. Luo Zheng looked around with some worry. Everything he could see was vast. He had to take out his phone and contact the captain of the Wu Group to make sure he was heading in the right direction. The phone number belonged to an agent from the Polar Bear Country. This would also work. He was being monitored by the polar bear, but he couldn't care less about it. His mobile phone was the only tool in front of him to communicate with the outside world. There were soldiers chasing him behind him, and he couldn't escape the pursuit regardless of whether he used his mobile phone or not.

The direction was correct, and there were still more than thirty kilometers away from the destination. Luo Zheng breathed a sigh of relief, and asked the team to slow down and continue on their way. While recovering his strength, don't be killed by the enemy. He died of exhaustion first, and his breath would be frozen in this place. In the world of ice and snow, the heat generated by running collides with the ice and snow, and the whole person is wrapped in water mist visible to the naked eye. The water mist condenses on the helmet, forming ice ridges, which are hard and sharp, like bullets. Even the eyebrows will be frozen. His face was so stiff that he had to keep rubbing it with snowflakes to prevent it from freezing.

Another two hours passed, and everyone continued to trot forward with difficulty. Luo Zheng looked back from time to time, keeping alert and worried that enemies would suddenly appear. Fortunately, the journey was smooth. Every member of the ghost team was tired when they walked. After struggling hard, his face became serious, and he was really worried that someone couldn't hold on and fell down.

Another hour passed. Luo Zheng saw that everyone's physical strength was so exhausted that they were about to be unable to hold on anymore, so he motioned for everyone to move forward quickly. There were pursuers behind him, and they might pounce on them like hungry wolves at any time. They couldn't stop. After walking for about half an hour, Luo Zheng always felt that something was wrong behind him. After thinking about it, he motioned for everyone to continue walking quickly and stayed behind to break up the situation.

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