The strongest soldier

Chapter 276 Air Strike

"Ta-ta-ta! Whoosh!" The gun roared, bursting with murderous intent, soaring into the sky, causing snowflakes to fly all over the sky, and then turned around and ran away. Countless bullets chased after the tracer bullets, instantly tearing the target into a mess. The slightly raised snowdrift did not change at all, but a few blood arrows rushed out and sprinkled on the snowflakes, suddenly dyeing them into several strange blood flowers, alluring. And scary.

"Sure enough, there is someone." Luo Zheng breathed a sigh of relief and searched other places vigilantly. The cold wind was whistling, the snowflakes were dancing, the land was vast, and no one could be seen. There was a thick bloody murderous aura hidden in the calm, as if it was going to kill everyone. This frozen world is melting, making people shudder.

With his condescending position and the cover of the jagged rocks, he finally managed to kill a few of the opponent's people. However, Luo Zheng knew very well that the opponent's strength was still there and he had not hurt his roots. Instead, he was scattered in the snowfield ahead, unable to find them, and he would show his death-like claws at any time. , must not be careless.

The icy temperature seemed to have dropped a little lower, and the cold air poured in from the trachea, as if it would freeze the soul. Luo Zheng moved his numb body to let the blood in his body flow more smoothly, and continued to watch the front with vigilant eyes. , searching every inch of the land, the enemy approached the three hundred meter range without making a sound. Maybe someone else penetrated even closer. In the face of life and death, there is no need to be careless.

"What?" Shan Hu suddenly shouted in surprise.

Luo Zheng glanced at Shan Hu, and followed Shan Hu's gaze to the sky in confusion. At some point, a model airplane appeared among the snowflakes flying in the sky. It penetrated the snowflakes and flew towards the hillside where everyone was lurking. He couldn't help but When I was startled, I heard Shan Hu suddenly shout: "No, it's a remote-controlled bomb on a model aircraft."

"Model airborne remote-controlled bomb? What is it?" Luo Zheng was shocked. Before he could ask, he saw the model aircraft rushing over in surprise. Thinking of the bomb, he felt scared and quickly found a place to hide.

"Boom!" There was a loud noise, and the red light exploded, swallowing up the surroundings. The powerful air shock wave roared, with the power to destroy everything. It was extremely terrifying. Luo Zheng leaned against a big stone with his back, shrinking into a ball as much as possible. Feeling the huge heat whizzing away, the surrounding snowflakes melted instantly.

"What a terrifying bomb, what kind of method is this?" Luo Zheng was shocked, and secretly woke up on a rocky hillside. Huge and irregular rocks blocked the blast wave. If it were flat ground, he would have been shocked to death.

The shock wave passed quickly, and the surrounding area was instantly occupied by the icy world. It was as cold as before. The melted snow on the rocks froze again, as if nothing happened just now. In front of nature, everything seemed small and powerless. Luo Zheng Shouted: "Is everything okay? What is so powerful?"

"It's okay." Shan Hu and Meng Zhu responded. Shan Hu changed his hiding spot again and explained: "We carry TNT explosives through a model aircraft, control the flight with electronic remote control, and detonate with electronic remote control. Fortunately, this thing is a disposable consumable. We have the cover of these rocks, otherwise we’re doomed.”

"It's interesting, it's really powerful." Luo Zheng responded with some sigh. Model aircraft are easy to manufacture, low cost, and easy to carry. This kind of attack weapon is indeed a magic weapon for special operations. It can effectively launch fixed-point attacks. Thinking of other brothers , quickly shouted: "Brother Shanhu, hurry up, inform other brothers, be careful, we have these big rocks for cover, they don't, tell them we are fine, let everyone rest assured."

"Understood." Shan Hu agreed and contacted everyone through the earphones.

The enemy used a model aircraft to remotely control the bomb attack, which did not mean that the ground attack had stopped. Luo Zheng did not dare to be careless and continued to search. Not long after, he saw another model aircraft flying quickly. The speed was too fast and he could not fight, so he could only avoid it. Luo Zheng angrily burrowed under a boulder.

"Boom!" There was another huge explosion, the ground shook, and mud and rocks fell down. Luo Zheng, who was hiding under the boulder, could feel the solid rocks loosening, as if he could not withstand the collapse. He was startled and quickly supported the boulder with his hands. Fortunately, the explosion passed quickly, and Luo Zheng jumped forward with all his strength.

"Boom!" The boulder collapsed, hit the ground, rolled twice, and was blocked by other surrounding stones. Luo Zheng was secretly shocked. He looked around and saw that many stones were shaken loose. The explosion just now was more powerful than the previous one. Even more fiercely, Luo Zheng ran quickly when he saw a stone being lifted up at the site of the last explosion.

The chance of being bombed twice at the same place is very small. The best way to avoid bombardment on the battlefield is to hide in the crater. Model aircraft are equivalent to bombardment. Luo Zheng quickly hid under the elevated stone, set up his gun, and was vigilant. Staring ahead, he yelled, "Is everything okay?"

"It's okay." Shan Hu and Meng Zhu responded.

At this time, Luo Zheng heard the sound of his cell phone in his pocket. He couldn't help but was startled. He quickly took it out and saw that there was no number display. After thinking about it, he connected it and put it to his ear. He didn't know whether we were the enemy or not and it was inconvenient to talk. However, he heard the anxious voice of the captain. Shouted: "Are you okay?"

"It's okay." Luo Zheng asked in surprise, "Isn't it because the plane to pick us up can't come?"

"Lan Xue got in touch about two things. She is very happy to know that you are fine. Let me tell you that she found some clues about the Wolf King. The situation is a bit complicated. She will not be back for the time being, but she will not be arrogant, so you can rest assured." Captain Wu said quickly, his tone a little heavy.

Luo Zheng felt something was wrong, but when he heard that Lan Xue was fine, he breathed a sigh of relief. As long as Lan Xue didn't act impulsively, and with the help of Guishou and others, he believed there was no need to worry about safety issues, so he asked, "What's the second thing?"

"According to satellite reconnaissance, a large number of armed forces are moving in your direction. According to intelligence analysis, it is the troops of the Polar Bear Country. I have contacted the Commander-in-Chief of the Northwest Group Army. It is that document. The Polar Bear Country is bound to get it. Your task is to ensure that the document Don’t lose it. If nothing can be done, burn the file. It must not fall into the hands of the enemy." Captain Wu said solemnly.

"How many are here?" Luo Zheng was shocked and asked quickly: "Can't our helicopter arrive right away? As soon as the helicopter arrives, it can leave with us."

"We can't come." Captain Wu said in a serious tone: "Two helicopters flew over and encountered a polar bear armed helicopter halfway. The polar bear state-owned ground special forces cooperated and our helicopter was destroyed."

"What?" Luo Zheng was shocked and shouted.

"Don't worry, the Northwest Group Army has sent several special forces to support them. They will arrive soon. What difficulties do you have?" Captain Wu asked seriously.

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