The strongest soldier

Chapter 2778 Reinforcements arrive

At noon, Luo Zheng asked his troops to dismantle the deployed traps, evacuate the sand ridge with the grenades and bullets used to set the traps, and went straight to the logistics base. More than two hours later, everyone came to an open sandy area, and the ground was very dangerous. It's flat, with yellow sand everywhere, as far as the eye can see. There's no cover, and there's no enemy to hide in.

Luo Zheng looked around carefully, and recalled the information carefully. After confirming that this was the logistics base, he said to the ghost hand beside him: "The people who led you dispersed and checked three kilometers east. Snow Leopard, you go west, Mountain Eagle." , you go south, the same three kilometers, be sure to check carefully to avoid enemy secret passages, and leave others behind."

"Understood." The three men responded in a deep voice, waved their hands, and hurried away with the troops. Only the troops belonging to Jackson were left in place. Seeing everyone leave, the team leader gathered around him curiously and looked at Luo Zheng. , Luo Zheng thought for a while and said in a deep voice: "They are going to check whether there are enemy secret passages around. You dig three trenches on the spot. They need to be two meters deep and connected in a ring. Each trench is about ten meters apart. You can divide the work among yourself."

"Yes." Everyone agreed. Tang Tiantian, who assisted Jackson in managing the troops, called the team leaders over to plan the trenches and division of labor. Jackson was not here, so the troops under Jackson's command naturally obeyed the command of Tang Tiantian, his deputy. Everyone quickly let's move.

Luo Zheng couldn't help but be surprised when he saw that Tang Tiantian commanded well and was quite talented. This guy hadn't improved much in a while and had become calmer. He might be a difficult opponent in the future. However, Luo Zheng quickly put aside this idea. , As long as you don’t cause trouble now, we can talk about the future later.

Soon, all the remaining troops began to dig trenches. The fine sand was soft and the foldable engineer shoveled it without any effort at all. It could directly shovel the fine sand away. This kind of soft fine sand was very difficult to handle. It was easy to knock down the front. To stay, it needs to be beaten tightly and firmly, and the digging speed is not fast.

Digging trenches in the yellow sand is not of great defensive significance. It is unrealistic to rely on such trenches to defeat the enemy. However, it has two advantages. One is to hide troops. The enemy does not know the specific deployment of troops. The other is that you can take shelter from the wind at night and hide in the trenches. It's good to rest inside. I don't know how long this battle will last. Luo Zheng must think long term.

About an hour later, the trenches started to look good. The troops who went out for reconnaissance returned one after another. No tunnels or hidden enemies were found. Luo Zheng gave an order and the troops joined the team digging the trenches. With more people, the speed increased. I felt it was faster.

Two hours later, three circular trenches appeared on the open sandy plain. Some communication trenches were dug in the middle. The three trenches could communicate with each other. In this way, everyone could move to any position while hiding in them without showing their heads. It was not solid. After all, it was just fine sand without any stable materials. Everyone continued to beat and perfect it with engineering shovels, and the time came to dusk without realizing it.

The hot sun has set, unwilling to release its preheating. A glow appears in the western sky, and fire clouds fill the sky. Luo Zheng looks at the barren desert and the gorgeous sky. He can't help but become intoxicated, leaving behind the harsh living environment. When the battle begins, the desert scenery is still very beautiful, atmospheric, natural, and pure.

At this time, Guishou came to Luo Zheng and whispered: "There are still ten minutes before the scheduled time. They should be here. Do you want to see us?"

"Notice, prepare in five minutes, and prepare for combat just in case." Luo Zheng warned in a deep voice.

"Understood." Guishou agreed and gave the order loudly.

The troops put down their engineering shovels one after another, picked up their weapons to check, filled their empty magazines with bullets, and prepared for battle. Logistics troops are very critical. If the secret is leaked, the enemy will definitely besiege them. If the logistics is destroyed, everyone will There is no need to fight a battle, just evacuate directly. Without enough weapons, ammunition and food, it is impossible to agree to the Cobra mercenaries who are familiar with the terrain.

Five minutes later, Luo Zheng glanced at the direction where the logistics convoy came. There was a flat plain with no cover, and the eyes were full of yellow sand. There was no life or anyone in sight, let alone the convoy that everyone dreamed of. , Luo Zheng turned over his hands and looked at his watch. There were still five minutes left before the appointed time. Why hasn't it arrived yet? Could it be that something happened to the logistics convoy?

Just as he was thinking about it, suddenly the roar of propellers came from the horizon. Luo Zheng was startled. He quickly raised his sniper scope and looked in the direction of the sound. He saw three armed helicopters appearing in the sky, roaring towards him. The enemy was friendly and friendly. Unsure, Luo Zheng shouted in a deep voice: "Everyone listen to my order and stay hidden. The snipers are ready for air defense."

Everyone quickly shrank to hide in the trenches, and the atmosphere of tension spread. Helicopters were the nemesis of infantry, and no one dared to be careless. In the blink of an eye, everything was hidden, and they carefully looked at the sky, and the snipers raised their guns and took aim. Go ahead and wait patiently.

Not long after, the helicopter approached. The United Nations logo was painted on the fuselage. Everyone squatted down and rejoiced. They jumped out of the trench excitedly, waving the guns in their hands and shouting. Luo Zheng did not stop him and let everyone enjoy it. Release the pressure in your heart. The troops are too nervous and need relief. The arrival of reinforcements gives everyone hope of defeating the enemy and the future.

At this time, Luo Zheng saw a long convoy appearing on the open sandy plain ahead. There were two helicopters guarding the convoy. Luo Zheng was overjoyed. He quickly raised his sniper scope and looked over, and found that there were five vehicles in front of him. The L-ATV all-terrain combat vehicle with excellent sealing performance.

L-ATV is a light all-terrain combat vehicle. It is standard equipment for the navy and army. It can be launched from the air and uses a diesel hybrid power system. The focus is on the all-terrain setting, so that it can overcome and traverse any difficult terrain. It has a maximum horsepower output of 300 horsepower and uses 20-inch run-proof tires. However, due to the armor, it has a weight of 6.4 tons and a top speed of only 112kmh. L-ATV also has high-strength armor and multi-layer Armored ballistic structure.

This all-terrain combat vehicle can hold a squad of soldiers inside. It can shoot from the inside to the outside without blind spots, but it is difficult to shoot through the steel plate of the body from the outside. Even if the explosion-proof tires encounter bombs, it will not be a big problem. It has the wildness of the Hummer. It is tough, has the stability of a tank, and is more like a mobile bunker. It is definitely a killer weapon in land warfare.

Luo Zheng didn't expect that Jackson got five L-ATVs. This was unexpected. Could it be that he learned that the troops were attacked by a sneak attack and the attack was not going well, so he temporarily added equipment? Looking at the back of the convoy, there are five large trucks used to transport supplies, twice as many as expected. At the end are three Sam Army Humvees, with a Minigun machine gun mounted on the body, and two on the left and right. Under the cover of the helicopter, they were rushing over in a mighty manner.

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