The strongest soldier

Chapter 2759 Discovering the tunnel

Electromagnetic pulse bombs are designed to destroy command, control and communications electronics and computer targets. The radio wave transmitter on the bomb can emit billions of watts of powerful microwaves in a billionth of a second. The power is equivalent to the electromagnetic waves released by nuclear explosions. It can penetrate underground defenses and along the lines of cables and air conditioners. The tunnel is enough to paralyze all underground defenses, power supplies, telephone communications, television broadcasts, computers and other systems, but it will not harm human lives.

To put it simply, all electronic equipment within a certain range is killed, even if it is turned off. Of course, the signal transmitter carried by Luo Zheng and others is very special. The turned off state can prevent the threat of electromagnetic explosion. Luo Zheng's cold eyes are fixed on the front. , which is the direction of Tucheng, the stronghold of Snake Nest.

Judging from the explosion, the unmanned attack aircraft first dropped a missile, and then dropped an electromagnetic pulse bomb. In a double blow, the Tucheng buildings must have been blown up. Destroying the ground buildings is more conducive to the damage of electromagnetic pulse bombs to underground electronic equipment. attack.

"This attack is cruel enough, but the banner of the Counter-Terrorism Administration is still good. If it were left alone, we would never have such powerful air strike support. Do we want to pursue it?" Guishou said excitedly beside him.

"Don't worry, the power of the electromagnetic pulse bomb is still there. What if it has an impact on our communication equipment if we get close to it? Although it's fine in theory, it's better to be careful. Besides, it doesn't mean much now. We have to figure it out first. Let’s talk about some situations.” Luo Zheng said in a deep voice.

"What's going on?" Guishou asked curiously.

Luo Zheng did not answer, but calmly observed the front and waited patiently. After about ten minutes, Luo Zheng turned on the signal transmitter and waited nervously. Soon, the signal transmitter connected to the satellite and established contact with the headquarters. Zheng was overjoyed when he heard the voice of the headquarters coming from the headset. It was good that it was not broken. He quickly said: "Headquarters, headquarters, I heard the answer."

"I heard, the sound quality is good, and it can withstand the impact of electromagnetic pulse bombs. It's great." Blue Star shouted excitedly, as if he had picked up some treasure.

"Huh? Didn't you say there's no problem? Haven't you tried it?" Luo Zheng asked in surprise. Blue Star said that the annunciator can withstand electromagnetic pulse bomb attacks when it is turned off. The annunciator was also developed by Blue Star. Luo Zheng asked in surprise. Zheng completely believed Lan Xing's words, but he didn't expect Lan Xing to say that?

"Hehe, in theory, laboratory data, I have never experienced actual combat. Besides, where can I go for actual combat testing? Our country's electromagnetic pulse bomb experiment does not allow me to try it, and you have never encountered an electromagnetic pulse bomb attack. Facts have proved that I was right, you have to give me credit." Blue Star smiled awkwardly.

"You?" Luo Zheng was shocked. If he had known that it had not been tested and was just theoretical data from the research laboratory, Luo Zheng would never have dared to take the risk. Communication equipment is the key to victory. If everyone no longer has communicators, how can the troops gather together? The desert is no joke.

"You're taking too many risks." Lan Xue's voice sounded in the headset.

"Okay, I won't dare next time." Lanxing quickly admitted his mistake.

"It was indeed too risky, but we succeeded. The merits and demerits are equal. No reward will be given. Find out immediately where the group of enemies went?" Luo Zheng said in a deep voice.

"They retreated about a thousand meters and suddenly disappeared into the desert before the drone attack. I suspect there is an underground passage leading directly to the bottom of Tucheng. The specific location has been locked. Do you want to check it out?" Lan Xue said quickly.

"Underground passage? It's really a cobra. It's cunning enough." Luo Zheng said angrily. After thinking for a moment, he rolled up his sleeves and tried to open the tablet, only to find that the tablet was broken. It was obviously affected by the electromagnetic pulse bomb attack. Although it was farther away, it was still destroyed.

Luo Zheng put down his sleeves helplessly and said in a deep voice: "The tablet is broken. There is no GPS. The only electronic device left is the signal transmitter. Please guide us."

"Understood." Blue Star quickly took over the topic and said, "Go forward and go straight towards one o'clock."

"Inform Shan Diao and Liu Xun to rush there too." Luo Zheng said in a deep voice: "Zhou Gang, Zhang Bin, Wu Yuan."

"Arrived." Zhou Gang and the others responded in a deep voice, and everyone also turned on the signal.

"Quickly lead the team to follow me, in a triangular formation, and keep a straight line distance of about thirty meters." Luo Zheng warned in a deep voice. Thirty meters is the limit of visibility with the naked eye at the moment. This distance is also convenient for support and cover.

"Understood." Zhou Gang and the others responded solemnly.

Everyone rushed forward quickly, climbing over the sand dunes. Not long after, the sand dunes ahead were higher and much larger, and the terrain became more complicated. Luo Zheng signaled the troops to spread out quickly and advance in a search formation. Ten minutes later, under the guidance of the headquarters, I arrived at a sand valley, and soon discovered messy footprints on the ground and a sunken sand pit.

"Disperse, be on alert." Luo Zheng shouted in a deep voice. He quickly rushed up to check and found that the bunker was square in shape, about three meters long and wide, but it had been collapsed by the explosion. Countless fine sand sunk in, completely blocking the passage. Luo Zheng stood up angrily and looked coldly in the direction of Tucheng, feeling very solemn in his heart. There was an underground passage here, which meant that there were intricate sand dunes somewhere around it. The enemy was familiar with the terrain and could launch a surprise attack at any time. What should I do?

"These poisonous snakes actually have tunnels, and there must be more around them. No wonder they choose to fight with us here. It turns out that there are tunnels. They can freely enter and leave the Tucheng underground base, and launch sneak attacks when we are not paying attention, but we have no way of using them. What should I do?" Guishou said in a deep voice, recalling the last battle in Burma. Luo Zheng also discovered tunnels at that time and attacked with water and won a complete victory. But this is a desert area, let alone water, even There are no living plants at all.

"It's very troublesome." Luo Zheng frowned and said in a deep voice, his eyes narrowed slightly as he began to think.

"It's really troublesome. We can't attack with water or fire. No matter where we know, we can just blow it up. If we don't destroy their tunnels, even if we attack the underground base, they can still escape from the tunnels. This is a big problem, these bastards They actually dug a tunnel, how big a project is this?" Guishou said angrily.

"There shouldn't be too many tunnels. Don't worry, I'll think about it." Luo Zheng said in a deep voice.

Guishou nodded, did not disturb, and waited patiently. After a while, Luo Zheng suddenly said: "Assuming that one direction is counted as one tunnel, there are four. As long as one exists, they can run away. Unfortunately, Tucheng has been abandoned a lot. Years ago, we couldn’t even find a local guide. It seems that we must find other people who are familiar with Tucheng to understand the situation.”

"Just attack with ground-penetrating missiles." Ghost Hand suggested murderously.

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