The strongest soldier

Chapter 2769 A life-threatening counterattack

It was almost noon, and the vast desert was unstoppably hot. The heat on the ground was rolling like boiling water. There was no life as far as the eye could see. There was not even a bird in the sky. On a sand dune, Luo Zheng rushed forward along the sand ridge. The tiger's eyes were full of cold murderous intent, and large beads of sweat rolled down his face, which were quickly evaporated into white smoke by the heat.

Not long after, Luo Zheng saw that the enemy suddenly began to retreat, as if he was aware of some danger. This situation made Luo Zheng startled, and he couldn't help but speed up to catch up. When he came to the top of a sand pile, he saw scattered enemies starting to retreat. Assembling and retreating in one direction, Luo Zheng was furious. He quickly squatted down, raised his gun and aimed at the enemy. Searching, he found a yelling target, probably one of the leaders, and quickly pulled the trigger.

The target is a tall man. Although he is wearing a hood and a large robe, and his face cannot be seen, he has a beast-like aura about him. He is obviously not an easy man. He is waving his arms and shouting something, and sniper bullets are whizzing out. It rose up and sank directly into the opponent's head. The huge head exploded immediately, the skull was overturned, the red and white things flew away, and the body fell to the ground.

The enemies who were gathering were startled, and they all fell down to hide. At this time, Luo Zheng fired several times quickly, and several bullets accurately hit the target again, but also exposed his position. The dense bullets counterattacked, hitting them. Luo Zheng had to retreat to avoid it.

This situation also made the mountain eagle who was observing the enemy's situation notice. The mountain eagle was overjoyed and quickly raised his sniper scope to look over. He found that it was Luo Zheng, but he was alone. He couldn't help but be shocked. Could it be that something happened to the other brothers? Thinking of this, his face darkened and his anger surged up. He frowned and shouted loudly: "Brothers, there are only fifty enemies left. Go down and kill them. Follow me!"

"Kill!" Everyone shouted in a deep voice and rushed towards the bottom of the sand dune.

Snow Leopard and Ghost Hand, who were flanking the enemy around, also keenly noticed that the enemy was about to run away. Naturally, they would not miss such a good opportunity and quickly organized their troops to pursue them. Even Wu Yuan, who was ambushing at the top of the sand dune, also noticed that the enemy was about to run away. , saw the mountain eagle leading the people rushing down the sand dune, not to be outdone, he also led his troops to charge down.

"Kill -" the brothers let out a roar that shook the sky. Without communication tools, everyone used this method to communicate and fight with each other, reminding each other, and rushed to kill like a rainbow, like a sharp blade unsheathed, with unrivaled momentum. .

During the run, the explosion-proof boots splashed fine sand into the air, like a tiger descending from the mountain, like all beasts galloping, invisible murderous aura erupted, like a sharp sword piercing the sky, the sound was terrifying, the steel gun in his hand kept firing, and the bullets were like It lunges towards the target as if it has eyes, carrying the aura of death.

The enemy also reacted quickly, quickly gathered, and rushed towards one side in a battle formation, without any regard for casualties. The firepower was even divided into two, and they continuously strafed the opponents coming up from both sides, blocking the attack with all their might, perhaps knowing life and death. When the critical moment came, the enemy also began to risk his life, with murderous intent that was hard to resist.

The rabbit bit someone when it was anxious, not to mention the fierce Cobra mercenary. The enemy showed great fighting power and managed to escape from two sides, leaving five or six corpses on the ground. Luo Zheng saw the enemy He retreated quickly and resolutely, and angrily rushed forward and roared: "Chase me, I must not let them escape."

"Yes -" Upon hearing Luo Zheng's order, the surrounding troops roared angrily and rushed forward. Their minds were full of thoughts of revenge for the tragically killed brothers. The steel guns in their hands kept ringing. The enemy who was delaying to escape should be killed. The remaining brave man chased the poor bandit, but he could not pretend to be the overlord of the school. Luo Zhenghan also pursued him with a face on his face. The enemy was already defeated like a mountain. How long would it take if he did not pursue him now?

The pursuit battle kicked off. The enemy and we were not far apart from each other. The retreating enemy was worried about being hit by bullets, so he had to look for bunkers everywhere, perform various evasive actions, and even run zigzag evasive steps. In this way, Naturally, the speed was slower, and the troops chasing after him didn't have to think too much. They just charged and attacked, gradually closing the distance. This scene made Luo Zheng very happy.


The sound of sniper fire and rifle fire from both the enemy and our side were intertwined, forming a music of death. Luo Zheng gradually rushed to the front. At this time, the enemy may have realized that they could not escape, so they became ferocious and found a sand dune to hide. He got up and quickly opened fire to counterattack. Bullets hit the brothers who were rushing forward. Even Luo Zheng was hit by bullets. Fortunately, he was protected by bullet-proof armor and was not seriously injured.

The Dark Church only imitated the sniper dragon tooth bullets, but not the rifle bullets. Ordinary rifle bullets hurt the body, but they could not tear the bullet-proof armor. Tolerating it, Luo Zheng did not stop the pursuit, and roared as if he was injured. The lion, with his feet as fast as flying, continued to run, and the sniper gun in his hand went off.

"Boooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo. He screamed, and his body was exposed to the sand dune. A bullet came and hit the opponent's heart directly. The bullet created a hole as big as a bowl, blood spurted out, and the opponent's body was blown away and disappeared.

At this time, more brothers roared in, regardless of the risk of being hit by bullets. As long as they were not enemy sniper bullets, they were not afraid. In the firefight just now, everyone focused on dealing with enemy snipers and killed several of them. Are there any remaining enemies? The sniper was unknown. Seeing Luo Zheng taking the lead, everyone's blood surged and their eyes became red with blood. They rushed forward with all their strength. Everyone was silent, and their invisible murderous intent and anger were all integrated into the bullets.

"Kill -" Luo Zheng roared and rushed towards the sand dune. The bullets hit his body with a pop-pop sound. The pain was unstoppable. It felt like his soul was about to leave his body. Luo Zheng endured the pain and thought of his brother who died tragically. Thinking of the tunnels that had been blown up and the ferocity of the enemy, we thought of the endless murderous intent.

"Kill--" The brothers who followed were also angry, howling wildly, and the sniper rifles in their hands kept ringing. They rushed against the enemy's bullets, the soldiers sacrificed their lives, the three armies fought for change, Luo Zheng's madness was not afraid of life and death. When they rushed forward, the brothers were all ready to fight. There was only one thought in their minds: rush forward and kill the enemy.

The remaining enemies were frightened by the life-threatening fighting style of Luo Zheng and others. Although they were angry, although they were running wildly, and although they wished to kill others in the future, the bullets could not tear through the bullet-proof armor at all. Watching their companions being killed one by one, the remaining enemies The enemy was completely panicked and turned around and ran away, not knowing that he would die faster this way.

"Avenge the brothers, kill -" Luo Zheng roared, rushing up the sand dune in one breath. He glanced around with cold eyes, quickly locked on the panicked enemy, and continued to charge forward with murderous intent. The sniper rifle in his hand once again It sounded, and the bullet was as terrifying as a reminder.

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