The strongest soldier

Chapter 2795 Crazy sneak attack

Outside Tucheng, behind the gray sand dunes, a few pairs of bright eyes stared closely at the retreating pursuers in the ruins of Tucheng, each of them showing solemn expressions. It was Luo Zheng and others. The enemy had more than a hundred troops. Suffering another loss, there is no reason not to pursue him. You must know that the desert area has a wide view and is the most suitable for pursuit. Why is this? Everyone lay motionless and meditated.

After a while, Luo Zheng glanced at the brothers around him. Not a single one of them was left behind. They all came back. He was worthy of being a god-level soldier. He could come and go freely in the enemy camp. The iron eagle next to him suddenly said in a deep voice: "Brother, what is the enemy singing?" Going out? If it were me, I would definitely chase them out. What a great opportunity. With a big encirclement and reinforcements, we might be able to achieve a good victory."

"Can they catch up with us at their speed? They are still surrounding us for help. Are we the point? Do we need help?" Xu Gang whispered unhappily, looking towards Tucheng in a tiger's eye with gleams of light. He didn't know what was going on. What was he thinking about? When he saw Tie Diao smiling indifferently, he looked at Luo Zheng and continued: "There is something weird about these people."

"You think so too?" Seeing that Xu Gang had the same opinion as him, Luo Zheng couldn't help but asked in surprise. Seeing Xu Gang nodding his head without hesitation, he smiled bitterly and said: "Brother Tiediao is right, they should hunt them down. Yes, with their superior strength, they can definitely put pressure on us. Their retreat behavior is really weird. It seems that there is something we don’t know about."

"A good thing or a bad thing?" Tie Diao asked.

"Maybe it's a good thing, maybe it's a bad thing, who knows?" Luo Zheng said in a deep voice. Seeing that the enemy was already far away, he looked at the brothers around him and asked, "How many tunnels have been blown up? Please report the number."

"One for me, one for me┅┅" everyone responded one after another.

Luo Zheng roughly counted and found that there were five tunnels. He couldn't help but think deeply. The five tunnels meant that there were probably more nearby. At least they had not all been blown up and the enemy could still come out of the ground. These were tunnels inside Tucheng and in the surrounding desert. There are also tunnels, which are the fatal threat. There may be satellite signal jammers in each tunnel. It seems that we must find out the tunnels in the desert after we go back.

Thinking of this, Luo Zheng waved his hand and quickly retreated with his troops, walking very cautiously. There were undulating sand dunes of different sizes everywhere, which were the most suitable for hiding troops. Who knew if there were any hidden sentries from the enemy? ? The enemy's laser gun is silent and impossible to guard against, so be careful.

The moonlight was hazy, the desert sky and earth were even grayer, and visibility was very low. Everyone pulled out a long formation and trotted forward, constantly using the surrounding terrain to hide their positions. About half an hour later, a faint gunshot suddenly came from the front. Everyone was shocked by the sound and explosion. They quickly stopped and squatted on the ground with guns raised to alert. The iron eagle even took a few steps forward, lying on the ground and pressing his ears to the sand to listen.

Luo Zheng looked ahead in surprise and pricked up his ears, but the distance was too far and he couldn't hear clearly. The sound of gunfire came from the direction of the camp. Needless to say, something must have happened. Luo Zheng's face became gloomy. At this time, Tie Diao He stood up, trotted up to Luo Zheng and whispered: "The fight started, it's in the direction of the camp, there are a lot of people."

"How much is the estimate?" Xu Gang asked eagerly next to him.

"Judging from the intensity of the gunfire, there are at least over a thousand. We don't have that many people. Are we the enemy?" Tie Diao said in a deep voice, his calm eyes gradually becoming sharper, showing a bit of murderous intent.

"No, leave quickly." Luo Zheng was shocked and shouted in a deep voice.

The brothers all realized what had happened and sped up one after another, running towards the front. The gunshots became louder as they went forward, and the explosions shook everyone's hearts. Luo Zheng was thinking about all this while running. Possibly, why would the enemy launch a sneak attack overnight? Is this a desperate move?

When everyone rushed to the camp, they saw a tragic battle scene. Countless enemies attacked from three sides, with more than 300 enemies on each side. The attacks were extremely fierce and completely lifeless. The important thing is that each of them has very good fighting skills, constantly jumping and jumping to avoid bullets.

In the camp, Luo Zheng found that there were some snipers covering the front under the vehicle to fight back. There were not many of them, but their marksmanship was accurate and they suppressed the enemy's attack. The firepower on both sides was not much, but it was also very fierce, especially the meters. Negant machine guns and light and heavy machine guns fired at the same time, temporarily suppressing the enemy's attack. Jackson's men may have been ambushing in the trenches and disappeared.

Luo Zheng was shocked. He quickly stopped and squatted on the sand and raised his sniper scope to observe. Others also stopped to observe. In the sniper scope, Luo Zheng saw that those who were sniping from the front should be the brothers led by the mountain eagle, about twenty people. , Ghost Hand and Snow Leopard led their respective teams to block the enemy on the left and right sides.

The brothers only had more than a hundred guns, but they had to block the attacks of nearly a thousand enemies. Jackson had more than a hundred men, but the weapons could not cause harm to the enemy. They were organized into bombardment troops and artillery troops. The situation was extremely serious. At this time , suddenly the armed helicopter started.

Luo Zheng breathed a sigh of relief when he saw the helicopter. Although there were many enemies, as long as the helicopter showed its power, no amount of them would be enough to kill him. Tie Diao beside him said in a deep voice: "Brothers should be able to hold on for a while. Let's go find their headquarters. As long as their headquarters is destroyed, there is no need to worry about this battle."

"Yes, kill their command system and there will be nothing left to worry about. One battle will determine the outcome." Xu Gang also said with murderous intent, his eyes flashing as he looked deep into the night sky behind the enemy, trying to find the enemy's headquarters.

Where is the headquarters so easy to find? Luo Zheng looked at the helicopter that was about to take off and said in a deep voice: "The enemy has no communication tools, so the headquarters is of little significance. I suspect that the enemy has no headquarters here at all. Look, the three The enemy on the road all attacked with force, no feint attack, no main attack. Judging from the way of fighting, they received a death order to break through our camp at any cost."

"Ah? What should we do?" Tie Diao asked anxiously.

"The think tank is right. Without communication tools, what is the use of a command post? Even if there is an order, it cannot be conveyed directly to the grassroots officers. It should have been deployed in advance. The tactics are simple, that is, a strong attack at any cost. We will attack from behind. As long as we solve the problem, If you are surrounded all the way, the rest will be a good idea." Xu Gang suggested in a deep voice.

"Yes, let's do it?" Tie Diao looked at Luo Zheng and asked.

"Don't worry." Xu Gang looked at the helicopter taking off in the sky and suddenly said in a deep voice: "We haven't used up our trump cards yet. We'll see after the helicopter launches its attack. Helicopters are the nemesis of infantry. Although the enemy is fierce, they are in front of the helicopter. It’s a floating cloud.”

Luo Zheng looked at the flying helicopter, but his heart tightened for no reason and he became uneasy.

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