The strongest soldier

Chapter 2789 Action Plan

Under the gray moonlight, the visibility in the Tucheng was very low, and blocked by the ruins of the walls, walking was very difficult. Fortunately, Luo Zheng and others were well-trained and knew how to march quickly in such an extremely harsh environment. Everyone almost jumped forward. , avoiding the messy mounds and broken walls, and with the ability to see through the tactical goggles, the charging speed was not slow, and he could rush out more than 300 meters away in a few minutes.

There were a lot of footsteps behind him. Luo Zheng rushed up to a section of the earth wall that had not collapsed. He quickly squatted down and raised his sniper scope to look. He didn't know how many enemy reinforcements were in front of him. There were more than a dozen of them with just his flashlight. Arriving at the fighting position just now, they were spreading out to search.

Luo Zheng looked around and quickly determined a route. He turned over and jumped off the earth wall. He looked like a big bird in the night. After landing firmly, he didn't say anything. He just gestured to follow and rushed ahead. In the past, he led everyone to continue to evacuate to avoid being discovered.

The enemy was expanding the search area, leaving a high possibility of being exposed. Everyone realized this from the bright lights shooting from all directions, and followed Luo Zheng and continued to rush forward. Five minutes later, everyone came to a place that had not collapsed. Under the earthen wall, Luo Zheng stopped and leaned against the earthen wall to observe his surroundings. Others also stopped and observed vigilantly.

The situation around him was the same as what he saw along the way. There were bombed-out rooms everywhere, and the ground was piled with dirt. There was no way to go, and there was no sign of any enemies. Luo Zheng looked at the broken earth walls and thought deeply. He got up, and after a while, he said in a deep voice: "Use this as a base and spread out to search the surrounding area of ​​100 meters."

"Understood." Xu Gang responded in a deep voice: "Tie Diao, you stay to protect the think tank, and the others will disperse and search on their own. Please be careful, don't open fire easily, and report back as soon as you find out the situation."

"Understood." Everyone responded in a deep voice, and a strong fighting spirit broke out. Everyone quickly dispersed, jumped forward, and quickly disappeared among the ruins.

Luo Zheng took the iron sculpture and rushed up to a mound. The mound was made up of a large number of broken walls. Many logs could be seen mixed in the soil. It was about three or four meters above the ground. Luo Zheng quickly found it. He found a place to hide and covered his body with the surrounding soil to avoid exposure.

After doing all this, Luo Zheng took a look at the iron sculpture. This guy was hiding in the gaps between a few haphazardly piled logs. It was difficult to find him until he was in front of him. He couldn't help but smile. He quickly set up the sniper scope and looked around. There were everywhere around him. They were all broken earth walls, and pieces of mud shattered on the ground.

After observing for a while, Luo Zheng suddenly realized a problem. He didn't see any living utensils in the surrounding rooms. After carefully recalling what he saw along the way just now, he didn't see any house where you had living utensils. Could it be that all the earthen houses here have them? unoccupied? Could it be that the Tucheng is just a cover and all the Cobra mercenaries live underground? Where will the entrance be?

Thinking of this, Luo Zheng pondered and couldn't figure it out. After a while, the brothers who had gone out to investigate came back one after another, and no one found anything unusual. Luo Zheng called everyone over and whispered: "Have you noticed? All the rooms here There are no signs of human life. In other words, all the Cobra mercenaries live in the underground base. There must be many entrances and exits here. Secondly, how to solve the problem of their living water sources?"

Living can be a little simpler, but life must go on. How to deal with the water that sustains life? Luo Zheng couldn't help but think of the last time he rescued the Tiger King in the desert. The local enemies were also in the underground base and there was an underground river. The enemies here were so similar. Could it be that they also had an underground river? Otherwise, how to solve the practical water problem?

Everyone started thinking along Luo Zheng's train of thought. Water is the most important element for sustaining life. If the water source is destroyed, the enemies hidden in the underground base will be defeated without a fight. However, this water source may be difficult to find, Luo Zheng recalled. He looked at the surrounding terrain and tried to find the location and trend of the water veins. Unfortunately, it was not Cao Xi, so he had no clue.

At this time, everyone heard the noise and couldn't help being startled. They looked up and saw that a large number of enemies were searching from further away. Everyone's expressions changed slightly and they all looked at Luo Zheng. The iron eagle next to them said in a deep voice: "This It seems that the gangsters have increased their troops, and they will not give up until they achieve their goals. It is a pity that there is no communication attack, otherwise they can call in helicopters to launch a night attack, and the enemies will be exposed. What a great opportunity."

"Yes, it is indeed a pity. What should we do?" Xu Gang looked at Luo Zheng and asked in a low voice.

"Don't worry, let me think about it." Luo Zheng said in a deep voice, his eyes passing over everyone, and suddenly an idea came to him, and he said in a deep voice: "With the skills of the brothers, it is not a problem to break them into pieces and blend into the enemy. question?"

"This is not a problem, what is the purpose?" Xu Gang said confidently, having absolute confidence in the strength of his brothers.

Luo Zheng knew that the strength of these god-level warrior kings was really high. Take the running just now, if it was Gui Shou and other brothers, they would never be able to do it so fast. Seeing everyone's calm faces, it seemed that they didn't take it seriously at all. Things were normal, and I was secretly happy. I looked at the enemies getting closer and closer around me and said in a deep voice: "After everyone disperses, follow the enemy's back. Don't kill anyone. The enemy will inevitably evacuate if they can't find us. We need to use tunnels to evacuate."

Xu Gang's eyes lit up and he said excitedly: "You mean to penetrate directly into them?"

"Huh?" Luo Zheng didn't expect Xu Gang to be so bold as to directly infiltrate into the enemy with just a dozen people. He couldn't help laughing and said: "That's not possible. We don't have enough people. Although everyone is very powerful in combat, the enemy I’m afraid there are quite a few knights of the Round Table, as well as holy warriors, so we have to guard against them.”

"Then why are you looking for a tunnel?" Tie Diao asked eagerly.

Everyone also looked at Luo Zheng, why not go in and look for him? Luo Zheng said in a low voice with a murderous look on his face: "It's simple. After you find the tunnel, find a way to blow it up. If we don't go in, the enemy won't be able to come out. Although you may not be able to find all the tunnels in this way, if you blow up one, it will be enough." , as long as there are not enough tunnels, it will be difficult for the enemies hiding underground to come out, and it will take some time for the large troops to come out and assemble outside, which is good for us."

"I understand." Xu Gang looked at the brothers around him and said in a deep voice, "You all know what to do, right?"

"Understood." Everyone responded in a low voice. This matter was too simple for everyone.

Luo Zheng glanced at everyone and continued to warn: "Remember, don't rush, find as many tunnels as possible. It is now around ten o'clock in the evening, and the enemy will withdraw after finding nothing in two hours at most. Just in case, we Let’s take action together on time at one o’clock, and after we get the victory, quickly go to the sand dune where we fought before, is there any problem?”

"No problem." Everyone whispered knowingly, and the murderous look in the tiger's eyes became even more intense.

"Act!" Luo Zheng gave the order, and everyone quickly dispersed. In the blink of an eye, they all disappeared into the night, as agile, light and silent as ghosts.

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