The strongest soldier

Chapter 2782 Meeting Decision

Every veteran of hundreds of battles knows one truth, that is, the battlefield must be united and twisted into a rope in order to bring out its combat effectiveness. Any disharmony will only lead to the dispersion of the troops and affect their combat effectiveness. Any selfishness will only make the troops disperse. Marginalized and abandoned by the collective, fighting on their own and dying faster, the shouts of death made everyone feel anger, strength, determination and confidence.

After a while, Luo Zheng signaled everyone to quiet down, glanced at Jackson, and slowly explained in detail what had happened recently. He talked for more than ten minutes, and finally added: "The enemy has things we are not familiar with. Laser guns kill silently, there are unfamiliar stealth equipment that you won’t know when you get close, and there are bullet-proof armors that ordinary bullets cannot penetrate. They can only be knocked unconscious by hitting their heads. I hope you will report these to your respective teams. , everyone must be mentally prepared.”

"Yes." Everyone shouted in a deep voice, especially the newcomers. They didn't expect that Luo Zheng and others had experienced such a fierce battle in just two or three days and killed countless enemies. They didn't expect that the enemies had such sharp equipment. However, from Luo Zheng's description, everyone learned about the dragon tooth bullets that can penetrate bullet-proof armor, and also knew that this kind of person would faint as if hit in the head by ordinary bullets. They all laughed excitedly without flinching or being afraid. , some are full of fighting spirit.

For a Predator, fighting against strange and powerful enemies is an exciting thing. Everyone's blood began to boil. Luo Zheng's mouth was dry when he said it, so he took out the kettle and drank, while taking a rest, Jack Sen took the words and added: "Brothers, the enemy has bullet-proof armor. Ordinary bullets are basically useless when hit on the body. They can only hit the head. Everyone must remember this. In addition, don't worry, we have dragon tooth bullets that can tear them apart." Their bulletproof armor is not of concern to the enemy."

Everyone smiled knowingly, with a strong fighting spirit on their faces, especially Guishou and the others. Countless battles have proven the sharpness of the Dragon Tooth Bullet and its restraint on the enemy. The enemy is not worried. At this time, Luo Zheng He took the words and continued: "Jackson, brothers, I have an idea that requires your cooperation."

"Please tell me." Seeing Luo Zheng's seriousness, Jackson became serious and responded in a deep voice.

The others listened carefully, for fear of missing a word. Luo Zheng looked around at everyone, organized his words and said in a deep voice: "Jackson, I need to reorganize your troops and temporarily form two troops. An artillery unit, a heavy firepower unit, all mortars are used together, three people are responsible for one, and all light and heavy machine guns are used together, is there any problem?"

Jackson was startled. This meant that the troops, which were originally composed of squads as combat units, would be reorganized into two troops. All combatants would be mixed, and the command system would also have to be redeployed. However, Jackson is worthy of being an iron-blooded soldier. With rich practical experience, he quickly thought of the benefits of doing this. He was immediately overjoyed and said in a deep voice: "This can ensure fire suppression and can also make up for the inability of our bullets to penetrate bullet-proof armor. I agree with this plan. ."

"Then please, reorganize the troops as soon as possible. Except for my people, everyone else will be left to you. The artillery unit is expected to have 90 people, the heavy firepower unit is expected to have 40 people, and the remaining 30 people will form a mobile unit. Use the mines intensively to form a bombardment unit, and leave the helicopters to my people." Luo Zheng said solemnly, there were more than 300 troops, half of them were his own, and the remaining 160 or so were special operations teams sent by various countries. member.

Jackson thought for a while and solemnly agreed: "Okay, I will organize it as soon as possible."

"Okay, when everyone goes back, explain the reasons for the reorganization to the team brothers, and cooperate with Jackson to complete the reorganization as soon as possible and form combat effectiveness. We don't have much time. The enemy will not attack tonight. We will rest for one night and attack the enemy Tucheng tomorrow. Launch an attack and dismiss the meeting." Luo Zheng shouted in a deep voice.

"Yes." Everyone responded in a deep voice and dispersed, returning to their respective teams.

Luo Zheng pulled Jackson and whispered: "We don't have much time. The enemy may come at any time. We must complete the reorganization within half an hour. In addition, we must agree on a set of command methods. We don't have a communication tool. Once an attack occurs, How can you command the troops when you get up? I'll take care of my people, and it's up to you to take care of them."

"Understand, the battle of life and death is related to the fate of you and me. The president and I had a secret talk before coming here. This battle must be won. Therefore, we can only destroy the enemy at all costs. If necessary, we can call our military for support. One thousand There is a Chinese military base kilometers away, and we can secretly dispatch fighter jets to participate in the war, but it is too risky. It is not appropriate for our country's fighter jets to appear in the airspace of a third country. The United Nations does not have fighter jets and has no authority to command our country, so it can only do it secretly." Jackson explained in a low voice. road.

Luo Zheng nodded knowingly and smiled. The United Nations only has armed helicopters and no fighter jets, so it cannot send fighter jets into the anti-terrorist battle. Sam's country's fighter jets can fly to any corner of the world, but the United Nations has no right to command or coordinate Sam's country's faction. Fighters fly through the airspace of third-party countries, otherwise they will cause dissatisfaction and even backlash from other countries. After all, the attack power of fighter jets is too powerful. No country can rest assured. What if the pilot has other motives? Helicopters have relatively weak attack power and can fly over under surveillance.

Sam Country's unmanned bombers can fly at an altitude of 10,000 meters and have strong stealth capabilities. It is not a big problem to fly over to participate in the war. They should be able to avoid the radar of third-party countries. However, once exposed, they will be criticized and opposed by third-party countries. , the impact is not good, even under the banner of anti-terrorism, no country is willing to let Sam State's unmanned bombers fly quietly through its airspace, and this chess piece must not be used until the critical moment.

However, Luo Zheng heard from Jackson's words President Sam's determination to kill this stronghold and win the battle even if he offended other countries. This support made Luo Zheng realize that President Sam was under some kind of pressure. This kind of pressure may be a life-or-death decision. If we win, it will be good for everyone. But if we lose, the President of Sam Country may be in trouble. Could it be that the Dark Church is up to something else?

Luo Zheng thought for a while and did not ask. After all, it was a matter of national secrets. All he needed to know was the other party's firm support. He looked at Jackson and nodded and said, "I understand, let's get ready."

Jackson agreed and hurriedly reorganized the troops with Tang Tiantian. Luo Zheng looked at the two people's backs and thought deeply. Putting aside the past grudges, these two are good partners. I hope the hatred will not affect the two of them. mentality, this battle is of great importance and can only be won by sincere unity, otherwise, disaster will be imminent.

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