The strongest soldier

Chapter 2773 Rescue

The afterglow of the setting sun falls on the vast desert, and the undulating sand dunes everywhere seem to be covered with a layer of golden gauze. They are soft and gorgeous, coupled with the dark gray reflections formed by the sand dunes, which are clear-cut and unparalleled in beauty, with fine details flying in the wind. The sand is like a beautiful elf dancing, playing, and finally dissipating into the void.

The endless desert as far as the eye can see is so quiet that it is suffocating, as if you have entered a silent world. In this world, it is desolate, empty, monotonous and lifeless. On the slope of a tall sand ridge, Luo Zheng is lying on his back. The ground quickly searched the surroundings through the sniper scope, and saw nothing but silence.

"Why is this happening? Where are the people?" Luo Zheng's heart sank to the bottom, and his expression became solemn. He came here after all the hard work for only one purpose, which was to join other brother troops. The communication tool failed, and the troops were most likely to go to everyone. Gongzhi's logistics base is assembled, why is there no one? Did everyone not come, or did something else happen?

At this time, Guishou hurried over and whispered: "Shall I lead someone to conduct an in-depth investigation?"

"Don't worry." Luo Zheng objected. He must not act blindly before he understands the situation. Who knows that there is no ambush ahead? What if the enemy sees troops coming to this area and sets a trap in advance? If there is really a trap, doesn't it mean that all the troops who came here before have been wiped out?

Thinking of this, Luo Zheng was secretly frightened. If all other troops were really ambushed, it would be a very terrible thing. Luo Zheng shook his head and put away the unrealistic thoughts. Jackson's troops of more than 100 people were not Maybe they were all wiped out, but there must be something else going on. Luo Zheng planned to observe and see again.

Seeing that Luo Zheng rejected his proposal, Guishou said nothing and waited patiently. After a few minutes, suddenly rapid gunshots rang out from deep in the sand ridge, as dense as rain, with faint explosions in the middle. Everyone was shocked. , all raised their sights to observe, Luo Zheng also quickly looked in the direction of the sound, but unfortunately it was blocked by a long sand ridge and could not see anything clearly.

"Brother?" The ghost hand next to him shouted eagerly.

Luo Zheng put down the sniper scope knowingly, looked at Ghost Hand and said in a deep voice: "The Mountain Eagle team has many internal injuries and is not suitable for rapid attacks or close combat. Take your people as the vanguard. Snow Leopard, take you." The people will follow, keep a distance of thirty meters, and respond at any time according to the enemy's situation, Mountain Eagle——!"

"Arrived!" The mountain eagle hurried over and responded.

"Take your men to the rear and let's set off," Luo Zheng warned in a deep voice.

"Yes." The three ghost hands responded in a deep voice and hurriedly deployed.

Soon, Gui Shou hurried away with his troops, Snow Leopard and his people followed behind to provide support, and Mountain Eagle led people from behind. The three teams kept a certain distance, while Luo Zheng caught up with Gui Shou and rushed in front with a solemn expression. Suddenly The sound of gunfire made Luo Zheng realize that something was wrong, and it was definitely not a good thing. Judging from the intensity of the gunfire, there must be hundreds of people fighting. There were not that many people on his side, so they must be enemies.

Saving people was like putting out a fire. The team rushed all the way, and no one was willing to lag behind. After ten minutes, everyone rushed up the long sand ridge and saw a larger sand valley in front of them. There were many low sand valleys in the sand valley. There were some people hiding behind the small sand pile, and they were exchanging fire with the people rushing down the sand slope outside the sand valley.

Luo Zheng quickly signaled the troops to stop advancing, raised his sniper scope and looked down, and found that those surrounded in the sand valley were actually his own people, hiding behind small piles of sand everywhere to fight back. It looked like there must be fifty or sixty people. Looking at the people rushing to the sand valley from the outside, they were all dressed in Arab costumes. They were obviously Cobra mercenaries. They attacked from three different directions. There were actually hundreds of people in each place.

More than 300 people besieged fifty or sixty people. The situation of the people below the sand valley was in a precarious situation and their lives could be in danger at any time. After Luo Zheng understood the situation, his face turned cold. He pointed in one direction and said to Ghost Shou: "Take your people from here." Kill them from the left. After a while, the Snow Leopards will come over. Kill them from the right. The Mountain Eagles will be here to support you and cover your retreat. Be sure to bring them out."

"Understood." Guishou shouted in a deep voice, looked at the brothers around him and roared: "Follow me."

Everyone nodded silently, loaded the bullets, and followed the ghost hands as they rushed down the sandy ridge from the left. One by one, they were walking as fast as flying, like a pack of wolves foraging for food. Their murderous aura burst out in an instant. In the blink of an eye, they were dozens of meters away. Luo Zheng did not move. He turned around and looked at the snow leopard coming from behind, and made a few gestures to urge him on.

Snow Leopard, who was on his way, changed his face when he saw the gesture, and quickly rushed up with his troops. When he saw the fierce battle between the enemy and ourselves below the sand valley, his face suddenly turned cold, and he looked at Luo Zheng with murderous intent. Luo Zheng said in a deep voice: " Lead your men to attack from the right, and move quickly. Once the people below evacuate, you will retreat quickly, and I and the mountain eagle will cover you here."

"Understood." Snow Leopard responded in a deep voice, waved his hand, and led his men to rush down the sandy ridge from the right.

Luo Zheng quickly set up his sniper rifle and aimed at it. When he saw an enemy preparing to launch an RPG, he became furious. He quickly locked onto the opponent's heart and pulled the trigger without hesitation.

"Whoops -" The bullet came out with a suffocating scream, fiercely tore open the space barrier, and drew a terrifying shock wave away. In an instant, it penetrated the target's heart, spattered a blood arrow, and rushed out. The RPG's trigger The rocket was instinctively triggered before the target fell to the ground, and the rocket whizzed out of the barrel. Unfortunately, it had changed its direction, and rushed forward with scorching majesty, hitting a target in the back.

With a loud "Boom--", the rocket exploded. The powerful shock wave knocked several people around directly away. Fragments flew all over the sky and whizzed away. Someone further away was hit by the fragments and screamed. He fell to the ground, blood instantly staining the surrounding sand red.

The huge explosion startled all the surrounding enemies, and they all looked around with vigilance. At this time, Guishou had already led people to rush down, and came up with a rapid burst of fire, knocking down a group of enemies. The enemies saw the people rushing up to kill them. Guishou and the others were immediately shocked and looked for a place to hide.

When the people surrounded under the sand valley saw this scene, they immediately understood, their morale was greatly boosted, and they fought back bravely. Once the desperate soldiers on the battlefield had hope, they could explode with higher combat effectiveness than usual, and everyone interacted with each other. Cheer up and keep changing positions to look for opportunities to fire back.

The enemy did not retreat, but divided into three. One force focused on attacking the people below the sand valley, and the other two troops dealt with the ghost hands and snow leopards attacking from the left and right sides. They howled and ran like hungry wolves. , a violent murderous aura broke out.

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