The strongest soldier

Chapter 2754 Active counterattack

During the battle to rescue Tubas, many surrounding teams arrived, including Gui Shou, Liu Xun, Zhang Bin and Wu Yuan. During the retreat, Gui Shou took charge of the retreat and led Liu Xun, Zhang Bin and Wu Yuan's team to the rear. , alternately covering the retreat, Guishou came to Luo Zheng, sat down, panted heavily and said: "Brother, there are no pursuers behind, you can be sure."

"Well, thank you for your hard work." Luo Zheng said in a deep voice. He looked at the panting Liu Xun, Zhang Bin, Wu Yuan and others. They were all teammates of the ghost team he led back then. They have all grown up now, and he was secretly pleased. He couldn't help but estimate the strength of the troops around him. There were more than sixty people in total, fifty of whom were all snipers, except for the team led by Guishou.

Thinking of this, Luo Zheng suddenly felt blessed. Since the enemy could take the initiative and catch him off guard, why couldn't he? If it were in the past, Luo Zheng would definitely gather his troops and look for opportunities, but the situation was different now. Luo Zheng had a vague feeling that the enemy commander knew him very well and had to do the opposite.

"Come here, everyone." Luo Zheng said in a deep voice, motioning to the leading officers to gather together and then said in a deep voice: "I plan to sneak attack the enemy, what do you think?"

"Sneak attack?" Guishou looked at Luo Zheng in surprise and asked. Seeing Luo Zheng nodding in the affirmative, he thought about it and said in a deep voice: "The current situation is not conducive for us to sneak attack the enemy. The biggest problem is the lack of intelligence. We don’t know the enemy at all, so the top priority is to solve the intelligence problem. We can let our brother troops infiltrate and investigate the enemy’s situation. If we find the enemy, we can retreat and we’ll find out more about it.”

"That's a conventional tactic of yours. If it were before, we would do it, but it's different now." Shandiao said.

"What's the difference?" Guishou asked in surprise.

"The enemy commander seems to be very familiar with us. Every move we make may be accurately predicted by the opponent. It is better to do the opposite." Shan Diao reminded.

"Then why couldn't the enemy commander be sure that we would launch a sneak attack?" Guishou reminded.

Luo Zheng saw that the mountain eagle wanted to tell the difference, so he waved his hand and took over the topic and said: "Maybe it can be done, maybe it can't be done, five to five. Secondly, even if they can, they can't calculate the specific location of our sneak attack, because our troops are scattered in Surrounded by enemies, they have to defend themselves against possible sneak attacks at any time, and their troops also have to be dispersed. This is the reason why I don’t assemble the troops. The brother troops disperse the enemy. We have more than 60 brothers here, almost all of them are snipers. , has enough strength to carry out a sneak attack."

"It makes sense, okay, I'll listen to you." Guishou immediately reacted and agreed happily.

"Tubas." Luo Zheng looked at Tubas and said in a deep voice.

"Arrived." Tubas responded quickly.

"Take a few of your brothers and be responsible for staying here. I will hand over all the wounded and wounded brothers to you. A helicopter will come to pick them up later. You stay here and guard here to support our retreat. If our sneak attack fails, we will come here and fight with you." When you meet up, you need someone to help you." Luo Zheng warned in a deep voice.

"Yes." Tubas agreed knowingly.

Luo Zheng looked at everyone and said in a deep voice: "We have decided without any opinions. We have five minutes to prepare. Everyone has something to eat and maintains their weapons. We will set off in five minutes."

"Understood." Everyone responded in a deep voice, dispersed one after another, and rejoined their teams to convey the order.

Five minutes later, the team ate something and took care of their weapons. They quickly set off and headed straight for the snake nest. In the battle just now, several brothers died. This revenge must be avenged. Guishou led his team and rushed in. The front serves as the vanguard, and other troops follow up in a fan-shaped formation with small teams as combat units.

Luo Zheng and Gui Shou were together. The troops marched all the way. After running for about three kilometers, they slowed down. Everyone spread out a lot. The team moved forward in a search formation. About three kilometers further on, there was a snake nest. They are all the enemy's secret sentry defense areas, so we have to guard against them.

The team walked about another kilometer. Luo Zheng gave an order. The troops quickly hid on the slope behind the sand dunes. They each found a place to hide. They observed the surroundings vigilantly. The surroundings were vast and the visibility was very low. No abnormalities could be seen. Everyone worriedly observed through the scope and kept adjusting the macro on the scope. Unfortunately, they saw nothing.

"Nothing." Guishou whispered to Luo Zheng next to him in surprise.

"Don't worry." Luo Zheng whispered, searching the surroundings through the sniper scope. Under the gray night, the yellow sand was endless, and it was dark in the distance, as if it was a dark beast that swallowed everything, and there was a sense of danger. The breath gives people endless pressure, and indeed nothing can be seen as far as the eye can see.

"This place is at most two kilometers away from the snake den. Normally there should be a secret whistle. Why not?" Guishou muttered beside him, frowning and thinking about something.

Luo Zheng also thought of this, so he stopped the troops and continued the search patiently, not daring to be careless. Five minutes passed. Everyone was a little anxious after waiting. They all looked at the mountain eagle, and the mountain eagle looked at Luo Zheng. Luo Zheng had no intention of taking action immediately, so he quickly gestured to his troops to tell them to be calm.

Another five minutes passed. Everyone didn't know what Luo Zheng's plan was. Why did he hide behind this sand dune for ten minutes? However, out of their absolute belief in Luo Zheng, everyone did not object and continued to wait patiently. Another five minutes passed unknowingly. Luo Zheng continued to observe the surroundings with a determined face, without any impatience. Suddenly, Luo Zheng discovered that in front of him A faint light flashed across a dune under the night sky, like a firefly.

"Huh?" Luo Zheng quickly moved his gun and aimed it in surprise. With his previous experience with laser guns, Luo Zheng did not dare to be careless at all. He carefully searched the light source, zoomed in on the focus, narrowed the distance, and eliminated every inch. Not long after, Luo Zheng noticed something unusual next to a sand pile. To be precise, he found something with a pipe-like trace on the sand. It was buried in the fine sand and could not be seen clearly.

This tube is very straight. It doesn't look like a snake under the sand, nor does it look like other reptiles. It's even less likely to be an animal. The only explanation is a branch or a gun barrel. Luo Zheng is more willing to believe in the gun barrel. The vast desert Where did the branches come from? Luo Zheng's heart trembled, and he quickly said in a deep voice through the headset: "Mountain Eagle, Liu Xun, Zhang Bin, Wu Yuan!"

"Here." The person whose name was called responded in a low voice.

The ghost hand next to him looked at Luo Zheng in surprise. Seeing Luo Zheng's face full of cold and murderous intent, he was overjoyed when he realized that he had discovered something. He quickly gave his troops a sign to prepare for battle. Everyone nodded knowingly and got ready to open fire. , At this time, Luo Zheng lowered his voice and said: "There is a suspicious target at ten o'clock ahead, about a thousand meters away. Mountain Eagle will go up from the left, Liu Xun will go up from the right, and they will circle around for three kilometers to outflank it. The others will stay on standby. ."

"Understood." Everyone responded in a low voice with understanding, restraining the murderous aura that almost broke out.

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