The strongest soldier

Chapter 2757 Thrilling Blockade

The position where everyone ambush is the place where the enemy must pass to pursue them. On the left is an open sand valley with relatively flat terrain. Those pursuing from the sand valley are all exposed to the muzzle of the gun and become living targets. The pursuers can only climb over the sand dunes in front of them. Rush over, but you will also be directly exposed to the muzzle of the gun. There is a U-shape from the sand dune in front to the position where everyone is ambushing. It takes several minutes to go up and down, which is enough for everyone to shoot the enemy.

Luo Zheng had no choice but to choose to block the enemy here. Once the enemy rushed up from here, everyone would be on the sand dunes at the same height, and there would be no geographical advantage. Of course, this terrain is conducive to defense, and the enemy would have to pay a heavy price unless they made a roundabout way. Outflanking, but it would take more than ten minutes, Luo Zheng didn't mind waiting.

The air strike would take twenty minutes. Luo Zheng was worried that he had no time. He waited and stared coldly ahead. He saw a head sticking out of the sand dune in front of him, and then more heads sticking out. Perhaps he found that the terrain was not suitable for him. At their own disadvantage, these people were not in a hurry to charge.

The deterrence of organized and unorganized charges is different. Luo Zheng's face became solemn and he shouted in a deep voice: "Listen to my orders, prepare the grenades, and adjust the button bombs to gravity detonation mode. Hurry." After saying that, he will hang up the grenades. He took off the only two grenades on his body and put them aside. He also took out a dozen button bombs from the ammunition pouch of the tactical vest and quickly adjusted to the gravity detonation mode. In this mode, the button bombs will fall to the ground when they are thrown out. fry.

While Luo Zheng was preparing, he stared coldly ahead. After waiting for about two or three minutes, he suddenly saw countless muzzles flashing out on the sand dunes in front of him, lined up in a row. The black holes of the muzzles exuded a chill. Luo Zheng knew The enemy is about to attack, so quickly take aim with your sniper rifle.

"Click, click, click -" The enemy opened fire, and the whistling sound of the bullets was not like the dragon's tooth bullets. Luo Zheng estimated that the enemy had only copied the dragon's tooth sniper bullets, and not the dragon's tooth rifle bullets, but the straight line distance between the enemy and us was not close. A hundred meters away, a bullet hitting the head is as dangerous as the kinetic energy of the bullet is enough to stun a person or cause a concussion.

Everyone also heard the abnormality of bullets passing by and knew that they were ordinary bullets, but no one dared to show their heads. They all hid and opened fire carefully to counterattack. The enemy's firepower was too strong and everyone was passive. At this time, more enemies appeared. He climbed up, rushed down the sand slope fiercely, and rushed towards the sand dune where everyone was.

Luo Zheng had expected this scene and did not panic. Instead, he estimated the distance and shouted in a deep voice: "Brothers, fifty meters ahead, grenade, kill-"

"Kill -" everyone shouted, and they all opened the safety of the grenades that had been prepared long ago, and threw them at the estimated position of fifty meters. More than a dozen grenades whizzed away, drawing a terrifying parabola in the void. It happened to fall among the enemies rushing down.

"Boom, boom, boom -" The grenades exploded instantly, one after another, as if they were going to shatter the entire night sky. Red lights flashed, swallowing up the surrounding targets, and the powerful shock wave even set off clouds of fine sand.

The grenade attack startled the enemy, and the firepower was stagnant. Everyone took the opportunity to quickly look around and found the location of more enemies charging down. Another grenade was quickly thrown over, landing accurately among the enemies, and exploded. Open it and blow the enemy to pieces again.

"Da da da -" The enemy reacted and started firing with all their strength. The bullets were so dense that everyone couldn't even lift their heads and had to retreat. The bullets hit the top of the dune and sank into the fine sand. The density of the fine sand was extremely high. , the friction is great, and the bullets cannot penetrate the fine sand and hit the people below the slope. Even if a few accidentally penetrate the fine sand and come out, the kinetic energy of hitting the body is insufficient, and they are blocked by the bullet-proof armor, so there is no danger to life.

The enemy's firepower was too fierce, and everyone had no chance to fight back. Luo Zheng's face was as solemn as frost. He found an opportunity to quickly look forward and found that more enemies were rushing up. They were all silent and moved very fast. At a glance, it was clear that The well-trained elites had already rushed under the dune on the opposite side, preparing to rush towards the dune where they were ambush. Luo Zheng's eyes flashed, and he quickly picked up a few button bombs with adjusted modes in his hand, and said in a deep voice: "Directly ahead. Twenty meters away, throw——!”

Everyone grabbed the adjusted button bombs and threw them towards the other slope of the dune. There was no chance to look over and observe. The enemy's firepower was too fierce. No one knew whether they could hold on. But no one was worried, and no one retreated. Strictly Follow Luo Zheng's orders.

"Boom, boom, boom -" button bombs exploded one after another, followed by countless screams one after another. The screams were shrill and painful, and spread far across the night sky. Everyone remained unmoved and continued to prepare. Throw the button bombs hard towards the slope on the other side of the dune. Throw them casually if you can't see them. It can deter the enemy, delay time, or even kill the enemy by accident.

"Boom, boom, boom -" the explosion of dozens of button bombs sounded again, the fine sand flying from the explosion, the red light seemed to ignite the night sky, and the sound was terrifying.

There were very few fragments of button bombs, but the shock wave was more powerful than grenades. Everyone threw them forward indiscriminately, and the enemies who rushed up were stunned. They lay down to hide, and some people were directly blown up. Buried in the fine sand, screams continued one after another. No matter how elite the soldiers were, they were scum in the face of the explosion. Even if the opponent wore bullet-proof armor, they would be shocked to death.

"Whoosh whoosh-" Suddenly, Luo Zheng heard the terrifying screams of sniper bullets. He couldn't help being startled. He looked up and found someone firing on the sand dune on one side. The sniper bullets were rushing towards the sand dune where the enemy was ambushing. , with murderous intent and attacks like fire. When he knew that the brothers were coming, he was immediately overjoyed.

At this time, the sound of sniper gunfire also sounded from a sand dune on the other side, and the sniper bullets also rushed towards the place where the enemy was ambushing. Luo Zheng knew that more brothers were coming, and shouted excitedly: "The reinforcements are here, brother. Let’s kill—” He picked up the sniper rifle and climbed up the sand dune.

At this time, Luo Zheng was horrified to find that an enemy had rushed up, with most of his head exposed, and was only three or four meters away from him. He quickly drew his pistol, aimed at the enemy's head and fired quickly, while roaring: "Quickly , the enemy rushed up, kill -"

"Kill -" Upon hearing this, Guishou and others climbed up the sand dunes one after another, regardless of the danger, and fired fiercely forward with the steel guns in their hands. A dozen enemies who had climbed up were instantly knocked down by everyone, and rolled down the slope of the sand dune. Fall down.

During his busy schedule, Luo Zheng looked over and saw that the enemies on the sand dunes in the distance were attacked from both sides by the reinforcements coming from his side. No enemy has escaped, so kill them."

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